Premium Member
Well my husband made salads from the toppings bar so my perspective is a bit differentIf the argument is 'there was no rule against it' - then the assessment should come from people's conscious. To know you are given a privilege because of a specific constraint, but to use it outside of that really is a matter of self regulation.
Disney isn't going to hammer anyone.. they were offering the service as a way to help someone, and from an organization that at least in it's roots, is service oriented. Disney isn't going to clamp you down - but just because they don't, that doesn't mean you should shutdown your own internal beliefs.
This is like the old salad/toppings bar scam... No Disney didn't tell you NOT to use the food for other things or meal substitutes... but when enough people take lack of enforcement to mean encouragement or those that are simply selfish... things normally crash eventually.

Honestly, if someone told me to use a service only when necessary I would be extremely careful with it. If not, I wouldn’t have thought twice about using it as much as possible.