Out of shape guy worried about August heat and humidity.


New Member
Im with tigsmom. People who think that someone who is overweight can be fixed with walking ect... need to know what they are talking about before they start shooting their mouths off. Yes walking will get your body use to the 3 miles a day in WDW it wont fix everything. If u have sore knees or ankles after walking for awhile bring pain killers and an ice pack u will be happy u did!


New Member
gee... thanx for the advice! I'm overweight... and have been since giving birth to three kids 21, 17 & 14 years ago... so I started walking faithfully on Jan 2, 2002 (about 13 years too late)... I walk 5 or 6 days a week, and do about 3 miles in about 48 or 49 minutes... and I also workout with free weights 3x a week... but, obviously I'm doing something wrong... my b/p is good, my cholesteral is great... but yet... I'm overweight... maybe it's my enlarged thyroid... hmm... so, will you be my personal trainer??

when I originally posted this... I obviously made the mistake of quoting the wrong person... I have since reread it... and have corrected my mistake... my sincerest apology to the person that I thought was passing judgement on us overweight people... I see now that was not the case at all...

oh... and yes, my thyroid has been enlarged at 2 physicals... but the blood work always come back fine... so the DR doesn't put my on meds for it...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EmeraldDolphin
hey Scooter... gee... thanx for the advice! I'm overweight... and have been since giving birth to three kids 21, 17 & 14 years ago... so I started walking faithfully on Jan 2, 2002 (about 13 years too late)... I walk 5 or 6 days a week, and do about 3 miles in about 48 or 49 minutes... and I also workout with free weights 3x a week... but, obviously I'm doing something wrong... my b/p is good, my cholesteral is great... but yet... I'm overweight... maybe it's my enlarged thyroid... hmm... so, will you be my personal trainer?? sorry for the sarcasm... I couldn't help myself :hammer:

If you have an enlarged thyroid...are you on meds?
After starting on thyroid meds my Dr. put me on carb restriction and I lost 20 lbs in 1 month...might want to give it a try.


Well-Known Member
Hey, my dad is in his mid 50s and he lost 50lbs in 3 months. You just have to want to do it

Anyway, I think water is the key. Staying hydrated is the best way to keep yourself cool, period. Even when you are not thirsty, have some water. Plus, take frequent rests in the shade if possible, or duck into a store for some "free" A/C .. :)

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