Loyalty to one Disney Hotel???



Original Poster
Does anyone else feel a loyalty to one particular Disney Resort?

Ive stayed at an All Star Resort my last 5 trips, and I LOVE them. This September, we're spending 3 nights at All Star Movies, and 5 nights at Old Key West. I feel a little weird about it.

There's something that just feels VERY Disney about the All Star Resort to me.


Active Member
Our first Disney resort was the Poly, and now almost 12 years later, it's still our first choice. We've stayed at the Contemporary, the Grand Floridian, Dixie Landings, Port Orleans, Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs. We keep going back to the Poly.
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Well-Known Member
Our first was Caribbean Beach in the late 80s for its innaugural year. Any place else just feels wierd. At least a dozen stays at CBR we had.

This most recent year, we stayed at Yacht Club b/c it was randomly cheaper than CBR with an AP dixcount, and now we feel a strange and strong attraction to that Resort. It's our number one choice for next vacation.
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New Member
My feeling is that there is so many Disney resorts to stay at, why limit yourself to experiencing just one? For example, we stayed at the CBR and absolutely loved it, but there was no way I was going to make that our last (only) Disney hotel experience. So last time, we stayed at the AKL. We ended up liking it even more than CBR. But even as much as I loved AKL, there's many more resorts I want to stay at before we choose AKL again. Don't limit yourselves.... there's so much to choose from, and you might surprise yourself by finding something you like even more!
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New Member
I am the same. The first resort that I have ever stayed in was the Polynesian. My family and I remained very loyal to it for years to come, but once we broke the ice and got out of it, I was introduced to the Beach Club, Coronado Springs, Contemporary, etc. The hardest part is simply breaking that trend and going to stay in something different for the first time.......but now that I have a family of my own, I am still jonesing for them to experience it.
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New Member
So far, I've stayed at the Polynesian, Dixie Landings, Port Orleans, All Star Sports, Coronado Springs, the Beach Club, and the Boardwalk. I loved staying at all of them, so its hard to pick a favorite. So it's probably a tie between the Beach Club and Boardwalk. I love being so close to Epcot, as well as within walking distance to MGM. The whole atmosphere in that area is great as well, having a boardwalk and all. :)
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Original Poster

That's GREAT to here. That's where I'm staying for 5 of the nights.

How do you finds the bus service an Disney atmosphere to be?
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New Member
Of the 8 times my family has been to WDW, we've stayed at the Polynesian 6 times. The first time we stayed at the villas (I think where the Disney Institute used to be) because we had my family of 5, my grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousin. This past time, we stayed at AS Sports. While me and my sisters were a little sad we wouldn't be at the Polynesian (my one sister absolutely loves the monorail!), we still had a great time. :)
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My first on-site resort was the Polynesian. We love it and it is always our first choice. My goal in the future is to split up our vacations at 2 resorts. I suspect the Poly will always be one of them.

BTW, I think I read in one of the guide books that the Poly has the highest guest return rate.
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Original Poster
Just be careful you don't get stuck in the same boat as me - Not being able to order an Ultimate Park Hopper Pass because you're staying at 2 different hotels.
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Well-Known Member
For me the Polynesian is home. I've stayed their at least 20 times and each time it gets better. I've managed to stay at about every Disney resort, but the Polynesian has a special charm to it.
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New Member
Since we're DVC members, our loyalty is naturally to the resorts w/ vacation villas, but it's our tradition to stay in OKW. I love the villas there. So spacious. It's like you're in a small cottage. Really almost like I'm back home, even though I'm miles away from my real home.

This comming summer we'll use our points for the BW. I can't wait. I've strolled the BW w/ my fam, and I can't wait to stay there!
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How do you finds the bus service an Disney atmosphere to be?

I really enjoy the bus service :lol: Sometimes the wait is a bit long and can get pretty crowded, but I still love 'em.

The atmosphere is so relaxed and peaceful, and the Disney charm is always there :) On our last trip we arrived and it was pouring rain. They drove us to our room so we wouldn't have to walk/hop on a bus and the nice CM pulled the van pretty much right up to the door so we wouldn't get wet and brought in all our luggage. Poor guy was soaked, but that's what I call service :animwink:

All in all, OKW is very homey and I think you'll love it
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Original Poster
You know what the sad thing is - I think one of the reasons I love the All Stars is because it has this GREAT hotel feeling. Albeit, a ver Disney one. I think there's something about the hotel feeling that really makes you feel like you're on vacation.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
I've stayed in four (if you count FW as a resort).

Contemporary was not my cup of tea. I was always in awe of the place when I was a kid, but when I finally stayed (in a graden wing), it just wasn't worth the bux for me.

Poly was our honneymoon. And it was great. We had a great time and still love the place. We have gone back and visited the resort just to walk around in on every trip since.

We were planning to return to Poly 3 years ago, but at the last min, decided to go for AKL. It had just opend that year, so it was very new. We are so glad we did so.

It is everything we loved about Poly x 1000. And have stayed there for three years in a row, and are returning this year again.

So why the loyalty? Because we love the resort. We usally have dining reservation at all the good places. So in the last few years, we've visited all the Deluxe resorts, and have come to the conclution that AKL, Poly, and WL are the ones that suit us and our lifestyle. The others are just not us, and we even have felt "out of place" at GF and Y&B. They are just not us.

We also love to do the special tours that AKL concieage guest are offered, so that is another reason.

I guess it comes down to a couple of things...we like deluxe resorts and all the ammenities they offer, we like the resort very much, we like the concieage service they offer with the special AKL only features, we love animals.

It makes for choosing a different local very difficult for us.

Gosh...do I ramble on or what? :hammer:
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Well-Known Member
Yeah.....I'm with AKIRA on this one...

I don't think the word to use is "loyalty", because none of the resorts ever did anything special to earn my respect. :lol:

We just know what we like and what we don't. It's the FEELING we have in certain environments that dictate our choices and opinions...

We choose our resorts by how they make us FEEL while we are in them. Do they contribute to or take away from our vacation?

Our feeling is that the Wilderness Lodeg and Animal Kingdom Lodge do that better - for us - than any of the others.

(As far as loyalty, though.....give me a good discount code and I'm staying wherever it's for!!!) :lol:
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Original Poster
I know what you mean.

I guess you could say All Stars are definitely me. I don't like to think of myself strictly as low maintenance or anything, but I just love those resorts.

I've walked around a bunch of them, but none has the Disney feel to me as much as the All Stars.
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Well-Known Member
As I have said, I do possess loyalty to Caribbean Beach. Our family was always afraid that if we stayed el;sewhere, it would diminish the overall quality of the vacation. We spend a lot of time at the Resort using it and its resources as often as we can--its more than just a place to sleep for us. Dolphin sort of diminished the mood, Dixie Landings was okay, but Yacht Club has us questioning CBR.....

Next vaca will be at Yacht Club!:xmas:
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Contemporary, tower club, park side... I loved it!!! Every night on the patio watching the fireworks and the boat parade was well worth the cake.
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