Opinion Question


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Today is the day I am posting my random questions that have been rolling around in my head. LOL
We are going to WDW in 3 weeks, and the only children there (That I myself, am responsible for) is my 6 year old dd and my 9 year old niece. My BIL and family will be down later, but they are their own story.
Anyway, my thought was to bring my double wide stroller for the 2 girls. I see lots of advantages, (My brother is driving down and could take it in his truck) but my dh says it is ridiculous to bring a stroller to the parks for a 6 and 9 year old. I agree with him....BUT
-The huge basket underneath to hold stuff would be great-My daughter and niece have very tiny hiney's still. I don't think we would bring it every day, but days we knew would be long (Hoping for the parades, fireworks etc) They could take a load off while waiting...NOT HANGING ON ME!!
-My husband is not a *Park* person. His rationale for NOT bringing it is right on, that age should not be in a stroller, but after a long day, I'm thinking OH YES they would be in there with their eyes closed!
I don't have a problem leaving it at rides, pulling out purses, cameras etc. We would be holding these things anyway if there was no stroller.
I would love to hear anyone's experiences with kids that age...their pros/cons etc.
Sorry for the long winded post :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I would say YES! bring the stroller. I don't think it's fair to ask children to keep up with an adult pace... those little legs have to cover a lot of ground with a lot more effort than ours. I don't think the children have to be babies or toddlers to deserve to be comfortable. Don't worry about their not "being the right age"... that's a bunch of baloney. Do what will make their vacation more enjoyable; they deserve happy memories! We've always rented strollers there(wayyyy expensive!)... my kids are a bit smaller, but you don't want to have to lug all your stuff around, either. So, like you said, you can always leave it behind if you feel you won't be needing it, but it'll be there just in case you do!
For that age I wouldnt bring it, especially a double stroller. Its hard enough to get around in the world. If they get tired you could always rent one. For all your belongings you can take a backpack. That worked well for us. Good luck and have a great time.


New Member
I don't see anything wrong with bringing the stroller, I did the same last Sept. for my 5 and 8 year old-however, they absolutely refused to ride in it-its for babies so we ended up just leaving it in the hotel room. It did not matter how dead tired they were they wanted to walk-so we just slowed down and let them. Have a great time.
Bring the stroller for sure. My 2 younger ones always were in it. My other one was like 9 too and he has bad asthma especially when we go in nice humid july or aug. He didnt want to sit in the wheel chair, now he does, after he outgrew the strollerand my 14 even asks to sit in it, go figure. They usually would go in it if they are tired., the stroller. Sometimes I just said, go sit in the stroller now. It helped extend our time in the parks more and cut down on lots of wining and crankiness. I know people may not like you parking it on the sidewalk during parades. Heah, you have every right to, hold your space and ground. It is a little hard when its a crowd crush. You can rent them in the parks. I like the animal kingdom ones best. That is the hardest park to manuever with a stroller, very hilly, up and down areas, small trails etc. I usually let DH do the rough spots at AK.


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Originally posted by rosie.ca
would disney let you bring in a wagon? that might be an alternative

LOL, I brought that upper at dinner last week and got made fun of!! I have one of those awesome wagons with the 2 weats inside too!
Does anyone know if you could bring a WAGON into the park?? :D


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how about asking the kids their opinions?? I know for a fact that my kids (I have 3) would never have allowed themselves to be put in a stroller at 9... maybe at 6...


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Originally posted by EmeraldDolphin
how about asking the kids their opinions?? I know for a fact that my kids (I have 3) would never have allowed themselves to be put in a stroller at 9... maybe at 6...
My 6 year old LOVES the stroller still. She asks to use it when we go to the mall!! :lol:
My niece would probably go in when she got tired, she gets cranky fast (SO unlike shildren, :hammer: ) So she more than likely would.


New Member
The stroller is a definite yes. I can vouch for this due to the fact that my 11-yr old sis STILL uses it when she's dead tired lol. And a full day in a theme park can be one of those situations calling for a mobile bed for the youngins. :)


Well-Known Member
I would say definitely bring the stroller. If you don't need it for the kids, it'll hold your stuff. My 4 year old rides in his, and we bring a fullsize with us.

As for a wagon, I read on another thread somewhere that Disney doesn't let you bring in things you have to pull, only push.:)


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Originally posted by gjpjtj
I would say definitely bring the stroller. If you don't need it for the kids, it'll hold your stuff. My 4 year old rides in his, and we bring a fullsize with us.

As for a wagon, I read on another thread somewhere that Disney doesn't let you bring in things you have to pull, only push.:)
REALLY!! I will have to look into that thread!


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The last time I went, my youngest brother was 7, and there was no way we could get him into a stroller. Yes, by the end of the day he would be tired, but thats one of the advantages of staying on property, the midday break isn't inconvienent at all. If he was still exhausted, or during the closing rush, it is easier just to pick him up and carry him. ESPECIALLY during the rush, because you don't want to get them seperated.

Also, not having the stroller will allow you to get around a LOT quicker, because you can only push a stroller so fast.


Well-Known Member
Wow, bailey, it's a good thing you called this "opinion" thread and not "definitive answer" thread!!:lol:

Looks like you're going to get a different answer from as many people who post here! Guess it's up to you.
Originally posted by tommyboy12099
For that age I wouldnt bring it, especially a double stroller. Its hard enough to get around in the world. If they get tired you could always rent one. For all your belongings you can take a backpack. That worked well for us. Good luck and have a great time.

there is no hockeytown, PA, there is only one hockeytown, and its in Michigan....:lol: sorry for the thread drift...

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bailey5697

-My husband is not a *Park* person. I

Perhaps, then, he would be willing to take them back to the hotel for a nap/swim, while you go shopping alone.

I am a park commando and pack & travel light. No backpack; only a pack. If someone wants something--snack, drink, souvenir--they carry it. Everyone has a pack for this purpose. Your girls are old enough to be responsible for some of their stuff.

(Mama is not a pack mule.)

IMHO, if they are too tired to walk, they are too tired to be in the park.

There is not a stroller made that is maneverable enough for Main Street after the fireworks.

People deeply resent those who use strollers as a battering ram in the crowds.

I wouldn't take yours. If the kids get that tired, rent one at the parks.

At 5, my kids would not have been caught dead in a stroller.

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