Ozzy Osbourne & Randy Rhoads


Original Poster
So my wife and I were going through the "On Demand" music videos, she turns on an old Ozzy video from the early 80's... "Crazy Train". The song is off the Randy Rhoades tribute album.

Just past the half way point, there is a montage of still photos, one caught my attention and I stopped the video. I was able to freeze it on the shot (after a number of attempts) of Randy Rhoades in the middle of Main Street USA. We were stunned.

The wife ran and got the CD and inside there were more photos. The very first picture (page 3) is of all the guys sitting on a bench. Any WDW fan can tell that the bench is outside the gates of the MK in under the monorail and in front of the docks.

The second picture is on page 8 in the lower left corner, all the guys on the monorail platform, with the monorail in the background. I found a copy on the net... sorry no picture of the first.


I found it really amazing that Ozzy and company would be seen in a place like Disney World... even more interesting is the history. These photos had to be taken prior to Randy Rhoads' death in 1982.

Kinda cool...just thought we'd share.


Original Poster
Kerby, we were just thinking that Ozzy of the early 80's is different than the Ozzy of today. It's just hard to imagine that young Rock/Metal Ozzy partying hard in WDW. Especially knowing about his hard living lifestyle back then.

Did Casey Jones on Main Street ever serve Bat Heads?


Well-Known Member
Even though I have been an Ozzy fan for many, many years now, I have really just started to appreciate how truly great Rhoads guitar work was during his very short time with Ozzy. He is definitely one of THE best rock guitarists of all time and it is a shame he left us way too early. RIP Randy Rhoads!



Active Member
This is a very cool find!

I'm sure Ozzy brought his 3 kids with him to WDW. So it's not entirely surprising.

Randy Rhodes is one of the most underrated guitarists ever.


Well-Known Member
Oh come now....where do you think the Osborne lights came from???

Just kiddin! I know that they aren't from the Ozzy Osbournes... LOL! It was funny when we were there and the kids were asking me if Ozzy comes to see his lights. I had to explain the real story. It was cute kinda like when they want to enlighten me to some music they found by..."mom, you may not have heard of them"...Nirvana. :ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

To the OP, very cool find. It's always oober cool when a little Disney magic sneaks its way into the most unlikely places. :D


New Member

WDW is Metal-friendly!

Now then, I wonder if Dio has ever wandered into the park... tell you what, probably the most awesome Splash Mountain picture you'd ever see!
Randy Rhodes is one of the most underrated guitarists ever.

Im not sure he is underrated.......but yea I think I know what you mean:animwink: Hes always listed as an inspiration to all of metals big guitar players today (Zakk Wylde just to name one obviously). Anyone that is a fan of metal knows what he did for genre and music in general. He gets alot of acclaim, and he deserves every single bit of it! Really wish we didnt lose him so early in his career, the sky was really the limit and it would be amazing to see what he would be doing today.


Liker of Things
Premium Member

WDW is Metal-friendly!

Now then, I wonder if Dio has ever wandered into the park... tell you what, probably the most awesome Splash Mountain picture you'd ever see!

Due to his height, he would probaby be mistaken for a kid. I'm not sure he's tall enough to get on Splash!

Cool find on the Ozzy pics.


Well-Known Member
those out fits lol. I am 17 and only know ozzie osbourne for the show....which was funny, but being the girly girl i am i was not interested.i also think its funny about the osbourne lights. one christmas a bunch of self proclaimed "metal heads" said the only reason they came to disney was the osbourne lights bc it was sponsered by them( sharon, ozzie, kelly, exc). i laughed my bum off. i heard a cm tell them that they didnt sponser it. they got all mad and said they would never come back because disney lied....and that they should bring back the "osbournes version" they actually didnt get they were never sponsered by them. i thought it was quite funny

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