Mission: Space First??


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Is it best to go right to Mission Space when Epcot first opens? Or is it less crowded near the end of the day?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jborda87
Is it best to go right to Mission Space when Epcot first opens? Or is it less crowded near the end of the day?
When you get there in the morning, First get a FastPass for Test Track... then take the Stand-By line for Mission:SPACE
If you do M:S in the afternoon it "could" be crowded.
And it depends on the season.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what time of the year you go...sometimes M:S is a walk-on throughout the day...if you go to WDW during busy periods, then yes, head toward M:S first thing in the morning if you don't want to make a line or use Fast Pass. Corrus' Test Track idea is good one....because Test Track is always more crowded (M:S lines moves quicker because of its capacity.....or atleast it seems so).



Yes, as Corrus said, the best thing to do is head to Test Track and pick up that FastPass, then head to M:S and wait in the stand-by line. I have noticed that M:S has short lines at night around 8:00 when everyone finds a spot for Illuminations. During one of my January trips (the last time I was at Epcot actually), I walked on M:S at 8:30, then barely waited 5 minutes for Test Track. Nighttime is the best time for small lines.


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I'm actually leaving for Diseny next tuesday the 16th and I am excpecting to go to Epcot on the 17th of march.


Well-Known Member
You want to go to Test Track first, because the ride has been known to break down from time to time. Go to Test Track first, than go to Mission: Space.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
2 hours, FW at 9, WS at 11.

2 hours! Holy cow. Has it always been 2 hours or did they bump it up with the addition of M:S? I thought it was only 1 hour. In any case, that works for me. I am always at the gate before the park opens.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I think it's been 2 hours for a while. I was 1 hour at some point in the past. I'd have to dig up my souvenirs and check out the park hour sheets. Gotta take one of everything, you know. :D


New Member
Drifting, drifting over the states to the North. . .

Prior to kids, my wife and I would, * * * * * well that's for another thread at another time. But at PKI we would do something called the Coaster Run. We would get there at opening and go 1st to The Beast, then hit Vortex, followed by the Racer, with a quick stop at Adventure Express, then to the King Cobra, and finally onto Top Gun. In the last couple of years, we have added Flight of Fear after Vortex and Face-Off in place of King Cobra and do Son of Beast prior to Top Gun.

Makes for one dizzying rush, 8 Coasters in less than 3 hours. With over 10 inversions.

At that point we pretty much curl into a fetal position and whimper for the remainder of the day. . . Until nightfall, when the Beast is calling our name.


New Member
You've got your choices for this one. Like you said you always are at the gates before opening, run straight to Test Track and grab a fastpass then hang a left and go get in the mission space line and then go ride test track.
Or go at night and just walk right on at about 8. It works either way. Just in the morning you gotta be on ur toes!:D


New Member
I think I will take my wife to have a HUGE breakfast. Maybe even a buffet. Then I will run her over to M:S and we are going to ride it 4 times straight as soon as it opens. :lol: :hurl:

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