Cap'n Jack Sparrow sets sail for Florida
Jim Hill talks about the new AA figure that's just been approved for installation in WDW's "Pirates of the Caribbean."
by Jim Hill
Norrington: Well, well, Jack Sparrow , isn't it?
Jack : Captain Jack Sparrow , if you please, sir.
Norrington: Well, I don't see your ship, Captain.
Jack : I'm in the market, as it were.
Murtogg: He said he'd come to commandeer one.
Mullroy: Told ya he was telling the truth. These are his, sir. (hands Norrington Jack's effects)
Norrington: No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north. (unsheathes Sparrow's sword) And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack : But you have heard of me.
By this point, I'd imagine that we've all heard of Captain Jack Sparrow. As played by Academy Award nominee Johnny Depp, Cap'n Jack basically walked off (Well ... staggered off ) with "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl." Thanks in large part of Depp's inspired performance, this 2003 Walt Disney Pictures release went on to earn over $650 million at the worldwide box office.
This popular motion picture has (obviously) sparked a renewed interest in the classic theme park attraction. Though some guests -- as they've been exiting Disney World's version of "Pirates" -- have recently been heard to grumble: "What a rip-off. Cap'n Jack's nowhere to been seen in that ride."
Which (I know) will all make you Disney theme park history buffs out there laugh. Because you already know that "The Curse of the Black Pearl" was only inspired by the "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction. That this Gore Verbinski film only features elements from the ride. It wasn't meant to be a slavish note-for-note copy of the attraction.
But the members of the general public? They don't seem to understand that. So, when they go on a "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride, they expect -- at some point in the attraction -- to actually get to see Captain Jack Sparrow.
And -- as the hosts & hostesses at City Hall at WDW's Magic Kingdom will tell you -- they've really begun to get complaints about this issue. Particularly now that "Pirates" is out on DVD and continues to sell strongly.
So what's the Mouse to do? Change a classic theme park attraction just to please some somewhat disgruntled members of the general public? You bet.
So even now -- as Walt Disney Pictures is prepping to shoot that "Pirates" sequel -- WDI is making some plans of its own. The Imagineers are looking to fold a little bit of "The Black Pearl" into Disney World's POTC when that Adventureland attraction goes down for a lengthy rehab later this year.
So -- in addition just a general freshing-up of this attraction (As well as repairing the many leaks in the roof of POTC's main show building) -- Disney World's "Pirates" attraction will be getting a brand-new AA figure. An Audio-Animatronic Captain Jack -- supposedly voiced by Johnny Deep himself -- that will appear in the attraction's finale sequence. Which will (hopefully) finally put an end to all those Magic Kingdom guest complaints about WDW's POTC being Sparrow-free.
"So when might we get to see Cap'n Jack staggering around Disney World?," you ask. The current plan calls for the revamped version of "Pirates" to be up & running by the late spring/early summer of 2006.
"Why then?," you query. Remember how "The Curse of the Black Pearl" 's world premiere was actually held at Disneyland? With a giant screen set up right in the middle of the Rivers of America and the film's after-party being held in New Orleans Square? Well, the publicity staff at Walt Disney Pictures is now giving some semi-serious thought to staging a similiar sized event for the world premiere of "Pirates 2." Only this time around, the premiere and the after-party would be held in Orlando inside the Magic Kingdom.
And what better way would there be to cap off an evening of fun (Not to mention maximize your movie's promotion potential) than to have Johnny Depp wielding a sword as he presides over the ribbon cutting at WDW's revamped "Pirates" attraction? Then premiere party-goers (and the press) could board long boats and check out the newly spruced up ride. Not to mention getting pictures of Mr. Depp standing alongside the attraction's new Cap'n Jack Sparrow figure.
Sounds like a pretty amazing event, doesn't it? Well -- just so you know -- staging the world premiere of "Pirates II" at WDW's Magic Kingdom is NOT a done deal. This idea is still very much in just the talking-about-it phase. No definitive plans have been made at this time.
But that Cap'n Jack AA figure? That's actually going to happen, folks, as part of "Pirates" 's upcoming rehab. The budget for the figure has already been approved.
Some Disneyana fans might call this a brilliant idea. While others -- you purists out there -- might call it madness. But -- as Captain Jack Sparrow himself once so eloquently put it: Jack : It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
Your thoughts?
Jim Hill talks about the new AA figure that's just been approved for installation in WDW's "Pirates of the Caribbean."
by Jim Hill
Norrington: Well, well, Jack Sparrow , isn't it?
Jack : Captain Jack Sparrow , if you please, sir.
Norrington: Well, I don't see your ship, Captain.
Jack : I'm in the market, as it were.
Murtogg: He said he'd come to commandeer one.
Mullroy: Told ya he was telling the truth. These are his, sir. (hands Norrington Jack's effects)
Norrington: No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north. (unsheathes Sparrow's sword) And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack : But you have heard of me.
By this point, I'd imagine that we've all heard of Captain Jack Sparrow. As played by Academy Award nominee Johnny Depp, Cap'n Jack basically walked off (Well ... staggered off ) with "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl." Thanks in large part of Depp's inspired performance, this 2003 Walt Disney Pictures release went on to earn over $650 million at the worldwide box office.
This popular motion picture has (obviously) sparked a renewed interest in the classic theme park attraction. Though some guests -- as they've been exiting Disney World's version of "Pirates" -- have recently been heard to grumble: "What a rip-off. Cap'n Jack's nowhere to been seen in that ride."
Which (I know) will all make you Disney theme park history buffs out there laugh. Because you already know that "The Curse of the Black Pearl" was only inspired by the "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction. That this Gore Verbinski film only features elements from the ride. It wasn't meant to be a slavish note-for-note copy of the attraction.
But the members of the general public? They don't seem to understand that. So, when they go on a "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride, they expect -- at some point in the attraction -- to actually get to see Captain Jack Sparrow.
And -- as the hosts & hostesses at City Hall at WDW's Magic Kingdom will tell you -- they've really begun to get complaints about this issue. Particularly now that "Pirates" is out on DVD and continues to sell strongly.
So what's the Mouse to do? Change a classic theme park attraction just to please some somewhat disgruntled members of the general public? You bet.
So even now -- as Walt Disney Pictures is prepping to shoot that "Pirates" sequel -- WDI is making some plans of its own. The Imagineers are looking to fold a little bit of "The Black Pearl" into Disney World's POTC when that Adventureland attraction goes down for a lengthy rehab later this year.
So -- in addition just a general freshing-up of this attraction (As well as repairing the many leaks in the roof of POTC's main show building) -- Disney World's "Pirates" attraction will be getting a brand-new AA figure. An Audio-Animatronic Captain Jack -- supposedly voiced by Johnny Deep himself -- that will appear in the attraction's finale sequence. Which will (hopefully) finally put an end to all those Magic Kingdom guest complaints about WDW's POTC being Sparrow-free.
"So when might we get to see Cap'n Jack staggering around Disney World?," you ask. The current plan calls for the revamped version of "Pirates" to be up & running by the late spring/early summer of 2006.
"Why then?," you query. Remember how "The Curse of the Black Pearl" 's world premiere was actually held at Disneyland? With a giant screen set up right in the middle of the Rivers of America and the film's after-party being held in New Orleans Square? Well, the publicity staff at Walt Disney Pictures is now giving some semi-serious thought to staging a similiar sized event for the world premiere of "Pirates 2." Only this time around, the premiere and the after-party would be held in Orlando inside the Magic Kingdom.
And what better way would there be to cap off an evening of fun (Not to mention maximize your movie's promotion potential) than to have Johnny Depp wielding a sword as he presides over the ribbon cutting at WDW's revamped "Pirates" attraction? Then premiere party-goers (and the press) could board long boats and check out the newly spruced up ride. Not to mention getting pictures of Mr. Depp standing alongside the attraction's new Cap'n Jack Sparrow figure.
Sounds like a pretty amazing event, doesn't it? Well -- just so you know -- staging the world premiere of "Pirates II" at WDW's Magic Kingdom is NOT a done deal. This idea is still very much in just the talking-about-it phase. No definitive plans have been made at this time.
But that Cap'n Jack AA figure? That's actually going to happen, folks, as part of "Pirates" 's upcoming rehab. The budget for the figure has already been approved.
Some Disneyana fans might call this a brilliant idea. While others -- you purists out there -- might call it madness. But -- as Captain Jack Sparrow himself once so eloquently put it: Jack : It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
Your thoughts?