March 1, 2003


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hello everyone. I have been seeing advertising that 100 years of magic continues until Feb 28, 2003. Our next trip starts March 1 2003 until March 7. My question for everyone is what do you think it will be like then? Will they stop parades, one man's dream and other events? Will they have new merchanidse? (maybe we can get some 100 years of magic things on clearance!!) Will they be starting something new? Anyone out there have more knowledge on this than I have?


New Member
Sorry, I don´t know... I haven´t been there to see how the celebrations officially end, but I just wanted to say HI to you again! It had been a while since I saw your name around. :wave: :animwink:


New Member
My guess is that One Man's Dream is there to stay. The big question is what happens to the MGM hat? There was a looong thread on the hat's fate a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
One Mans Dream & Tapestry of Dreams are the only thing I would worry about disapearing. Everything else including the hat will go on.
Hard to say which parades will stay and which will go. For example, the 25th Anniversary Parade, Remember the Magic, was renamed Magical Moments Parade and stayed until it was replaced by the current parade.

As far as 100 Years merchandise, they will probably take much of it off the shelves and sell it at the discount stores at the Outlet Mall on International Drive. I think the stores are called Character Premiere, or something like that.


Well-Known Member
You're going so soon after the "official" ending that you will still probably see most of the 100 Years celebration in action. The parades, One Mans Dream, and kiosks will still be running, though most of the merchendise will be in the process of getting phased out. A lot of the 100 Years signage will also be coming down.

On the subject of outlets, there is another Character Premiere outlet at the Belz Mall beside I-95 in St. Augustine.


New Member
Originally posted by wdwfan22
One Mans Dream & Tapestry of Dreams are the only thing I would worry about disapearing. Everything else including the hat will go on.

I hope they keep ToD till atleast the end of 2003, but I think everything else is hear to stay, it is too popular right now to get rid of it, so they'll keep!!! :)
There wont be almost any difference in your trip. Parades aren't going anywhere...hat isn't going anywhere...One Man's Dream I doubt is going anywhere....

Basically, merchandise and refrences to 100 years will be all that really phase out.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone, I kinda figured as much. I wonder what their new event will be and when it will be starting (my guess is Oct, they always seem to be starting things that month.)

Hi Maria :wave:


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
I think you'll find Tapestry of Dreams changing back into Tapestry Of Nations.

Actually Rob has told us different on more than a few occasions. If and when ToD goes away, don't expect ToN to return.

I know it sucks, but several things led to it's demise.


It seem very unfortunate that ToD may be leaving, but it doesn't seem any worse than adding Disney characters to it, as another rumor has suggested.

A lot of "temporary" things in wdw have ended up more or less permanent--Mickey's Birthdayland/Starland/Toontown Fair, Spectromagic (which is actually a good thing), the wand over spaceship earth, security checkpoints. . . so it's not surprising that OMD is likely to stay.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I think that One Man's Dream is going to stay for another two years after the celebration.

I would just expect to see certain things change after the celebration is over...

-No more 100 Years merchandise
-No more 100 Years banners
-No more Discover the Magic Kiosks
-Removal of the 100 Years sign near the hat


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it would be stupid to get rid of One Man's Dream... its about Walt, the person who started this all and everybody should have a chance to learn about him. I for one has not seen One Man's Dream yet, and the chances of me visiting in the next 6 months is pretty slim, so I am pretty happy to hear that it is staying. I only hope its permanent.


Well-Known Member
It is unfortuante that my last trip I was forced to go warp speed though One Man's Dream. I hope it stays so I can linger over it.

As for ToD. It's outta here. Could the puppets return? Mabey. But don't look for any RPU's or that music.

Long live ToN. :(


New Member
It would be extremely foolish (and in my opinion disrespectul) to remove One Man's Dream. I really hope it is here to stay.

Other than that I'm not sure what it will be like. THey will probably just change the parade at the Magic Kindgom.

I'm not crazy about that hat though. It spoils the original view towards the great movie ride. What did they do about the christmas tree last year? It used to be in front of the great movie ride and made the park feel really festive seeing it from the entrance. There is one more thing that makes me dislike the hat.

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