My son loves this show and my wife and I have taken somewhat of a liking to it as well. A month or so ago, there was a preview for a new episode coming up where it mentioned Ferb saying more than he has ever said before, and from the preview, it looked as if he was getting really mad about something and telling someone off.
It was right around the time that the Lemonade stand episode was on, but Ferb didn't seem to talk in that one any more than he does in any other episode.
So, was I imagining the whole thing? Was there an episode like that and I just missed it, and if so, what was the episode? Or was it just one of those clever things that they do on previews sometimes where it makes it look like one thing, and then it is something different when you actually see the episode?
It was right around the time that the Lemonade stand episode was on, but Ferb didn't seem to talk in that one any more than he does in any other episode.
So, was I imagining the whole thing? Was there an episode like that and I just missed it, and if so, what was the episode? Or was it just one of those clever things that they do on previews sometimes where it makes it look like one thing, and then it is something different when you actually see the episode?