New Dress Code


Beta Return
I do not believe there should be a dress code. We are in a free country and people should be able to dress as they wish.

Last time I checked, the Constitution didn't give us the right to walk around naked in public here in the U.S. Plus there are overriding laws governing obscenity.

If people are secure with their body then power to them.

What if the majority of the people around that person are NOT secure with that person's body or choice of clothing size and style? ;)


Well-Known Member
If the chick can get away with short shorts I am all for it. But the heavyweight chicks with the short shirt and belly hanging out is a big no no. The OP asked how you enforce it....if its a dude in violation...give him a big Tink shirt to wear all day.

I was thinking the same thing, as far as the ladies go. If it looks good, it's o.k. If it looks like the surface of the moon, if the moon was made out of cottage cheese, then NO!!


Well-Known Member
What if the majority of the people around that person are NOT secure with that person's body or choice of clothing size and style? ;)[/quote]

Well, it is kind of funny to see what some people wear, but yes, there comes a point where too much begins to show and well it's a slippery slope from there on.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Shorts long enough that the cheeks of their behinds are covered. Women wearing bathing suits in the park need to make sure they are covered. Men need to keep their shirts on. Muslim women shouldn't have their total face covered whether their religion or not. We can't wear mask.
Really? Does it really ruin your vacation? Do you you have a reason to be so prejudiced ?

You might want to rethink your whole thought process on this.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I just wish people would wear clothes that fit them. As a cast member, I see WAY too much of some guests. And I wish we could outlaw belly shirts. Yeah, it's hot 85% of the time, but no one wants to see that. It's just irritating.
Hey entertains you 85% of the time !! :D


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Last time I checked, the Constitution didn't give us the right to walk around naked in public here in the U.S. Plus there are overriding laws governing obscenity.
What's considered obscene in the US is totally acceptable in other places of this world.

Obscenity is all in the eyes of the beholder.


Beta Return
What's considered obscene in the US is totally acceptable in other places of this world.

Obscenity is all in the eyes of the beholder.

...and the lawmakers, and especially private property owners. If Disney doesn't want you to leave your bikini top at home or doesn't want the F-word on your shirt, the Constitution doesn't have your back.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
No spandex, low low riders or bare bellies on females regardless of age and especially if pregnant, guys pull up your pants and if they don't stay up it is called a belt so google it, personal hygiene specifically deoderant, and tight clothes for all genders, and clothes that expose too much of you be you male or female. I don't like seeing lady bits up top or down below, and guys I know we can be hairy but we don't have to show the gorilla hair off.

I have many non-appropriate tshirts, they are never worn inside the parks, ever. Oddly enough I have enough disney character shirts to last a month without repeating a shirt. Oh, and I might be a guy, but I am secure enough to rock a Tink shirt any day of the week.


Premium Member
I joke when I say this...however....The Constitution has no weight in WDW as the RCID has/is the supreme law of the land. They can make whatever rules they want.


Someone didn't learn anything in Civics class...


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
...and the lawmakers, and especially private property owners. If Disney doesn't want you to leave your bikini top at home or doesn't want the F-word on your shirt, the Constitution doesn't have your back.
But on the other hand...a little too much belly fat flopped over is not necessarily "obscene". Or a Speedo swimsuit for that matter.


I had no idea that wearing Disney-branded clothing might be considered tacky inside the theme parks. Never occurred to me ... And I'm a NPR-listening, salaried hipster musician with best friends writing for Vogue and Elle. I would NEVER wear my Disney-branded stuff in the real world unless it were for earnest irony's out-emoing-emo's sake. And im quite sure of my position. Therefore, I say, "Revel in your Disney togs, my friends! Dress it UP at the parks, ironic hipsters, and wade in sentiment! Only then can we be hyperchic by being anti/chic!"
-I have no room to talk on size... BUT cover it up!!!!

-Use common sense on language. Get the joke, but didn't think it appropriate to where Sexy 1 and Sexy 2 at the park. My daughter is older so not a huge deal but there are small children around.

-Sorry but I admit my daughter and I did try to be discret with our giggling at the 6ft 250 lb, assuming drag queen, dressed as a pink haired anime character we saw at DTD. I just couldn't help it.

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