Might have to reschedule.....


Well-Known Member
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Well, our team won the first round of playoffs last night - YAY! However, that places us in the position of possibly having to reschedule our trip.
We have 2 more rounds of playoffs to get through, and the Championship game is sheduled at Heinz Field (Go Steelers!) on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. DD plays trumpet in the band, and this is her senior year. We almost have to decide which way to go if we win this next game - if I wait until the 17th that's less than the 5-day window stipulated in my trip insurance. She says she doesn't care about a football game, but I tell her when she gets old like her mother, she'll always regret that she didn't go to the game. I mean, Disneyworld will always be there but her senior year only comes once.
I already talked to my AA agent, and I realize that we won't be able to reschedule anytime before the end of the year, but I'm thinking the last of January-first of February would work.
I'll be sad:cry: because we're so close and we waited so long, but I know we'll still get to go. I guess all I can do is wait for this weekend and see what happens *shrug*


Active Member
Well, our team won the first round of playoffs last night - YAY! However, that places us in the position of possibly having to reschedule our trip.
We have 2 more rounds of playoffs to get through, and the Championship game is sheduled at Heinz Field (Go Steelers!) on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

Congrats to your team! BTW, what school district is it? I'm from near Pittsburgh too. Our school didn't even make the playoffs.

I hope you are able to work everything out. I agree with you on rescheduling. I'm sure she's excited about Disney, but like you said she will only be a senior once. It's a memory she will have forever. I was in my hs band and have some great memories of those days.


New Member
Reschedule. Two years ago we cut a 12 day trip to 4 1/2 days to squeeze between Little League All Star District and Regional Tournaments. WE were flying through all four parks but had a good time. The run to the State tournament is a BIGGER memory. Congrats. WDW will still bee there. My 2 cents.


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Congrats to your team! BTW, what school district is it? I'm from near Pittsburgh too. Our school didn't even make the playoffs.

I hope you are able to work everything out. I agree with you on rescheduling. I'm sure she's excited about Disney, but like you said she will only be a senior once. It's a memory she will have forever. I was in my hs band and have some great memories of those days.

We live south of Pittsburgh in Greene Co. - Jefferson-Morgan school district. This is the fisrt time since 1989 we've gotten past the firt round.

We're pretty small, which is another reason to reschedule - our band can't afford to lose any members!!:lol: It's going to be one of those things - if I reschedule, we'll lose the last game before the championship; if I don't we'll win. I guess err on the side of caution. January isn't that far away....


Active Member
We live south of Pittsburgh in Greene Co. - Jefferson-Morgan school district. This is the fisrt time since 1989 we've gotten past the firt round.

We're pretty small, which is another reason to reschedule - our band can't afford to lose any members!!:lol: It's going to be one of those things - if I reschedule, we'll lose the last game before the championship; if I don't we'll win. I guess err on the side of caution. January isn't that far away....

I understand that completely. I graduated from Western Beaver in Beaver County. We had a really small band also. I've heard of Jefferson-Morgan. I hope they do well!


New Member
Congrats!!! It is wonderful that you are willing to let your DD have both, memories of her senior year with the band and memories with her family! Way to go!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!:sohappy:


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Yeah, we've talked it over and pretty much made up our minds. If we win this Friday, I'll go to the AAA office on Monday and reschedule for January.
If we lose the game on the 17th, oh well, we had a good run and we'll still have WDW to look forward to. We'll miss seeing the Christmas decorations, but we did see them on our last trip. Besides, do you know how cold it gets here in January in western PA? Just think how nice the sunshine will feel!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I had a back up plan ready but our team lost last night in the final playoff, so it looks like all systems are go for Tuesday. They played their little hearts out and I'm hoarse from all the screaming - we were matched up with the #1 team in the state but they only got us by 8 points. It was a good season, but I'm ready for a vacation. WDW, here we come!!:wave:


New Member
I had a back up plan ready but our team lost last night in the final playoff, so it looks like all systems are go for Tuesday. They played their little hearts out and I'm hoarse from all the screaming - we were matched up with the #1 team in the state but they only got us by 8 points. It was a good season, but I'm ready for a vacation. WDW, here we come!!:wave:

Sorry that your team didn't win, but it sounds like they gave it a good run:wave: I hope that you enjoy your trip!:D


New Member
I had a back up plan ready but our team lost last night in the final playoff, so it looks like all systems are go for Tuesday. They played their little hearts out and I'm hoarse from all the screaming - we were matched up with the #1 team in the state but they only got us by 8 points. It was a good season, but I'm ready for a vacation. WDW, here we come!!:wave:
That is good. You and I will be at the same hotel at the same time. I arrive Monday. Have fun!

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