Official Photography Contest 9.9.05 - 9.15.05: Macro Photography


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Original Poster

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Macro Photography Contest

Subject Rules: 9/9-9/15 Macro Photography Contest
Macro Photography (often a tulip on a digital camera) is taking close up pictures of small things. Be creative. Anything related to Disney is acceptable, and pictures DO NOT need to be taken at the parks.

Contest Rules: Contests will run from now until -Thursday, 9/15/05 11:59pm PACIFIC TIME, submissions after this time will not be included in voting.

1 submission per member, per contest. Once you post your picture, you can not replace it. You can not use is entry in future contests, nor could it have been entered in previous contests.

Pictures can be taken with any type of camera (film or digital)

Pictures can not be altered in any way, except to adjust size, crop, or add your own personal watermark. This is a photography contest, not a photo-editing contest.

Pictures must be of acceptable dimensions and file size for this site.

Pictures could have been taken at any time for this contest (if you visited last April, you can use pictures taken on that trip), but they must be taken by the member, and not by a family member or by a cast member.

In the event that nobody participates, voting will not take place (of course), otherwise, voting will occur for this contest beginning Friday 9/16/05 at noon'ish and ending 5 days later. One vote per member is allowed.

No breaking of park rules or common etiquette to take your pictures. (no accessing restricted areas, no flash photography on attractions which do not allow it....stuff like that)

Have Fun!


Well-Known Member
This is from the base of the wishing well next to the castle, every year my wife wants the kids picture taken in front of the well, so while she was getting them ready I was taking this of the base.


Well-Known Member
duchess1576 said:
Aww, man! I thought my pic from the Lego Center at Downtown Disney would be unique! LOL - Oh well, here's mine:


And the funny thing is, I have almost the same picture as you of all the little lego men behind the register! I went maco happy in the Lego store (and with the lego family outside) I could do a whole photojournal essay on the Lego Store!

Great pic by the way!


Well-Known Member
It seems that I misunderstood the subject. I had thought that macro just was something up close. Now that I know what macro photography truly is, I see that my photo really didn't qualify. That said, I'm withdrawing my photo from the contest.

Good luck to everyone! You all have some great photos!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I should post this, but then I decided to go with it. If anything, maybe some people can learn a little more about photography.

I'm not sure if all the pictures posted fall under the category of "macro". Macro photography is taking pictures of small objects up close. When I took my photography class, my instructor told us that a rule of thumb is our macro subject could be any object 4 to 5 inches or under, and we had to fill the frame with that object only. (Or any single part of a larger object that you focus upon: for example, dumbo and timothy in forbidden donuts picture) Also, technically when in macro setting (at least in a digital camera) if attempted to take a picture of anything more then a few inches away it would be blurry.
Macro photography is really all about getting up close and personal with your subject, and filling the frame with it at the same time.

Like I said, I don't want to start any trouble, nor am I criticizing anyone's work. I just wanted to clear up the topic of "Macro" photography for anyone who might not have known what it is.
Speck, if you find my post to be out of line (because you are the judge in the end) let me know, and I will delete it.


Premium Member
SewIn2Disney said:
I don't know if I should post this, but then I decided to go with it. If anything, maybe some people can learn a little more about photography.

I'm not sure if all the pictures posted fall under the category of "macro". Macro photography is taking pictures of small objects up close. When I took my photography class, my instructor told us that a rule of thumb is our macro subject could be any object 4 to 5 inches or under, and we had to fill the frame with that object only. (Or any single part of a larger object that you focus upon: for example, dumbo and timothy in forbidden donuts picture) Also, technically when in macro setting (at least in a digital camera) if attempted to take a picture of anything more then a few inches away it would be blurry.
Macro photography is really all about getting up close and personal with your subject, and filling the frame with it at the same time.

Like I said, I don't want to start any trouble, nor am I criticizing anyone's work. I just wanted to clear up the topic of "Macro" photography for anyone who might not have known what it is.
Speck, if you find my post to be out of line (because you are the judge in the end) let me know, and I will delete it.

Don't feel bad - I was just about to say the same thing. Only a few of the pictures I've seen so far are truely macro shots.

Out of the hundreds of pics I have, this is the only one I found that qualifies...a flower from Poly.

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