My understanding of this "tour" is that it wasn't a "tour" in the traditional sense: you get a customized day to do whatever you've always wanted to do in WDW, within reason. (The "within reason" was specifically emphasized to me.)
In that respect, it shouldn't be viewed as some combination of other tours: for the price, you'd just book those other tours.
Rather, this "tour" is to let you do things you can't do elsewhere. The examples I was given included:
1) Wash, feed, groom, and train the animals at the AK (Yes, this sounds like "paying to work" to me too)
2) Watch a dinner service come together inside a signature restaurant kitchen
3) Go onstage in the attractions before or after normal park operating hours
4) Be a Jungle Skipper on your own boat
Regarding "within reason", the two exemptions I heard were:
1) You can't be a character
2) You can't operate machinery (so you can do the JC narration, you can't drive the boat)
I'm sure that, over time, Disney will add to this list.
I also heard that the tour was up to 24 hours. I'm not sure if that included the night spent in the Cinderella Castle Suite. I could be wrong about that.
Relative to the cost of other tours, or general "custom" vacation experiences, $2K/person is ballpark. I mean, it's more than 80% of US households spend on vacations annually - let's not forget that. But for the other 20% who avail themselves of those kinds of experiences, it's not out of line with the market.
Wow. So this is basically a "What's on your WDW Bucket List?" kind of thing, within reason, as mentioned. Let the fun begin.