Mission Space existance


New Member
Original Poster
This is what I just read on a weekly Disney newsletter I receive:


Construction of the Mission: Space pavilion at Epcot has
encountered a snag. The attraction is sponsored by Compaq
computers which is about to merge with Hewlett-Packard.
Unfortunately, HP is a partner of DreamWorks, a competitor of
Disney's in animation. Now we're wondering if Compaq is going to
pay the $100 million it pledged to complete the project at Epcot.
Disney and HP are still negotiating, but Disney has removed the
countdown clock to project completion that used to be on display
at the construction site! (Source: Orlando Weekly, 4/17/02)

this would really suck if they didnt complete the project!! this ride looks like it is going to be AWESOME!

Heres to hoping Mission: Space will still be in existance!! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member

i dont think disney would be so stupid as to not sign a contract...........i hope


Well-Known Member
Yeah...we all were wondeirng how the merger would effect the pavillion..I dont see then pulling out of the deal however since Im almsot positive that they signed a contract PRIOR to construction getting started.


New Member
I have a feeling Katzenberg is behind this. Little b@stard! Anyway, I have a feeling that if Compaq doesn't pick up it's bill, there may be a legal situation that would ensue. Let's just hope that another sponsor comes around QUICK! Maybe Bill Gates will shell out some money for this or maybe even Dell or Gateway. Let's all cross our fingers.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Terp02
I have a feeling Katzenberg is behind this. Little b@stard! Anyway, I have a feeling that if Compaq doesn't pick up it's bill, there may be a legal situation that would ensue. Let's just hope that another sponsor comes around QUICK! Maybe Bill Gates will shell out some money for this or maybe even Dell or Gateway. Let's all cross our fingers.

...or Nasa ;)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
NASA would be cool!

But I Dont think Comc.r.a.p. computers will weasle out of the contract they most likely signed prior to the construction of Mission Space.....a lawsuit would start..and It would be very bad PR.


New Member
I don't think that NASA would be able to do it, since it is a government entity. Some people might complain about their tax dollars going to build an attraction at Epcot.


Well-Known Member
I really hope that this doesn't delay the ride too much if any because this is one ride that I have really been anxiously waiting for.

WDW Imagineer

New Member
That would really bite if compaq (HP) bails out, but I would not put it in the back of my mind that Katzenburg is somehow related to this....

Anyway I bet there is another sponser already in the works, Dell would be pretty neat, but I would also not rule out Apple...

Microsoft is also probably looking for another way to gewt into your heads, and what is a better spot then Disney World!

Quick ?: What is going to happen to all those "Powered By Compaq" logos all over Disney.com ESPN.com and even YAHOO!.

Any thoughts:confused:


New Member
Apple probably won't do it since Steve Jobs also runs Pixar which wants to break loose of Disney ASAP so I doubt they will want to tie themselves up with Disney any longer then necessary.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Terp02
Apple probably won't do it since Steve Jobs also runs Pixar which wants to break loose of Disney ASAP so I doubt they will want to tie themselves up with Disney any longer then necessary.

Pixar is in no rush to break ties with Disney..they are making at least 3 more movies with them...and they make PILES of money from the mouse...


New Member
NASA Won't Sponsor....

It would be highly unlikely for NASA to sponsor.
1) They're on a tight budget themselves
2) They have their own attraction venue in FL
3) They don't hace access to a constant supply of money for the sponsorship.

If Disney must change, they should go with a company related to space industries, ie. Lockheed Martin, etc. Thus, sticking w/ Walt's original sponsor "areas" (Dole=Tiki Room, Carnation=Main Street)


Well-Known Member
Big debate on the Disboards News and Rumors. Another Voice (he works in Burbank, guess where) says that many sponsors sponsor two competitiors (Coke and Disney and Universal). The big problem is that HP dosn't see the difference between putting a sign saying "HP" on the front and them paying $100 Mill. Don't worry, Ei$iner and Wess love it to death.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Big debate on the Disboards News and Rumors. Another Voice (he works in Burbank, guess where) says that many sponsors sponsor two competitiors (Coke and Disney and Universal). The big problem is that HP dosn't see the difference between putting a sign saying "HP" on the front and them paying $100 Mill. Don't worry, Ei$iner and Wess love it to death.

I hate the PIS boards...never mention them again.


New Member
gimme a break. :hurl: ill personally go to compaq (with my piece of crap computer they sold me years ago) and do something..i dunno what..but something! lol!

Its just kinda irritating the whole bureaucracy B.S. I mean, shoot, im sure there are people out there who are huge disney fans who have money who could donate. Cripes, everyone donate a dollar, there have to be about 100 million people out there who would pay a buck to have a ride made "for them, by them" yano? some people even could donate more...and those who donate a ton of money get their name infront of the building instead of comcrap, or hp

just a thought :zipit:


Well-Known Member
Um...I think there HAS to be a contract between Disney and Compaq. Wouldn't that be the reason that they changed all their computers to Compaq and put up the "powered by Compaq" thing on their web-site in the first place? Say what you will about Eisner and Pressler, but they would not be stupid enough to start a $100,000,000 project without having a guarantee that the money would come in


Well-Known Member
I doubt there is any chance that the project will stop or change. They've already put too much hype into it. Also the construction and R&D that has been put into it so far is too much to throw away. If there's a delay, I'm sure it's because things are not working out technically the way they're supposed to. I don't think that Disney with all their lawyers would make a handshake agreement with Compaq for the sponsorship. If they have a contract, HP will have to honor it because it is a merger. If Compaq went bankrupt, that would be a different story.

Also.......my spanish is a little rusty but I think it's, "Por favor, mantenganse adejado de las puertas" :slurp:

Mr. Toad

Active Member
Originally posted by Nut4Disney
I don't think that NASA would be able to do it, since it is a government entity. Some people might complain about their tax dollars going to build an attraction at Epcot.

Personally, I would see it as one of the best uses of my tax dollars. :)

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