Looking for wdw partner to hang with


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
I dont understand why the "be cautious" message is being met with opposition?

If I may jump in, the first "be cautious" message was wrapped in a pretty rough manner. The OP was called inappropriate and immediated judged as a threat. I know that's how I read it and I have a feeling more people saw the same thing.

I'm all for being cautious, but let's not attack someone just because they want to meet people at the parks. There are plenty of people around, go in a group, keep it open, do whatever you want... but if you want to meet people at the parks, have fun!


Well-Known Member

What in the world is going on here?

I don't think I have ever seen the forum members involved in this so divided. Do we all need a paddy break?


Well-Known Member
stitch321 said:
This may sound really crazy but why not give it a shot. I purchased an anual pass with my girlfriend a few months ago, well things didnt work out and now this disney nerd has nobody to go with. Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?

26/m from orlando
wanting someone who has the same passion about the parks as I do to hang out with at disney.

Hiya (where's the flutters eyelashes smilie?)

I used to be a single girl and would have been very interested.

The ______ change went very well though, you still interested? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
If I may jump in, the first "be cautious" message was wrapped in a pretty rough manner. The OP was called inappropriate and immediated judged as a threat. I know that's how I read it and I have a feeling more people saw the same thing.

I'm all for being cautious, but let's not attack someone just because they want to meet people at the parks. There are plenty of people around, go in a group, keep it open, do whatever you want... but if you want to meet people at the parks, have fun!

I believe "people" isn't what the original person had in mind...(which is fine)

stitch321 said:
Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?
26/m from orlando
wanting someone who has the same passion about the parks as I do to hang out with at disney.

(still I think a reminder to be catious isn't a bad idea...no offense to stitch321)

And I do believe similar reminders were indeed made in the Disney Singles Thread....by various people in fact...correct me if I'm wrong...


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
I agree. There's a world of difference between posting "I'm going to be at WDW at such and such a time. Anyone want to hang out?" and what was posted. I've been to all of the meets. I WAS a little nervous about the first one, but I DID have my family close by, and I was meeting a female I had conversed with frequently on the boards. As an old married woman, I'm more of a chaperone than anyone's dream date. :lol:

I would hesitate to meet a "stranger" unless it was part of a larger group, ala the meets. Even the single women knew they were "safe" as they wanted to be with the rest of us around. :lol:
Hey there Stitch Welcome to the Boards. I agree with the Mom. I have attended some of the Meets as well and certainly felt more comfortable because I had a few people that I knew prior to going. At the first meet we had a very young Gentleman who came with his Mom. I know Pam of Kingdom Konsultant and I went out of our way to make sure she felt welcome and included. Any meeting for a young person should be with a parent or guardian. As far as those of us over 18 by all means I Agree with the common sense thing. Meet in a public place, tell someone else where you are going and who you are meeting etc. I see nothing wrong with being overly cautious. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who arent all they say they are or in some cases may be more than you expect!!! Always Caution first. Better that than anything happening to one of our awesome members!!!! Belle


New Member
stitch321 said:
All I was looking for was someone who was in my situtation, IN MY AGE GROUP, who loves to hang out in the parks.

Damn! I´m not eligible! :(

<-- 34y/o W/S/F :p

Welcome to posting on the boards. If you´ve been reading for a while already, you may have noticed there are a few people who live in Orlando and visit the parks frequently, maybe you could address them... of course, take all your precautions as everyone else needs to do nowadays when meeting 'online' people. Good luck to all who decides to do it. Once you´ve been warned, it´s all up to you... ;)


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Maybe not for Stich321, but.....;) :kiss: :wave:

Come on, everyone knows men reach their peak at 21.

You need look no further Maria! :animwink: :kiss: :lookaroun



New Member
stitch321 said:
This may sound really crazy but why not give it a shot. I purchased an anual pass with my girlfriend a few months ago, well things didnt work out and now this disney nerd has nobody to go with. Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?

26/m from orlando
wanting someone who has the same passion about the parks as I do to hang out with at disney.

:wave: Hi! Welcome! I've got a passion for the parks for sure... but I'm way too old... & I've been married almost as long as you've been alive! I'm sure you wont' have a problem finding someone else to hang out at the parks with! Even a guy friend. Good luck

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