Magical Express & Late Departure


Well-Known Member
We are staying at a Disney Resort for the first time in October. We will be taking advatage of the Magical Express for transportation from and back to the airport. We have everything scheduled with the Magical Express, but I have one question that I can not find an answer to: Our flight home does not leave until 9:30 (ish) PM. Since this will be well after check out time at the resort but we have park tickets for that day will the resort hold our luggage until we have to catch the bus back to the airport?

At this time our airline is not listed as participating in the flight check in program where we can check in at the resort and then have them transfer our bags to the bus and check them at the airport.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the resorts will hold your luggage for you. After you check out and before leaving for the parks for the day, take your bags to bell services and tell them you have a late departure on ME. They will hold them for you until you need to catch the bus back to the airport. Just give yourself a few extra minutes to allow the bell service CM's to retrieve your bags prior to boarding the bus. :wave:
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New Member
We just did this at Pop century and we called luggage service the day before, they picked up all of our bags, including our carryons and then went to the park. when we got back, we had a 5pm magical express bus to the airport waiting for us and we were able to get our luggage. I do suggest that you get back at least 15 minutes before your bus is scheduled to arrive so that they can pull your luggage for you, becuase it does tend to get busy.
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