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With Disney coming out with the new Chronicals of Narnia movie (which may be the first of a series of seven, if they do every book) can you say new attraction or attractions at one of the parks?

Sharon L

New Member
The movie is actually "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", which is the second book in the series. I am sure that Disney will wait to see how the movie does before the start any plans for an attraction.


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Welcome to the boards!

I believe they are putting in a walk-through of some of the movie sets over at Disney-MGM Studios.


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brkgnews said:
Welcome to the boards!

I believe they are putting in a walk-through of some of the movie sets over at Disney-MGM Studios.

They are. Construction starts in October(?) and goes through the end of the year. I can't wait.


Sharon L said:
The movie is actually "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", which is the second book in the series.

For the record, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is the first book in the series by the old method of arranging. It was the first book written, and for many years, the books were ordered by when they were written.

In more recent years, publishers have started reordering the books by the chronological order of the timeframe in the stories. By this reckoning, The Magician's Nephew comes first, though it was actually written as a prequel, five years later.

The fact that this movie is titled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe gives the distinct impression that there are plans to make the entire series. If so, it makes sense to start with the book that sets up the story, was the first one written, and is by most accounts the most popular, even though it may not be chronologically first in the world of Narnia.

Assuming it does well, I imagine we'll see quite a few more Narnia films in the future (there are 7 books in total), and I'm sure Disney will play up the tie-in to WDW based on the first film's performance.



At Night of Joy next month at the Magic Kingdom, a lot of the Narnia music will debut. Guests will be able to hear & see live performances of many of the songs from the movie. From what I've read, every guest that night will receive a special CD as well that will include a bonus track "The Chronicles of Narnia - Audio Magazine." Group leaders attending will be given a promotional DVD of the movie. I can't wait! It will be my first Night of Joy.

Look forward to seeing those new sets going up at Disney MGM later in the year too. The movie looks awesome so far, and I would love to see a permanent attraction on it.


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Sharon L said:
The movie is actually "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", which is the second book in the series. I am sure that Disney will wait to see how the movie does before the start any plans for an attraction.

TLWATW is the first book in the series. I've read them all numerous times, and seen the old live action movies, which were very good for having a small budget. I realize there is a prequel, but the author never intended for that book to be the first one you read. It was meant to tell more of the backstory for after you get to that point to in the series.

They are also already building an attraction at MGM with sets and props from the movie. Its supposed to be open before too long. So I guess you could say that you're wrong on both counts.


Thrawn said:
TLWATW is the first book in the series.

Yes, I made this point above.

Thrawn said:
I realize there is a prequel, but the author never intended for that book to be the first one you read.

Not necessarily, Thrawn. Lewis himself went on record saying that the chronological order (which the above poster was using) possibly made more sense. In C.S. Lewis' Letters to Children, he is quoted thusly:

I think I agree with your order [chronological] for reading the books more than with your mother's. The series was not planned beforehand as she thinks. When I wrote The Lion I did not know I was going to write any more. Then I wrote P. Caspian as a sequel and still didn't think there would be any more, and when I had done The Voyage I felt quite sure it would be the last. But I found as I was wrong. So perhaps it does not matter very much in which order anyone read them. I'm not even sure that all the others were written in the same order in which they were published.

Now while I do agree that there are good reasons for doing Lion first (as I said above), the question of which order is preferable is still debated by Lewis scholars to this day, and to suggest that Lewis himself would have preferred the original order is really stretching it. And it's flat-out wrong to say that he "never intended" for people to read them chronologically, since obviously he intended for at least one child to read them that way. ;)

Ordinarily, since this is all off-topic and rather nitpicky, I wouldn't have even posted this. But I couldn't resist an attempt to correct Thrawn, since he's so good at correcting everyone else. :)



New Member
So it was LWW, PC, VotDT, then the others? I never knew that.

But on topic: I think CoN attractions would be great. Especially Voyage of the Dawn Treader (my favorite). I just think it's great that they're being redone. Although I loved the books, the old movies were kinda boring.


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I.M.Fearless said:
So it was LWW, PC, VotDT, then the others? I never knew that.

But on topic: I think CoN attractions would be great. Especially Voyage of the Dawn Treader (my favorite). I just think it's great that they're being redone. Although I loved the books, the old movies were kinda boring.
Here's the order there in now:
The Magician's Nephew
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
the Horse and his Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle

But like PolarBoi and Thrawn pointed out, The Lion witch and the wardrobe was the first one written and the most popular.

I think a Narnia attraction would be great. Ever since I last read the books I become to love them like I do Disney, so putting the two together is like a dream come true! :lol: (I know I'm a dork ;) )

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
maconMouse said:
At Night of Joy next month at the Magic Kingdom, a lot of the Narnia music will debut. Guests will be able to hear & see live performances of many of the songs from the movie. From what I've read, every guest that night will receive a special CD as well that will include a bonus track "The Chronicles of Narnia - Audio Magazine." Group leaders attending will be given a promotional DVD of the movie. I can't wait! It will be my first Night of Joy.

Look forward to seeing those new sets going up at Disney MGM later in the year too. The movie looks awesome so far, and I would love to see a permanent attraction on it.
anyone else going to the night of Joy. I kinda want to go. I wish Third Day was going to be there:( The Chronicles of Narnia are amazing BTW
look, cs lewis was a great author, and this may just be me, but i HATED the chronicles of narnia.... that may just be cause we were forced to have them read to us in grade school, but i did not like them much. however, i always look forward to an update to the backlot tour which is supposed to have the sets from this movie as part of the walking tour. i still think honey i shrunk the kids was the best moive they ever had part of the backlot tour. especially with the giant bee!


Well-Known Member
CommandoDisney said:
look, cs lewis was a great author, and this may just be me, but i HATED the chronicles of narnia.... that may just be cause we were forced to have them read to us in grade school, but i did not like them much. however, i always look forward to an update to the backlot tour which is supposed to have the sets from this movie as part of the walking tour. i still think honey i shrunk the kids was the best moive they ever had part of the backlot tour. especially with the giant bee!

I had the exact opposite experience. We read LWW and I then read the whole series as a kid (and I"m not a big reader). :lol: Different strokes, I guess!

As for the sets, I'm sure they will wait to guage the public response before doing an attraction. However, if it does well, they then have a huge franchise to the extent of LotR (but with a larger children's interest). Here's to hoping!

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