Rent a car OR Disney transportation ?


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I'm sure it's been covered at great lengths already but I'm really curious. In your opinion, which is better for you and why? Renting a car or using Disney transportation. Would love to hear some of your pros and cons. I have my opinion and that is renting a car.

For me, I enjoy the freedom of going where I want. If I need to leave property to go to a Pharmacy or Grocery store or do a Krispy Kreme run, I can. I don't have to wait for a bus, worry that I'm on the right bus, will have to cram in with lots of people at the end of a long day. I just can't see not having a car. Again, this is my opinion. Would love to hear yours... :lookaroun


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, it just depends on if im going to go off property or not. most of the time, the only time i see anything outside of disney is when im going in on day 1 and leaving on day ?. but yes, if i was going to be treking it to krispy creme or the others you listed. id definatly want a car instead of wasting half my day on city/disney trans.

my vote:save the money and dont leave the property. it probably all evens out when you factor in the amount you would spend on items on property, then spend renting a vehicle and going off property.

but it is your call.


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Very true. I'm saying I guess by renting a car, I have an option of doing a Krispy Kreme run. I wouldn't think of it if I had to rely on public transportation. Being able to leave property is a pro of having a car. Your right, it does depend on what you want to do while there... :)


New Member
I guess it would depend on what you are planning on doing. I have never really had a reason to leave WDW while I am there so I would say Disney transportation.


New Member
I would say use Disney transportation. We normally drive down to Disney, but when it comes to being on the grounds.. it is much easier to just hop on a bus. However, renting a car (or having a car) is nice so you can go off-site, and maybe see Orlando. Or.. like you said.. go to the grocery store or krispy kremes. It is really just a personal choice, and also depends if you want to spend the money for a car.

Have fun!


New Member
We always drive to Disney, but we use Disney Transportation when we get there. You are actually paying for the transportation cost in the hotel fees. That is why Disney hotels are more expensive than the ones off-property.


Active Member
I finally saw the light :D Disney Transportation :wave: Eat Krispy Kreme when you get home :cool:

I fought the traffic with a rental car for years :eek: It's a nightmare when the parks close :lookaroun I finally wised up and decided to let the WDW Bus Drivers deal with the crazy car drivers darting in and out at 80 mph.


Although we have used Disney trans. and renting a car, we usually do a bit of both. What I mean is we rent a car and if we want to drive, we do and if not, then we take Disney trans. We like to go off campus (Papa Johns pizza, Millenia Mall, Cheesecake Factory, Florida Mall, etc...) so having a car is important. But we like to take the monorail to MK and often to Grand Floridean, Contemporary, and Polynesian to eat dinner. What also factors in is what hotel we are staying at. We tend to use the car more when we stay at POFQ or Coronado Springs than at Polynesian, for example. In the end, we like the option of having a car if we want to use it, but we have to take the monorail while we're at Disney. It's just part of the experience :)


Well-Known Member
We drive to WDW and use Disney Transportation or the monorail to get around the parks. Although we've made several trips where we did not use our car from the time we checked in until we left, we have gotten more adventurous and use it especially for resort hopping and sometimes to go to DTD. We could always do without a car, since the bus transportation is so good (from most resorts - there are some exceptions), but I like having the option to drive over to WL or AKL for dinner, etc. We rarely, if ever, leave WDW property. Yes, we could save a little money eating off site, but we'd also give up a lot of time, and when you're at WDW, time IS money! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi there, As previously mentioned it really is a very personal call. I have several friends who similar to others on this thread, dont want to feel like they are restricted to "campus" They NEED to rent a car and be able to come and go as they please. They dont like getting into the bus" with all those other people" and like that they can go to Krispy Kreme or wherever.
I Am of the exact opposite opinion!! I have no problem beinglimited to Disney. I can go to Cracker Barrel, Krispy Kreme or just about any other fast food type of outlet at home ( I Live in NYC after all!!) I am not so big on shopping that I cant survive several days without shopping at the local mall or local outlet malls without freaking out. Actually I have no problem going weeks without shopping per se. If I need something I can find it at Disney I am sure!!!! Although I usually tend to be pretty good on the packing thing so I tend not to need much. I Am also not into shopping as a hobby If I need something I buy it. I dont just go wandering around the stores to pass time, Id far rather be in a theme park, which is something I CANT do while here in NYC. Plus the idea of not having to deal with all the traffic and hassle on my vacation is a very big positive!!! For me, the cost of renting a car is not an expense I can understand, much less alone justify so for me it is a no brainer. Mears or Towncar service it is!!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: Belle


Active Member
I'd choose to rent a car, but that's only because i would get going to Universal. Plus it does give you to freedom to drive somewhere if you need anything that can't be found on Disney property.


Well-Known Member
We drive to WDW as well. We use the buses to go to the parks and back. My parents always come to Orlando for the night, so we use our car to go to their room off site to visit. Other then that we use the buses.

This is so off topic but, what is the little triangle by the on-line symbol?? Thanks


Well-Known Member
We use the Disney transportation and have never considered renting a car. Since my husband & I do a lot of driving at home/work, I really love not having to drive at all during our stay. Once on Disney transportation, I sit back and let someone else do the driving. That is part of the magical feeling I get at WDW - not having to drive myself & family anywhere!


My mother drives up whenever I'm in WDW so I experience both. The car is very nice to have at your disposal, especially when you want to run over to Chic Fil A for some breakfast (Chicken buscuits, MmmmmMMMMmmm!! :slurp: ) but for the most part we still use Disney transportation even when we have a car. Exceptions are when we know it will be especially crowded on the bus or when it stops at more than one place (ie a water park) which adds too much time to the commute.


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Great replies. It's amazing how many of you enjoy using Disney Transportation. Even when we were staying on site, we used a rental car. We personally like having that freedom but I can see your reasons to want to take advantage of the Disney services. For me, I don't feel like I'm paying for the transportation in my room price. I don't need to leave Disney property but like the option if I decided I wanted to. Thanks for all the great replies. :sohappy:


wannabeBelle, I totally see where you are coming from. NYC has great shopping and great restaurants. I'm sure there isn't much, if anything, that Orlando has that NYC doesn't. But I live in Buffalo, so we don't have the higher-end department stores or boutiques here, let alone my favorite restaurants such as Cheesecake Factory and California Pizza Kitchen. When I travel, it gives me a chance to shop and buy things I can't get here or eat places we don't have here. It's actually a great part of my vacation. I guess where you're from really does have a lot to do with it.


Well-Known Member
I always rent a car when I am down there because I see relatives and like to explore around the area. If I didn't have relatives, I would probably still rent the car because I want to be able to drive around and see different thing "off campus".
Not saying that I don't use Disney transportation, I do as much as possible. However getting on that crowded bus at the end of a day at the park is not my cup of tea! I'd rather get back to my car, zoom off to my room, go swimming and be heading back to my room as the buses are dropping off people to the resort.

Plus, if you want to go to the outlets, a car is essential! Cab prices will have your money being spent real quick!


New Member
All of our trips we have driven up to WDW. But once there we rarely even see our car. We usually park it some where under the monorail lines so we can look down to make sure it is still there and ok. Other than that we don't even think of it.

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