Sure, I can appreciate that as well.
As much as it seems to be a huge unknown, I have to imagine that after a number of attractions, you get a feel for what the accommodations are going to be most of the time. A single adult, with her without a young child is probably going to receive a RTQ most times. An individual in a larger group is probably going to be directed to a quite/cool place to sit (if needed) while they wait for their family to do the SB, who will then call them to join them at the merge point. There might be some rides that might have slightly different procedures, but for the most part, they all sound like one of two options - RTQ or AQR. I would hope that after getting a couple of attractions under one’s belt, the process will become a lot less stressful once a family knows what to expect. Again - I HOPE. I could be way off base here, I suppose.
I’m just thinking back to my old CM days - pretty much every 4th person entering the queue would ask us such silly questions: “How long is the wait?” (while pointing to the wait sign) “Is this Attraction X?” (While pointing to the ride’s name?) “Wife, are you sure you’re tall enough?” (Har, har husband…

A genuine question about a brand new procedure isn’t going to annoy a CM (unless they’re just a bad CM

), so I hope no one feels bad or like a pest for talking to the CM before entering the queue about an accommodation they might need.