New Years Eve


New Member
Hi all! :wave: We are visiting Disney on New Years Eve :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: and I’m looking for any advice (it's our first time for New Years), specifically on where to eat dinner. We were thinking of the Rose and Crown, Biergarten or Alfredo’s. We are staying at the Beach Club, so we are definitely going to Epcot on New Years Eve to avoid having to travel anywhere except by foot. I had read somewhere that the individual countries celebrate New Years Eve at the time of their home country. I thought if this was true, it would be great to be in having dinner at the time of their New Years celebration. Does anyone know if this is true? If so do you have any recommendations? I’m not sure if one county has a better celebration than another. Also, if I’m calculating things correctly, to be dinning at New Years Eve, I would need to be in Alfredo’s by 6:00pm, Biergarten by 6:00pm and the Rose and Crown by 7:00pm. Anyone want to check my math? :lookaroun


New Member
Sounds like fun...I would recommend that you also see MK's New Year show since they perform on both December 30 & 31! What Epcot does is, first a showing of Illuminations followed by New Year celebrations from each country (including fireworks blasting atop each pavilion), then our New Year Countdown with a tremendous fireworks finale. Then for next year (if you go), I recommend MGM because they put on an amazing New Year fireworks display. But as for dining, I would recommend eating around 6...that way you can eat, have time to play in the park, and pick a spot for Illuminations around 9:30-10...maybe earlier (it fills up fast). Anyways, have fun and be careful as it is awfully packed on New Years Eve. Hope you have a great time.
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Active Member
To expand a little on what was said before, yeah, the 1st part of the NYE show is the regular RoE show. Then, they add the NYE tag. At least for last year, the woman came on said something about, "Some of our World Showcase countries have already celebrated their New Year's Eve." They don't shoot off fireworks at the actual TIME of those countries' NYE, they do it during the 11:40 Illuminations show. So, for example, she starts with China and Japan and each of them, separately, shoot off some fireworks with nation-specific music. And proceeds that way, by time zone, whereby each country in that time zone shoots off fireworks separately, themed to their music. The finale, obviously, is America and the lagoon at large.

It requires some decision as to where you want to see it. I filmed them from Canada, which I liked, but when the fireworks got to France, UK, and Canada, I obviously could not see the fireworks shot off from those pavillions. In that way, the best spot might be from Showcase Plaza since you'd have the same problem from any other country.

What I did like about seeing them from Canada (specifically, the raised plaza right next to the shop (something Mercantile), is that you can peacefully watch the crowd flow madness below you. Watch everyone else herd like cattle while you're perched comfortably in your little spot. I was right up along the wall so I could rest drinks, camera equipment, etc up there. Granted, I also "perched" there long before the show (actually, before the first Illuminations and just stayed there).

Incidentally, they don't do the Christmas tag for the NYE show. So if you want to see both tags, you have to see the 1st show as well. It's cool that it's NYE and all, and exciting of course, so don't miss it, but I actually think there's more emotional punch in the Christmas tag. Walter Cronkite's voice is just perfect and the tag so perfect for what Epcot is all about. And the finale of the show is just as amazing as the NYE tag.

And, like the other person said, do go to MK on the 30th to see the NYE fireworks show they do. Also amazing. I was expecting the regular old perimeter fireworks but it's quite a treat. I didn't know where to point my camera!! They shoot off the same fireworks from the Seven Seas Lagoon that they do behind the Castle. I've shot the fireworks behind the Castle many times so decided to shoot fireworks behind Main St. How often do you see a whole show with Main St in the foreground!! Pretty awesome!
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I'm going to give you a pretty large tip here. Last Year for New Year's i was at Disney. It was incredible so let me start out by saying that, and we saw the EPCOT show, which was just spectacular... (This is probably my favorite time of the year at Disney) The fireworks will blow you away even if you've seen fireworks displays at Disney before, however trying to get around the lagoon by the countries becomes a bit tricky after the fireworks. We got stuck near Canada in a sea of people for about 1/2 an hour or longer, but we did make phonecalls to the family back home. And I'd say it where ever is your favorite restraunt, we sat outside of mexico and got an amazing seat. It's pretty busy up until New Years day, but the days after are absolutely dead. Your gonna have ana amazing time. ;)
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Active Member
Hey! That's my plan too! I'll be at the Beach Club the same time.:wave:

I've been to WDW several times for New Year's celebrations, and in my opinion Epcot is the absolute best. My plans are for Le Cellier at about 6. After that, I'm staking out my territory.

The only downside with so many people is that if you have "a place" you like to watch the fireworks, you pretty much have to be there about 1.5 hours before the first show and you can probably not move till the after the 11:40 show. Bring warm clothing and get your locker REALLY early if you don't want to carry it around. It can get chilly at night.

The first time I was at Epcot I was staying at DAKL - and it took HOURS to get home, so you made the right decision staying in the Epcot Resort area. In 2003, I stayed at the Swan - and it was great being able to be back in my room in less than 20 minutes!
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Well-Known Member
i spent new years in the uk pavillion in epcot so when it was 12am back home it was 7pm in WDW and i had the best new years ever!!!! i had my hat and horn that you get and blowing that along with everyone else and sang the new years song and was shaking hands with everyone and stuff -it was great one of the best memories i have of new years. the uk pavillion was packed but the atmosphere made it worth while. everyone was happy it was just great. i rang my mum,dad and nan up after midnight (uk time) to wish them happy new years. i cannot tell you how much i enjoyed it it was one of the best ever!!!!!!!:sohappy: i still have my hat and horns.

let me add the atmosphere all around epcot was buzzin' with the big stage infront of SSE and with the chicken little in the corner of the screen. the whole park was packed by as i said the atmosphere made it all worth while.

also you said something about eating in a pavillion well let me tell you it gets packed and heaving in the pub and such so book ahead or take some snacks which i did as everywhere has big queues.

hope you have a great time like i did!!!:wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks so much for all of the great tips. :wave: :wave: :wave: I’m especially excited to hear that the MK does the New Years Eve fireworks on the 30th. We will defiantly make plans for that! I was expecting big crowds, so we planned our trip for Dec. 29 through Jan. 6th, hoping the crowds thin out on Jan 2nd. However, I am a little concerned about the length of time we could be standing to stake out our spot for Illuminations. My parents are joining us for the trip and my mom had a hip replacement about a year ago. She walks fine, but standing for hours on end will be a problem. Does anyone know if Disney allows you to take folding chairs into the park? I have watched Illuminations many times, but never noticed if anyone had their own chairs.

We were also originally thinking of dining in Canada (love their steak). However, I read somewhere (don’t know where and can’t find it now) that some countries do a countdown during the New Year of their home county. Being that the Biergarten does a show during dinner, is there a chance that they would do some type of countdown at 6:00pm when it is New Years in Germany?
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New Member
One more piece of information...when (or if) you go to MK to see their NYE show on Dec. 30, be sure to arrive prior to 11:15 because they will use the perimeter fireworks and not let traffic near or even let guests exit MK. Also, that show starts at 11:50 on both nights. Have fun.
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Active Member
katiesmom said:
However, I am a little concerned about the length of time we could be standing to stake out our spot for Illuminations. My parents are joining us for the trip and my mom had a hip replacement about a year ago. She walks fine, but standing for hours on end will be a problem.

You do know for sure it will be a problem? Reason I ask is b/c I had hip replacement surgery in 2003 and I didn't have any problems. But as I said in my reply to your post, you might wanna stake out the mid-level landing next to the merch shop at the top of the 1st set of stairs. The shop next to the totem pole with the hidden Mickey. That way she can sit against the wall and have back support at the same time.

katiesmom said:
Does anyone know if Disney allows you to take folding chairs into the park? I have watched Illuminations many times, but never noticed if anyone had their own chairs.

I have never seen folding chairs and I'd be surprised if Disney lets you have them. In Canada, a lot of people staked out the benches right up against the waterfront early on.

katiesmom said:
However, I read somewhere (don’t know where and can’t find it now) that some countries do a countdown during the New Year of their home county. Being that the Biergarten does a show during dinner, is there a chance that they would do some type of countdown at 6:00pm when it is New Years in Germany?

See my reply for the answer to this.
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