New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

They shouldn't be taking up 40-70% of the LL capacity. Genie+ users should be the majority of users in LL not DAS. That is the problem that everyone ignores. It not just about making DAS users happy but all guests happy. I'm sorry but if I'm paying for Genie+ and my availability is lowered due to DAs users taking the majority of capacity I would be upset.

It's why there has to be a balance.
I'm sure I'm missing a consideration or two, but this is why I think the key is to limit the number of people associated with a DAS pass. Perhaps a DAS user can select a "primary" partner on their account. This person can accompany them on all rides, every time. After that, they can choose 2 "secondary" partners from their party (creating a max DAS party size of 4 at any given time). However, the secondary partners can not enter the LL a second time, similar to G+.

This paired with a verification system (that may or may not be legally dubious, I'm still fuzzy on that) could help cut down on DAS capacity and maybe some abuse.


Additionally, maybe there could be two types of DAS. Type A for developmental disabilities, and Type B for other disabilities. The difference being Type A offers unlimited LL whereas Type B is more like Genie+. Your DAS party can enter the LL only once per attraction.
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Well-Known Member
They shouldn't be taking up 40-70% of the LL capacity. Genie+ users should be the majority of users in LL not DAS. That is the problem that everyone ignores. It not just about making DAS users happy but all guests happy. I'm sorry but if I'm paying for Genie+ and my availability is lowered due to DAs users taking the majority of capacity I would be upset.

It's why there has to be a balance.
How do you know that? Are you privy to how many are SUPPOSED to be in the LL? It is literally the line for DAS so of course they will be there. For you to say so with such conviction, you would have to know the numbers on how many Genie+ they sell, how many have a DAS that day, etc. And none of us has that information.


Well-Known Member
This is what I am saying. If you are 30 minutes into a 70 minute line, how the heck are you getting out to meet these needs? The whole "excuse me, excuse me" while you hope you don't soil your pants is going to be fun. :rolleyes: Then try to find the nearest cast member and explain while you are in your emergency state? It think that the people that came up with this have never had to wait in a line.
If that's not going to work, what is your solution that doesn't require DAS?


Well-Known Member
How do you know that? Are you privy to how many are SUPPOSED to be in the LL? It is literally the line for DAS so of course they will be there. For you to say so with such conviction, you would have to know the numbers on how many Genie+ they sell, how many have a DAS that day, etc. And none of us has that information.
We don't know the full data but you can't tell me that DAS talking up the majority of LL capacity is what's supposed to be the case either. Disney knows what they want the capacity to be and it's why they are changing it.

Disney Glimpses

Well-Known Member
This is what I am saying. If you are 30 minutes into a 70 minute line, how the heck are you getting out to meet these needs? The whole "excuse me, excuse me" while you hope you don't soil your pants is going to be fun. :rolleyes: Then try to find the nearest cast member and explain while you are in your emergency state? It think that the people that came up with this have never had to wait in a line.
I'll probably get flak for this take but here it goes anyways.

I have severe IBS + GERD and have had to do this on more than one occasion (especially at Disney where the food is generally abysmal and triggering). Most times it resulted in me missing the attraction altogether. It never once has crossed my mind that I should have a "disability" pass and be able to skip the standby queue because of this. And it never will.

From my perspective, this pass is for people with severely debilitating disabilities that 100% of the time cannot experience an attraction without it. Not only 10% of the time or only right after lunch.

Do people think that 120 minute standby waits in Orlando are pleasant for anyone? Or that most people can go 2 hours without having to use a restroom? I am thankful that I can live my life relatively normal. I don't need to take up resources from folks who have challenges that they face every single moment of their lives. And if I'm being honest, I think Disney is waking up to this fact too. I'd wager that if most DAS holders (who are not using it outright fraudulently) were really, really honest with themselves, they'd realize they probably could go without it too.


Well-Known Member
If that's not going to work, what is your solution that doesn't require DAS?
There is no other solution. If people have these medical conditions, they should be able to do what they need to do. I am not against the coming and going out of the line IF it was actually doable. But we all have been in the lines and they are tight. I can't see a situation where coming and going through a line is going to work. They don't have the physical space for people to keep coming and going, especially if that person is in a chair/ECV.
How do you see this working?


Well-Known Member
There is no other solution. If people have these medical conditions, they should be able to do what they need to do. I am not against the coming and going out of the line IF it was actually doable. But we all have been in the lines and they are tight. I can't see a situation where coming and going through a line is going to work. They don't have the physical space for people to keep coming and going, especially if that person is in a chair/ECV.
How do you see this working?
Read the post above.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably get flak for this take but here it goes anyways.

I have severe IBS + GERD and have had to do this on more than one occasion (especially at Disney where the food is generally abysmal and triggering). Most times it resulted in me missing the attraction altogether. It never once has crossed my mind that I should have a "disability" pass and be able to skip the standby queue because of this. And it never will.

From my perspective, this pass is for people with severely debilitating disabilities that 100% of the time cannot experience an attraction without it. Not only 10% of the time or only right after lunch.

Do people think that 120 minute standby waits in Orlando are pleasant for anyone? Or that most people can go 2 hours without having to use a restroom? I am thankful that I can live my life relatively normal. I don't need to take up resources from folks who have challenges that they face every single moment of their lives. And if I'm being honest, I think Disney is waking up to this fact too.
You consistently have to go 2-3-4 times an hour to use the toilet? And you get out of every single line at least once to do so? Because that is me. And I travel solo so I don't have anyone to hold my place in line. What do you suggest that I do? I am all ears.

Disney Glimpses

Well-Known Member
You consistently have to go 2-3-4 times an hour to use the toilet? And you get out of every single line at least once to do so? Because that is me. And I travel solo so I don't have anyone to hold my place in line. What do you suggest that I do? I am all ears.
I mean, you're talking like the LL is instant access to an attraction. End to end, you're lucky if you're in and out of an attraction through LL inside of 30 minutes. So the 2-3-4 times per hour wouldn't work either way. But yes, when it starts. It's usually about 3-6 times before the episode ends. Which is why I miss the attraction.
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Well-Known Member
They are not using 40-70% of the ride capacity. That number was how many were in the LL, which is a line designed to have a fraction of what the standby line holds. I think you all are misunderstanding the numbers here. And of course there will be DAS users in the line, that is where they are supposed to be. That is like saying that you can't believe that 100% of the cars waiting in line at a car wash are there to get their car's washed. That's THEIR line. 🤷‍♀️
In some cases they are because G+/ILL lines account for more overall capacity than standby on popular rides. For example, take a ride that is required to run at 90/10 G+/standby (which we know happens and can be as bad as 99/1). That means that 90% of the overall capacity is being given to some form of front of line service. Assuming 70% of that 90% is DAS, that works out to 63% of the total ride utilization just for DAS users. We have CMs on here who talk about having to run rides at the 90/10 ratio and we others saying they see at least 60% DAS usage regularly so these numbers don't seem that farfetched.

Bottom line, 6-9% of all park visitors are DAS and they account for more than half the capacity on the popular rides regularly based on the numbers we have. That is why Disney needs to change this up. That is why people at Disney running the numbers are talking about things like potentially 90-100% of TBA ride capacity being forced to DAS once it opens if they keep the same system.
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I have severe IBS + GERD and have had to do this on more than one occasion (especially at Disney where the food is generally abysmal and triggering). Most times it resulted in me missing the attraction altogether. It never once has crossed my mind that I should have a "disability" pass and be able to skip the standby queue because of this. And it never will.

From my perspective, this pass is for people with severely debilitating disabilities that 100% of the time cannot experience an attraction without it. Not only 10% of the time or only right after lunch.
You made the call for yourself and that's great. But "from your perspective" is the key here.

From Disney's perspective (up until now), guests with many types of disabilities were allowed to use DAS. I won't go into all of my son's issues again, but a castmember actually first recommended DAS to us 3 or so years ago because of the problems we were having. I had no idea he would be covered by the service and it made all the difference in the world to us.


Well-Known Member
If that's not going to work, what is your solution that doesn't require DAS?
If Len’s % is correct that means the amount if people using DAS NOT the issue. 10% or lower is Not a big number at all in regards to overall guests. Ive said countless times. Eliminate the 2 pre books. Cut party (they have) not legal but limit to 1 ride per day for DAS user and then if you want to re ride you are say only allowed to bring 1 other person with you and other can wait in line and in theory reach attraction at same time. The wait time to rebook will help a little.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
That seems extremely complicated. Wouldn't be long before people learn that if you wait 15 minutes into a 70 minute line and then keep "having" to go use the restroom, that you will just be fast tracked to the LL. Then we will be in the same position where people who truly need it are being called scammers.

I think a big part of this could be trying to curtail use and abuse by requiring people to confirm their need in person.

It's one thing to lie once during an online process and then having that DAS access for the day or week. It's another thing to have to look a cast member in the eye throughout the day and lie about not being able to stay in line.

It's also less convenient that a standard DAS. This process could meet needs but lesson the advantage of front of the line access. It will discourage cheaters.


Well-Known Member
In some cases, they are because G+/ILL lines account for more overall capacity than standby on popular rides. For example, take a ride that is required to run at 90/10 G+/standby (which we know happens and can be as bad as 99/1). That means that 90% of the overall capacity is being given to some form of front of line service. Assuming 70% of that 90% is DAS, that works out to 63% of the total ride utilization just for DAS users. We have CMs on here who talk about having to run rides at the 90/10 ratio and we others saying they see at least 60% DAS usage regularly so these numbers don't seem that farfetched.

Bottom line, 6-9% of all park visitors are DAS and they account for more than half the capacity on the popular rides regularly based on the numbers we have. That is why Disney needs to change this up. That is why people at Disney running the numbers are talking about things like potentially 90-100% of TBA ride capacity being forced to DAS once it opens if they keep the same system.
Even if they cut this % in half the usage in theory will be the same and still take up more than it should. Until they change HOW the system works NOT who is allowed this will be an ongoing issue. Again get rid of the pre bookings. Cut down party size maybe even more and on re rides say allow only 1 other guest everyone else needs to wait in line and can meet at the front or something along those lines. Way better than having a ton of people in and out if lines etc raising their hands like we are in grade school. As a DAS user i would not be upset if they only allowed say 1 re ride or something “limiting” me.


Well-Known Member
I think a big part of this could be trying to curtail use and abuse by requiring people to confirm their need in person.

It's one thing to lie once during an online process and then having that DAS access for the day or week. It's another thing to have to look a cast member in the eye throughout the day and lie about not being able to stay in line.

It's also less convenient that a standard DAS. This process could meet needs but lesson the advantage of front of the line access. It will discourage cheaters.
But how is this abuse when the % is so low… can you blame someone for re riding something? Can you blame someone for adding as many guests that are allowed? Seems like the “tour groups” that are taking basically strangers are the issue. I visit once a year with the same people im sure disney sees that the same way they may see some other person who is there all the time with different people constantly.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
But how is this abuse when the % is so low… can you blame someone for re riding something? Can you blame someone for adding as many guests that are allowed? Seems like the “tour groups” that are taking basically strangers are the issue. I visit once a year with the same people im sure disney sees that the same way they may see some other person who is there all the time with different people constantly.

I was referring specifically to the option to leave a line and come back if one needs to use the bathroom due to a medical condition.

This meets the need while taking away the front of the line access that attracts more cheaters.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
That is not true. With FP, you were not limited to only going on a ride one time, like you do with Genie+. So say someone has a kid that really loves Pirates, but they have been denied the DAS they need, with Genie+, they could only use it once per day for Pirates and then the only other option would be to go in the standby line. That is why Genie+ is not a good alternative to DAS for those who need it.
This is not about the money for many people, but the limitations of Genie+.

I don't think Disney is required to allow unlimited repeat rides as an accommodation.

The expectation for most guests would be doing a given attraction once per day. DAS provides the equivalent opportunity to users.

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