Need help convincing teen friends to go to WDW


Leave it alone. The fewer people the better and the fewer unsupervised teenagers the better. Please do not convince them. If they come there will be a 25% chance they will come with something to prove, a bad attitude and at $3500 per trip I do not need that cr*p.


Well-Known Member
Leave it alone. The fewer people the better and the fewer unsupervised teenagers the better. Please do not convince them. If they come there will be a 25% chance they will come with something to prove, a bad attitude and at $3500 per trip I do not need that cr*p.

Talk about a bad attitude. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Leave it alone. The fewer people the better and the fewer unsupervised teenagers the better. Please do not convince them. If they come there will be a 25% chance they will come with something to prove, a bad attitude and at $3500 per trip I do not need that cr*p.

Thats a bad attitude in my oppion! not all teenagers on vacation are going to ruin yours! yea there is some out there that can be rude and obnoxious but there are plenty more that arnt and want to goto disney for a good time! being a teenager my self and recientally coming back from a trip of which my boyfriend came with my family we did not cause any scenes or ruin anyones vacations around us!


Now don't beat me up too badly with my suggestion :lookaroun. Maybe suggest a day or two at Universal & Islands of Adventure. I LOVE Disney, have been going since I was 8 yrs. old (30 years now). But for the past 5 years or so, we've added one or two days in Universal/Islands. My son (who's 16) loves Disney also, but is always thrilled to go to Islands (thrill rides.....Hulk, Spiderman, Dueling Dragons, not to mention all the cool water rides) and he enjoys Universal too (Mummy, Back to the Future, Men in Black, etc.....). So maybe suggest a side trip there. Good luck and I hope you get to go on your vacation. :wave:


New Member
Someone might have already said this but..

If they didn't grow up on Disney, they are going to think it's a childs park. It makes me so angry when I tell people I am going to Disney World and they are like "And HOW old are YOU?"

But yeah- I would just direct them to the disney website and tell them to look around at all the great dining and rides!

EDIT* Tell them to ride Mission Space THEN let them tell you it's a kiddy park!!!! Hah!

Scar Junior

Active Member
It can be done!

When I was a senior in HS I created a dream trip for myself and nine others. Dream trip because it gave me, a little Disney fanatic, the opportunity to share what I loved with my some of my closest friends. The price with flight, Tiffany Towncar service, "other" travel expenses, a few meals, park hopper plus tickets, 8 nights at All-Star resort... under $800.

The nine friends who accompanied me on the trip varied on their interest of Disney and Disney World. Some only wanted to go because others went. Some had no interest at all. Some loved Disney movies and music. Some had gone only as a child. My ex-girlfriend wanted to go because she wanted to know what this thing was that made me so happy.

I marketed the trip to them via posterboards with pictures and maps, the Walt Disney World Explorer CD Rom, letters and e-mails (some with links) that highlighted attractions and the experience. There was also a few nights that I invited everyone over to watch the promotional videos -- which I would pause and add stories and fun info.

I showcased P.I., both waterparks, DTD (especially House of Blues -- two of them currently live in Nashville and are succeeding in music careers), fireworks shows and musicals (Most were in theater and/or choir). Some were excited about the cheerleading nationals that were going to be going on (and many staying in the resort hotel). I budgeted three expensive group meals into everyone's overall price and marketed Disney's restaurants (because at least half were into good food).

Obviously I talked about thrill rides. That should go without saying. But what I promoted was the experience. Four and a half years later I still share stories from these friends (at least once a month). They are still grateful for the experience, and I am happy to have been able to share it. The trip was everything I hoped it would be ... and in a few hours I am driving one of those friends to the airport and he starts his CP today! He didn't know anything except Lion King when I started talking about the trip.

Side note: My parents and my ex-girlfriend's parents also went but stayed at Coronado Springs. They took different flights as well. We only ran into them once in 8 days. But, while down there both sets of parents bought into DVC and it's been even greater vacations ever since.


Original Poster
I wanted to post a quick update, in case anyone was wondering...

Unfortunately, my friends decided they would prefer to go on a cruise (and, no, not even a Disney one) :fork: . I tried many of the suggestions y'all had come up with, but unfortuantely was unable to convice them, so the trip is off. :(

Thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciated it!


Well-Known Member
You should drug them and then bring them to WDW.
:lol: Well if you don't feel like taking the illegal route, I would suggest showing them some ride videos on the disney site as well as describing the diversity of the attractions at wdw. As a 16 year old I can understand why your friends are they way they are. It isn't devious enough to enjoy something that is considered "childish," despite how fun it may be.


Account Suspended
I'm in the group that's worried about you not having a good trip because of them...

It's not just teens, but people who don't get WDW in general sometimes aren't the folks to try and drag there, and certainly not in groups. I had a major bad experience one where I lucked into several tickets and brought a very large group of people (many of which thought Disney was a joke - but all went because it was a free ticket) and let me tell you - it was a nightmare.

I've had some good experiences where people did come around to WDW after going there, but that's when it's one-on-one and they can enjoy themselves, but if it's a group that's already "oh his is so childish and stupid" they're going to be saying that all the way through probably (as a group), and you're going to be wishing you left them at home.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to post a quick update, in case anyone was wondering...

Unfortunately, my friends decided they would prefer to go on a cruise (and, no, not even a Disney one) :fork: . I tried many of the suggestions y'all had come up with, but unfortuantely was unable to convice them, so the trip is off. :(

Thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciated it!

If I could suggest, This is if you are a male & at least 18 YO, I would suggest that you just back out of the cruise. Then take the trip to WDW by yourself. I did that when I was in college over xmas break one time. I will tell you that it was the greatest trip I ever took. You can sleep and eat when you want and do what you want. It was so cool. Besides, even if you dragged your friends there and they had a bad time, they would just ruin your fun.
I learned one thing going to WDW. The more people you bring, the more trouble and less fun it is. Everywhere you want to go, someone says "NAAAA I don't want to do that".

If you are a female, then drag a parent with you or stay inside WDW and dont leave except to go home.

You won't regret it !!!!


New Member
Show them the planning DVD and tell them cool people like Luke go there...:lookaroun .... on the otherhand, dont do that....

:lol: LOL!

are you going without parents? just tell them how much fun pleasure island will be without parents (if you all are 18). I went when I was 17 and turned 18 while I was in florida... we went to PI the night of my birthday and danced all night.. met guys at our hotel and just had a blast running around without our parents.

It was great.

hope that helps and good luck!

OOPS! SORRY! I just now saw that you don't need this help anymore. :( sorry again.

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