Out of shape guy worried about August heat and humidity.


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Original Poster
Ok, I admit to being about 50lbs overweight and very out of shape. We usually go to WDW during the slower and cooler weeks of early December and the first few weeks of May for the Flower and Garden Show. At both of these times crowds are small to non-existant (compared to summer season), and the weather is wonderful.

I know the first thing I should do is lose the weight and get in shape, but as that is not going to happen before August, my concern is the heat and humidity and crowds the second week in August.

I know the temps will be in the mid 90's with the humidity levels very high, with frequent afternoon showers.

We (wife and I) have the opportunity to come down beginning Aug. 9 for a week. Should I go ahead and go for it, or pass and plan for December as usual? I think a bad day at Disney is better than a good day at most places, but am concerned that being spoiled by the off-season may make this time of year unenjoyable.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You can start preparing yourself now. ANd im not saying dropping 50 lbs in July either. Just do a light workout routine in the heat and humidity, god know Ga. has plenty of that, and just slowly build up to it. And then just do the common things when your at the park. Lots of water, take it easy during the peak hours, dont hesitate to take a break, dont wear your Falcons parka during the day anymore. You know...the simple things. If you take it easy, and arent in a huge rush to do everything, I think youll be fine. Im 5'10 and 150 lbs, so I obviously havent experienced this first hand, but my uncle goes every year, and hes in horrible shape himself. Good luck to ya either way. :)


Account Suspended
First off we have the same quote which I made up on my own for the record (see below) but I bet everyone on this board feels the same way.

Second I am about 50lbs overweight too. Some helpful tips are wearing a tee shirt under your shirt helps keep you cool and helps you from soaking your shirt. Wear sunglasses and a loose fitting hat to keep the sun off you head.

Put gold bond powder on your back and in your underwear...yes I said it.

Drink water a couple of glasses before you leave your hotel. How do you know if you've had enough? You should have to go to the bathroom as soon as you get in the park. If the lines are long to get into the parks this will be uncomfortable...good you know you did it right.

Don't over eat during the day in the park. No Mickey ice cream ears or extra large tubs of popcorn for the fun of it. And for God sake as good as they are no turkey legs. I know what its like to feel fat no need to feel extra fat while walking around the greatest place on earth. (Ya that's right Grand Canyon sit down and be quite) Split a lunch with someone else. You can chow down later but better not to walk around all stuffed from food in the heat and humidity.

You didn't mention if you are staying in a Disney hotel. If you are its not a bad idea to plan on naps / showers. This is a huge combatant of heat and humidity.

If anyone plans on taking hotel breaks I advise you get up at the crack of dawn and be at the gates to the park you are visiting when they open. Stay till about 2PM and go back to your hotel for a 2 hour break includes nap and shower. You can be back to any park you like by 5:30 to enjoy the rest of the afternoon, early evening and night time entertainment.

As someone mentioned already feel free walk a mile a day getting it up to 2 miles before you head down. Put on your Disney clothes and pin a sign on your back that says "WDW visit training in progress" Hopefully someone in a car will drive by and in a high pitched voice and say "Oh Boy!"

Try to eat healthy between now and then. You aren't going to lose 50 ELL BEEs in a month but with the right motivation you can lose 10 - 15. That's at least one belt notch.

Lastly, you mentioned you have the opportunity to go. If this means someone is giving you a room and tixs I say heck no don't go give them to me and I will "test" August for you.

I told you I was overweight. I am 5' 10" 240. I used to be a long distance runner. I had a Disney half marathon number two years ago and got hurt training. I didn't run for over two years and got very depressed about it, and ate while trying figure out injuries.

I am coming of my second open knee surgery (Oct 2002 Left, May 2003 Right) and as of yesterday I went running for my 2nd time since being cut on. I have a WDW half marathon number for Jan 2004 and intend on being 50 pounds lighter by then. With the right motivation any of us can do just about anything.

BTW if there is anyone else training or registered for the 2004 Disney Marathon I would be interested in hearing from you. Send me an email at EpcotDave@aol.com

Dizzy for Dsny

New Member
I too am carrying extra weight I should have lost a while back, but I do just fine. Were headed down the same time and we always go during the second week of August. Yes, its hot, but you have to do what's necessary to survive the heat.

As earlier replies recommended - definately walk at least 30-40 minutes a day prior to your trip. Not only good for you and getting in shape, but also it will help you exercising in the heat. I walk at least 5-6 days a week.

As everyone stated, yes drink lots of water and when you feel dizzy or cranky, stop take a break in the shade and have some more water!!!!!! Also, DON'T drink caffeinated beverages as part of your hydration!!! Most people do not realize that caffeine actually dehydrates you more and also depletes calcium. Because I have low blood sugar, sometimes when I'm feeling bad and I've done everything as previously mentioned and I'm still not coming too, I will have a a regular soft drink (sugar added) and it helps to bring me back. I've noticed my husband gets the same way. Sometimes a little sugar will help kick you back into gear when the water doesn't seem to be doing it. But not much is needed.

Have a great trip and you'll be just fine!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have to say I agree with everyone above. Being in my mid 40's overweight kind of make it hard to keep up with my kids. We did WDW in August last year and will be going again in 34 days.(!)
Just start off walking now...short trips at first and build it up every couple of days. Get used to drinking lots of water now (at least 10 8 oz glasses a day). The extra trips to the BR will end after the first couple of days as your body gets used to it. If you are overweight you need more fluid than "normal sized" people and remember if you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Start eating lighter now...smaller portions (and lower in fat and carbs...if you can manage it). In 2 weeks you will see a change in how you feel. Take things slow and easy, plan rest breaks (easier if you are staying on site) and keep on drinking. Invest in one of those Fan/water bottles. It kept the kids (and us) cool all trip. Plan your "must see", "want to see" and can wait till next time attractions. If you put your mind to it, you can do it.

ps. I'm a diabetic so I really have to watch myself, but I made it.

Have fun, take pics and let us know how you make out.

:D :D


Well-Known Member
florida currently has Loads of extra humidity. I know i live there. About 2 hrs with trafic from the world, go onve a year.

Anyway It can get sticky and bad that month. I know, band Camp.
Take extra water and if you need to, ask for a cup of ice. (free...)


Well-Known Member
I too, have a litte extra "Junk in the Trunk."

I bring a Brita sports water bottle with me to the parks. I fill it up with ice and a little water. I wrap it with a towel to absorb the sweat and keep it in a back pack. I can fill it anywhere and the filter helps to make the water tastier. I take sips thoughout the day to keep myself hydrated. Don't Gulp it.

I try to find air-conditioning every half hour or so. At EPCOT I spend about 20 minutes in Ice Station Cool in the middle of the day. It seems to regenerate my energy and helps me get through the rest of the day.

Don't walk too far from where there's Disney Transportion. You have to walk back eventually and on a hot day it's a bear.

I walk into all the little gift shops even if I don't intend on shopping...the air conditioning always feels good.

My toughest times are always at Animal Kingdom. I take advantage of all the fans and water sprayers there. I take the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch just to sit for a while and the cool breeze feels good. Although there's not much to do there, I always go inside the building at Rafiki's Planet Watch just to cool off in the air conditioning.

I guess the key is to just take your time and take advantage of all the Cooling off spots on property and drink alot of water to stay hydrated. Don't push yourself too hard and rest often.

As far as going in August...I say go for it!! I'd go anytime I had the chance!:p

Good luck and have a great time!:)


Well-Known Member
Best advice - Start doing some basica cardio now. Long evening walks of a mile or 2 and keep building them up until you have the stamina to walk those kinda distances without killing yourself. Getting the basic groundbreaking exersice now will save you a lot of pain later. Since i've been told that on the aveage day, youre walking 5+ miles a day at WDW, its pretty worthwhile to slowly ease up into it now.

You have a month, its accomplishable.

And while in the parks, Water is the key. Gotta stay hydrated, because by the time you start feeling thirsty, you're already dehydrated. It doesnt take long in the florida sun; that 3PM parade can be a killer and then some.

Since water costs $2.50 a pop and water fountains are pretty nasty, gotta go for the britta sports bottle and just refill it where you can. Just keep drinking...

When you do start getting heat exaustion, best thing to do is to sit somewhere in teh shade, and get a wet cloth and put it on the back of your neck.


Well-Known Member
here are some thoughts...

Hi ,,we have a family of out of shapers, and we did the August marathon when it was record highs at Disney about 4 years ago. Here is what we did. We brought 53 bottles of power aid, or gator aid with us from Wisconsin. Two we brought about the same 32 oz bottles filled with water from home. each night we froze a bottle of water and a bottle of power aid and put them in a soft lunch container. The First day we bought one bottle of poweraid at Disney and we refilled it ourselves with the extra bottle, not the frozen one, that we brought from our hotel. By midday the we opened the frozen power aid and late in the day we opened the frozen water and after drinking the unfrozen water, poured the rest of the poweraid over the ice. so we when through 4 to 6 32 oz bottles of liquid for 4 adults during the park., When we got to the car we again consumed more power aid that we kept in our cooler under heavy ice during the day. This really help us survive and kept costs down.

We also came an hour before opening and got to the major rides before most of the crowds. We took breaks and we all lost weight at a week of disney training camp.. WDW.. LOL LOL

drink water or gator juice before you get to the park . At $3.50 a bottle( at the park) as opposed to 59 cents for a 32 oz bottle of poweraid at my local grocery store or Wal-mart, it was well worth it to bring water and poweraid from home. Just a guy who never had a bad day at Disney ..


Active Member
Well I am big myself, but going to WDW is a big deal for me. I've been to all 4 parks in one day (2 or 3 times). Yes it was alot of work walking around, but it was worth it, well for me at least.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone, all of this is excellent advice. I know now that the key to beating the heat and humidity is hydration, moderation, pre-trip preparation and mid-day breaks. I still have to decide if I can handle the crowds and heat at this time of year as we are so spoiled traveling in December and May. We have an RCI condo exchange on hold at Orange Lake and will either confirm or cancel it today. Orange Lake is a beautiful place, but not as convienent for mid-day breaks as staying on property.
Again, thanks for all the advice and support,


Hello, my name is BigNorm and I'm a big guy. :lol: But seriously, I have no problems with the parks in August. It's always hot and I sweat alot, but other than that I don't find myself out of breathe and the like.


Well-Known Member
Being fat isn't a reason for worry, as lonmg as you take the right precautions.

Heck, I was 280lbs one year and had no problems at all in late July/early August. Temps were hitting the high 90's and beyond.

On the wieght loss front, whilst you may not be able to loose 30lbs in a month, please don't use that as an excuse not to loose any.

If you lost 15lbs between now and then, which is easily enough to do in the time frame you have then you would find things easier.

I've dropped 40lbs since Christmas and intend to drop another 15-20 before out trip in October and I started to feel so much better after the first 14lbs came off.

Speedo Bob

New Member
Hi there my name is Speedo Bob and I am a very large man. I can gurantee that I am bigger and heavier then all of you but I bet that I am in better shape. I maybe very over weight but the thing is my cardio is excellent. I ride my stationary bike every morning and evening for at least an hour each seasion. This definently helps me out alot on my trips to WDW, by biking everyday my legs become very strong and they do very well from all the walking and the heat at Disney.I actually can hold up better at the World then many of the people I have traveled with, and they were much younger and a million times lighter then myself.I would suggest to you is to start walking early in the morning on a empty stomach to get your metabolism elevated for the day. After a couple of weeks, work in a 2nd walk in the evening. I know that you will be thinking that you could never get up to 2 walks a day in such a short amount of time, but you will be very suprised how well your body will adapt to the exercise. Another thing is make sure you will have a nice wide pair of running shoes so your feet are nice and comfortable. I would suggest to do the 2 tshirt thing you will sweat alot.

Any way good luck, I just wish I was a displined with my diet as I am with my exercise. But I cannot stop, I am an eating machine, but that is another story.

Thanks Speedo Bob


Well-Known Member
Have you been to Six Flags over GA in July? Okay then, same kind of heat and humidty (w/o the pine tar scent:lol: )

I agree with everyone else - water, water, water. Freeze them in your room the night before, trust me if you put them in a backpack they will be melted by 9am. AND take frequent a/c breaks in shows and stores.


New Member
You guys all need an exercise routine. Just a thought - considering that being overweight increase the risks for heart disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, and some types of cancer.
Go for a 20 min. walk everyday - I promise it won't kill you.

Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by leeocean
You guys all need an exercise routine. Just a thought - considering that being overweight increase the risks for heart disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, and some types of cancer.
Go for a 20 min. walk everyday - I promise it won't kill you.

Good luck to you!

Personally, I take this as a cheap shot. How do you know that I, or anyone else that has tries to answer this question, do not exercise. I do. there are many causes for extra weight (yes...some people do have "gland" problems) not just excessive consumption of food. Being a RN for the last 25 years I am well aware of the problems leading from overweight, but that does not stop genetics from playing a part in all this. What I have is a genetic problem that I have unfortunately passed on to one of my children (Lil'mermaid) and I cannot change this. The best we can do is try to manage our medical condition and make the best of it. Would I love to weigh 125 lbs again...yes, but it will probably never happen.
Education is the key and that is what I have tried to do for epcotisbest...you ask a question I try to find an honest answer.

I really don't have time for people like you in my life.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by leeocean
You guys all need an exercise routine. Just a thought - considering that being overweight increase the risks for heart disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, and some types of cancer.
Go for a 20 min. walk everyday - I promise it won't kill you.

Great IDEA leeocean!!!

McDonalds is exactly a 20 minute walk from my house!
And with all the calories I'm gonna burn walking there I can
Supersize!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry for the sarcasm...I couldn't help myself. :eek:

There isn't an overweight person on this forum who doesn't know that excercise and a healthy diet is the key to weight loss and living longer.

However....Saying it and doing it are two diferant things.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone, all of this is excellent advice. I know now that the key to beating the heat and humidity is hydration, moderation, pre-trip preparation and mid-day breaks. Yes, I do need an exercise routine. I need to find the desire and have the willpower to become the person I used to be. I need to do much more for my health, not just physically, but mentally as well. I know that exercise and weight loss will help build my self-esteem. I just have to take the first step, then another, and sooner or later I will be walking for exercise and taking better care of myself, then I can face the heat and humidity without worry, knowing have done something to better myself.

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