pluto parade accident -unanswered questions


New Member
Original Poster
I know this is an old, and and already covered topic.. [the cast member death that was caused by a parade float several weeks ago.] however the story recently came up again, and i realized i still have many unanswered questions concerning the incident.

i've seen the tv coverage, i've read the printed stories, but so far i've only heard the same thing: what happened. I want to know HOW it happened..

sorry if it's me being naive or ignorant, but i'm just not comprehending how it physically happened, and would appreciate if someone (maybe someone even involved with wdw entertainment) could explain how something like this could occur.. i mean, how does someone get killed by one of these floats? are they not moving at an extremely slow speed? how does someone go about getting trapped beneath one of these -let alone to the point they cannot get out- and how does a driver not notice this happening, or anyone around for that matter..? did no one see this accident as it was happening? was there no one to scream "stop! stop!" to the driver..?

i really just don't understand.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineersrock
I know this is an old, and and already covered topic.. [the cast member death that was caused by a parade float several weeks ago.] however the story recently came up again, and i realized i still have many unanswered questions concerning the incident.

i've seen the tv coverage, i've read the printed stories, but so far i've only heard the same thing: what happened. I want to know HOW it happened..

sorry if it's me being naive or ignorant, but i'm just not comprehending how it physically happened, and would appreciate if someone (maybe someone even involved with wdw entertainment) could explain how something like this could occur.. i mean, how does someone get killed by one of these floats? are they not moving at an extremely slow speed? how does someone go about getting trapped beneath one of these -let alone to the point they cannot get out- and how does a driver not notice this happening, or anyone around for that matter..? did no one see this accident as it was happening? was there no one to scream "stop! stop!" to the driver..?

i really just don't understand.

While I don't know specifics, I think some things can explain how the accident turned tragically fatal.

1) If you fall in a character costume, it is not easy to get up, avoid danger, or audibly express yourself -- you really need to be spotted.

2) Visibility while driving a float is far from 100%. There are many blind spots.

3) Regardless of speed, if you are crushed by a car/float, it's just as fatal.


Well-Known Member
As far as screaming for the driver to stop, I believe the parade was already on its way. And you know how loud that music is. So I don't think the driver would have heard a thing regardless.

Most of the time, the drivers can only see directly in front of them. The CM I believe was off to one side and his own visibility was restricted.

It was an accident. A simple accident that could of happened at any park and to anyone. But if it's bad news about WDW, the public (and press) tend to blow it up and make it huge. The fact is, it was just an accident.


New Member
basically, he was in between 2 cars of the princess 3-part float where the driver couldnt see becasue they are in the front of the first car. It would be like someone laying down behind your car under the back bumper. You couldnt see them. when these floats start up, like a trailer hitch there is a bit of resistance and sometime a jerking or lurching forward. This is what the driver most likely experienced and assumed thats what it was. Basically, it seems as though it was an accident all around. Someone was where they weren't supposed to be.


New Member
Originally posted by raven
As far as screaming for the driver to stop, I believe the parade was already on its way. And you know how loud that music is. So I don't think the driver would have heard a thing regardless.

Most of the time, the drivers can only see directly in front of them. The CM I believe was off to one side and his own visibility was restricted.

It was an accident. A simple accident that could of happened at any park and to anyone. But if it's bad news about WDW, the public (and press) tend to blow it up and make it huge. The fact is, it was just an accident.

Actually, I've heard it occurred backstage, so I don't think there would have been too much noise.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
Actually, I've heard it occurred backstage, so I don't think there would have been too much noise.

Yes, but it was right before the float entered onstage. The music starts up backstage in that area. If you stand by the starting gates for the parade. The music is very loud coming from the trees backstage way before the first float even reaches the gates.

I was walking by it once and didnt know the parade was about to begin and the music started and scared the bejesus out of me!


New Member
I never even heard about this...terrible!!

Maybe they should equip them with headsets or something during parades. That would make it alot easier to say "Man Down"

(been watching too many war movies I


I thought that they might pull Pluto from appearances for a while, but I saw him last weekend at Epcot on the Character Caravan bus. I hope people don't make comments when kids can hear them.


New Member
Ok guys. I am honestly completely sorry. I didn't think my post would have such an impact. I am truly sorry and I wish no one would hold this against me. I honestly meant nothing and once again I am truly truly sorry.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Security
I read this story a few weeks ago and not trying to sound like a bad guy but I honestly laughed. I mean just the thought of Pluto who is loved by us all was run over. I mean yes it is a terrible and tragic accident but I mean just the aspect of a cartoon character being killed in real life is a little comical, but anyway. The day after I heard about this my English teacher was looking for a topic to write journals about and he chimed up with his ever popular 'anything interesting happen in the news?" and I sprung up with this and he didn't believe me! The last time he asked for interesting news I told him about the man on Dueling Dragons whose prosthetic leg came flying off, which I also found comical...:lol:
I'll be nice and tell you that it's gonna hit the fan when other people read your post. Dude, that was ill-timed and insensitive and you have a struck a raw nerve with many people on these boards, some who personally knew Javier--not Pluto. Pluto was not killed; a fellow human being's life was lost. I seriously suggest that you completely delete your post and think twice before EVER posting something that immature and thoughtless again.


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely nothing funny about this situation. Many people on this board knew the man who was killed. He was a father, a son, a brother and a friend. Try to have some respect. He was a person, not a cartoon character. This did not happen on TV. What you said was truly awful and you should apologize for it.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Security
I read this story a few weeks ago and not trying to sound like a bad guy but I honestly laughed. I mean just the thought of Pluto who is loved by us all was run over. I mean yes it is a terrible and tragic accident but I mean just the aspect of a cartoon character being killed in real life is a little comical, but anyway. The day after I heard about this my English teacher was looking for a topic to write journals about and he chimed up with his ever popular 'anything interesting happen in the news?" and I sprung up with this and he didn't believe me! The last time he asked for interesting news I told him about the man on Dueling Dragons whose prosthetic leg came flying off, which I also found comical...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Security
I read this story a few weeks ago and not trying to sound like a bad guy but I honestly laughed. I mean just the thought of Pluto who is loved by us all was run over. I mean yes it is a terrible and tragic accident but I mean just the aspect of a cartoon character being killed in real life is a little comical, but anyway. The day after I heard about this my English teacher was looking for a topic to write journals about and he chimed up with his ever popular 'anything interesting happen in the news?" and I sprung up with this and he didn't believe me! The last time he asked for interesting news I told him about the man on Dueling Dragons whose prosthetic leg came flying off, which I also found comical...:lol:

*shakes head*

Was there any other point (other than to cause trouble), for posting what was posted??? Dude, thats just bad taste, I'd bet you wouldn't be saying the same things if you were directly affected by any of the incidents you've mentioned.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Security
I read this story a few weeks ago and not trying to sound like a bad guy but I honestly laughed. I mean just the thought of Pluto who is loved by us all was run over. I mean yes it is a terrible and tragic accident but I mean just the aspect of a cartoon character being killed in real life is a little comical, but anyway. The day after I heard about this my English teacher was looking for a topic to write journals about and he chimed up with his ever popular 'anything interesting happen in the news?" and I sprung up with this and he didn't believe me! The last time he asked for interesting news I told him about the man on Dueling Dragons whose prosthetic leg came flying off, which I also found comical...:lol:

You're a sick freak. Get out of here, and go find somebody else to bother. You're no longer welcome here as far as I'm concerned. How dare you laugh at this incident when there were more than a few people on here who knew the cast member involved.

Insensitive prick....take a hike before I really start getting angry.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
It was one of the saddest things ever to occur in a Walt Disney park. Sincere condolences to the cast member's family and friends.

Remember that while you might be sitting at a keyboard in your home hundreds or thousands of miles away, there are people in this message board community whose lives are directly involved in making those parks open every day, and other who have at some point in their lives been a part of that as well. Some of those people have seen co-workers and park guests suffer injuries that you will never know about, some more serious and others, thankfully, close misses. It isn't funny.

If you REALLY don't want to sound like a bad guy, you might want to apologize, delete your post, and lay low for a while.


Well-Known Member
That was probably one of the dumbest post I have ever seen. Not only is it insensitive but will definitely cause anger and hard feelings toward you from several members. Count me in on the list of the angered.
A word to the wise - delete the post, you will be glad you did and an apology is definitely in order.

My prayers are with Javier's family and friends.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Security
Ok guys. I am honestly completely sorry. I didn't think my post would have such an impact. I am truly sorry and I wish no one would hold this against me. I honestly meant nothing and once again I am truly truly sorry.
From my end, apology accepted. However, others will not be so quick to forgive, if ever.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Security
Ok guys. I am honestly completely sorry. I didn't think my post would have such an impact. I am truly sorry and I wish no one would hold this against me. I honestly meant nothing and once again I am truly truly sorry.

apology NOT accepted.

that was one of the most insensitive and disgusting things i've ever read.

i suggest you delete not only that horrible post of yours, but your username as well.

then: don't come back.

if you do come back, come back under a new name.. and don't you ever make it apparent that it's actually you -because if you do, trust me.. you won't be on my good side, as well as not being on the good side of almost any other member on these boards.

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