My Feelings On Seasonal Attractions


New Member
Not the same experience all year round.... thankfully!

In response to the idea that visitors should get the same "full Disney experience" all year round, I have to point out that visitors in January have it pretty good compared to visitors in July even if they don't get to experience CoP or WoL or TK or even any major attraction that may be under rehab.

Off-season visitors can accomplish much more in the parks than peak-seaon guests. For instance, the wait times for attractions, for food, for the turnstiles, for just everything add up to a significant portion of the day during the peak season, purely because of the crowds. Even if you work Fastpass to its best potential, you might spend an entire day at MK on Christmas and only get through a few attractions, dealing with a crazy amount of stress all the way. On the other hand, off-season visitors can get through everything the MK has to offer that interests them (and is open) and be back at their hotel pool stress-free by 2PM, allowing them to hit another park or recreation venue that evening and stretching the value of their visit. The time one would have spent just trying not to walk into other people during the peak season can be used to study and enjoy all the special details of the parks.

Which is the fuller, more "complete" Disney experience?


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
So, even though the waits are minimal, you would want the parks to remain open the longer summer hours during the off-season.

Why would WDW ever do this?

Think about it, a guest that comes on New Year's Eve may be in the park from 9am until 1am.....16 hours, but if they experience 10 attractions, and have to wait an extra 1/2 hour in line for each attraction, they are spending 5 extra hours waiting in lines.

Now, if you in September, when wait times are non-existant, and the park is open from 9am until 8pm...11 hours, you are actually getting to see just as much, you just are not spending those extra 5 hours in line.

I understand why they close it earlier and I am cool with that. I just don't see why they need to close some attractions as well though in the off season. I would think one or the other would be more fair.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Even in the slowest seasons, the MK is open until 10 or 11 at least 2 times per week, at which time Spectro is shown.....Wishes takes place almost every night, unless the park is closing at 6pm.

Keep in mind, the MK hosts such events as Mickey's not so Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party, The Night of Joy, Grad Night...., all of which require an extra ticket, and unless the MK was to close early, these events could not take place.

Epcot closes Future World at 7pm, and opens WS at 11am, plus, Epcot offers an "after 4pm" pass, as many locals eat dinner in the WS at night.

MGM's hours vary about as much as the MK, and DAK closes at 5 or 6 almost every day of the year, even in the summer.....the park is typically empty after the parade anyway.

I believe when we were there at the end of Jan. it (the MK) was open one night until 9:00 and that was it. It was a Tuesday.

Back in the 1970s the MK would be open until 12:30 durring the Summer, is that still true? I am not sure as we don't go at that time anymore.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
I believe when we were there at the end of Jan. it (the MK) was open one night until 9:00 and that was it. It was a Tuesday.

Back in the 1970s the MK would be open until 12:30 durring the Summer, is that still true? I am not sure as we don't go at that time anymore.

In the 70's, WDW was only 1 park, and not the complete vacation kingdom it is today. The park does not need to be open that late anymore, the crowds do not warrent it.


New Member
I agree with most of the posts,but l feel if you don't have the crowds close early,but you should have all the operating attractions open for the price you pay for the admission to enter the parks and to eat/stay within the property.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna side with Speck on this one. During the Summer months, when every attraction is open, Disney is slimming the lines of the E-Ticket attractions by the amount of people waiting for those seasonal attractions. Every day, people would complain because they could only ride 5 or 6 attractions in a day, and that numher would be less if not for the seasonal attractions.
However, during September/October, the longest line I have seen in Peter Pan, at 40 minutes. Other than that, it is RARE to see attractions with over 25 minutes. What the guest is not getting in Quantity of rides, they are getting back in quality of visit. I love CoP, and TimeKeeper, and WoL, but it would be a problem of spreading itself too thin.


Well-Known Member
Enderikari said:
I'm gonna side with Speck on this one. During the Summer months, when every attraction is open, Disney is slimming the lines of the E-Ticket attractions by the amount of people waiting for those seasonal attractions. Every day, people would complain because they could only ride 5 or 6 attractions in a day, and that numher would be less if not for the seasonal attractions.
However, during September/October, the longest line I have seen in Peter Pan, at 40 minutes. Other than that, it is RARE to see attractions with over 25 minutes. What the guest is not getting in Quantity of rides, they are getting back in quality of visit. I love CoP, and TimeKeeper, and WoL, but it would be a problem of spreading itself too thin.

I am not sure I understand. How does closing some rides make the others less congested?


New Member
well I have been there many times but have never been to Time Keeper, now I must say that I am very intriqued by the mystery, what kinda secrets does it hold? Will it be open now? I am leaving soon.....
As a tomorrowland cast member, I find the need to comment on this topic. During the slow season other attractions in tomorrowland "cut back" besides TK and CoP. Speedway, for instance, when it is slow will drop tracks or do the same if they are short staffed. Also, Space Mountain will often drop A-Side ( the left one ) when we are slow, when there is about a 20min wait all day , around noonish management may call and tell the coordinator to drop a A-Side and send cast members home, in order to save money. Trust me, a lot of guests complain about this because they want to experience both sides, even though they are the same, but they do feel like they are being cheated. And the same went for AE when it was open, on slow days they would drop a chamber since there was low attendance.

As far as TK and CoP are concerned, I really don't know which version I believe as to why they are "seasonal." I do know that when park attendance is low there is very little attendance to those attractions, but I would say the same would go for any attraction at the slow times. I think a lot of it is a supply and demand of sorts, the big wigs figure, "well, the guests would be more satisfied with the "bigger rides" (eticket and such) on slower days than the others." Of course I know this is not true for a lot of people, but most guests on a daily basis would choose BTM , Splash, or Space over TK and CoP.

And now as far as the future of these two beloved attractions, I do believe one is sure to be gone and that is Timekeeper. In all of my time in Tomorrowland, i have NEVER heard anyone seriously talking about CoP being taken out or moved. However, I have heard members of management talking about the fate of TK and it ain't pretty. Of course, nothing is concrete, but my area manager recently told me when i asked him " So, are they really taking out TImekeeper at the end of the year?" he is " Well, that's what I hear but nothing is definite" And I tell you that recently the only thing it has been used for is little tomorrowland parties for cast members, a shelter for cast members families during the recent hurricanes, and during special events (ie MNSSHP) for photos. I honestly don't think there is anything to worry about CoP in the near future


New Member
While I personal don't like some attractions closed during non-peak times, because I personally wont benefit from it being closed when I go. I believe it to be a good business strategy to not waste man power and money on an attraction that is not drawing attendence. But at the same time instead of just leaving it seasonal year after year, I feel that Disney should either update or replace an attraction so that it will draw crowds. An attraction like Wonders of Life should be replaced instead of just being seasonal, but for all I know a replacement may be on the drawing board for WOL.

Now COP on the other hand, I think, should not close permently and still be seasonal because lets be honest there are times when attendence does not call for so many attractions to be available and the low attandence doesn't have to do as much with ticket cost as it does with guest convenience. By guest convenience I mean time of year that most guest are able to go. Summer is more convenient for most families because the children are out of school. I knew many people love this attraction and would like to see it open all the time, but if it doesn't consistently draw the attendece it should to justify the full time staffing why should it remain open all year for just us disney fanatics. While COP is not my fav attraction, I believe that this is one of the few attractions that should remian untouched because it symbolizes everthing about Walt. Walt personally designed the attraction and I feel that this attraction along with IASW, POTC, HOP and HM should always remain in the park in some capacity. Another solution I think to be viable, instead of making COP seasonal, I think that should move the attaction to a different Disney Park. Like DTR, DLP, or even back to DL. I think that having the attraction move ever decade or so to a different park might extend the longevity of the attraction. Everytime it returns to a park it chance for us to relive the attraction and for new people to discover it. But of course these are just my opinions.


Original Poster
speck76 said:
Even in the slowest seasons, the MK is open until 10 or 11 at least 2 times per week, at which time Spectro is shown.....Wishes takes place almost every night, unless the park is closing at 6pm.

Keep in mind, the MK hosts such events as Mickey's not so Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party, The Night of Joy, Grad Night...., all of which require an extra ticket, and unless the MK was to close early, these events could not take place.

Epcot closes Future World at 7pm, and opens WS at 11am, plus, Epcot offers an "after 4pm" pass, as many locals eat dinner in the WS at night.

MGM's hours vary about as much as the MK, and DAK closes at 5 or 6 almost every day of the year, even in the summer.....the park is typically empty after the parade anyway.

When I was there in January myself, thr Magic Kingdom closed every night at 6:00 or 7:00. I think on Saturday it was open until 8:30.

When I was there in September, the Magic Kingdom was open most nights until 8:30, 1 night until 9:30, and 1 night until 6:00.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
When I was there in January myself, thr Magic Kingdom closed every night at 6:00 or 7:00. I think on Saturday it was open until 8:30.

When I was there in September, the Magic Kingdom was open most nights until 8:30, 1 night until 9:30, and 1 night until 6:00.

In January, it is dark by 5:30, and an 8:30 closing still permits the production of Spectro and Wishes.

You must have come in September the week of Night of Joy, which is why the park shut at 6pm (that was a Friday, right?)


Original Poster
speck76 said:
In January, it is dark by 5:30, and an 8:30 closing still permits the production of Spectro and Wishes.

You must have come in September the week of Night of Joy, which is why the park shut at 6pm (that was a Friday, right?)

Yeah, they had Wishes every night in January. Spectromagic, they did not. I believe they had it twice while we were there over 8 days.

Yup, we came during Night Of Joy.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
Yeah, they had Wishes every night in January. Spectromagic, they did not. I believe they had it twice while we were there over 8 days.

Yup, we came during Night Of Joy.

I suggest that if you want the park to be open late, you come on a week that does not contain a special event.


Original Poster
speck76 said:
I suggest that if you want the park to be open late, you come on a week that does not contain a special event.

I suggest that if Disney is going to close the parks to the general public for a special event, they should let us know when we book the trip.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
I suggest that if Disney is going to close the parks to the general public for a special event, they should let us know when we book the trip.

Special events are posted far in advance, as are the park is really not all the difficult to figure out if you do a little research.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
joviacdan said:
I suggest that if Disney is going to close the parks to the general public for a special event, they should let us know when we book the trip.

They let me know...

I called CRO on Monday to confirm my reservation... and the operator (who sounded a LOT like Rosie said.. "ok.. the MK will be closing a bit early at such and such a time on these days... for MNSSHP, and that is an extra ticket" and she rattled off the price... so.. they DO let ya know. :) :wave:

At least they have always let me know.. and I have always looked ahead at the park hours to.


Original Poster
speck76 said:
Special events are posted far in advance, as are the park is really not all the difficult to figure out if you do a little research.

Maybe it isn't difficult.

Honestly, closing at 6:00 didn't interupt my plans for the day at all. That wasn't my initial point.

It's my OPINION that hours should be the same year round. If it isn't yours, then that's OK.

That's what's great about this country. We're free to believe whatever we want.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
It's my OPINION that hours should be the same year round. If it isn't yours, then that's OK. can have any opinion that you want to have, but I would think for your own benefit you would want to base your opinions on some type of logic, not just "I want it that way because I want it that way!"

Now, I don't know your background, but I would also think that if you had any type of management or finance background you would also see the faults of your opinion.

I guess that that is why they say "Opinions are like @____________s, we all have them, and most of them stink" :D


Original Poster
Sorry you feel that way.

So are you saying everyone on this thread that shares the same beliefs have no logic either?

And hey, maybe that's the case. There are many things that are done in the business world that aren't fair to the consumer. Does that make them ethical?

This thread started with me voicing my opinions about seasonal attractions. It somehow became about the parks closing early.

I don't see my feelings on that illogical in the least bit.

If I go to the movies on a Tuesday night, I would expect that the theatre would use all of the speakers for the show as they do on Friday night? Should they not because there aren't as many people in the theatre?

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