Looking for wdw partner to hang with


New Member
Original Poster
This may sound really crazy but why not give it a shot. I purchased an anual pass with my girlfriend a few months ago, well things didnt work out and now this disney nerd has nobody to go with. Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?

26/m from orlando
wanting someone who has the same passion about the parks as I do to hang out with at disney.


Well-Known Member
Are you giving away a free WDW pass? I'm not a single girl, but if you're giving it away, I'll pretend to be whatever you want me to be. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
MerHearted said:
Are you giving away a free WDW pass? I'm not a single girl, but if you're giving it away, I'll pretend to be whatever you want me to be. :lookaroun :lol:

Anything to see your precious little mermaid, huh? :p :lol:


New Member
I'm Sorry, and I don't mean to sound rude, but I know it's going to come across that way. I think your post is really inappropriate. You just joined here and that's your first post. I have a problem with people meeting strangers to begin with and I know that a lot of young people on our boards might not think something through before meeting someone. I want to warn anyone out there who decides to meet a stranger, that you should ALWAYS take extreme caution when doing so. I know we have meet and greets planned through this site, and several members have met over time, and everythings been fine...but I also know that not all meets go that way. You maybe don't think anything about this, and maybe others don't either. But I couldn't in good conscience not say something. It just seems a little odd to me to make this your first post.


Well-Known Member
Goofette said:
I'm Sorry, and I don't mean to sound rude, but I know it's going to come across that way. I think your post is really inappropriate. You just joined here and that's your first post.

Everyone has to start somewhere.....I don't see why this is such an issue.

Goofette said:
I have a problem with people meeting strangers to begin with and I know that a lot of young people on our boards might not think something through before meeting someone. I want to warn anyone out there who decides to meet a stranger, that you should ALWAYS take extreme caution when doing so.

You have a problem with other people meeting strangers? How is this your problem? The person that posted this identified themself as a 26 year old Male....a legal adult, one that is old enough to make decisions for themself. One that is also old enough to be responsible for any decision that they make. Besides, the member is looking to meet people at WDW, not in the Wal Mart parking lot at 3am.

If people do not meet "strangers", how does anyone ever meet anyone new?

Goofette said:
I know we have meet and greets planned through this site, and several members have met over time, and everythings been fine...but I also know that not all meets go that way. You maybe don't think anything about this, and maybe others don't either. But I couldn't in good conscience not say something. It just seems a little odd to me to make this your first post.

Again, the member is a 26 year old male, not a 14 year old.....they can make decisions for themself......

To Stitch321:

My suggestion is to hang out at the parks, and maybe at PI....especially at the Adventure's Club.....that place attracts a lot of "Disney people"...Eventually, you will meet some people.

Not For Sale

Active Member
WDWMagic Kids Guide for Privacy Online said:
If someone I met online wants to meet me in the real world, I will tell my parents first.

WDWMagic Family Guide for Privacy Online said:
Instruct your child never to plan a face-to-face meeting with online acquaintances, and to notify you if they are approached for an offline meeting.

WDWMagic Teens Guide for Privacy Online said:
We all remember the "buddy system" from kindergarten. Sure, you're no longer in kindergarten, but the system still works. If you're planning on meeting up with somebody you met online, bring a friend, or even your parents, along with you and encourage your online acquaintance to bring theirs, too. It sounds stupid, but it's definitely the smart idea. At the very least, make sure your real friends know what you're doing.

'nuff said


New Member
stitch321 said:
This may sound really crazy but why not give it a shot. I purchased an anual pass with my girlfriend a few months ago, well things didnt work out and now this disney nerd has nobody to go with. Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?

26/m from orlando
wanting someone who has the same passion about the parks as I do to hang out with at disney.
First of all - welcome to wdwmagic... I'm glad you have such a great love for Disney and hope that you post around here so we can all get to know you better! Believe it or not - it's really good that we have so many concerned people here on this site as bad things can happen from online meets... although you may be a perfectly great person... safety first is our motto! So take your time, get to know our boards (i say our, but I'm really a newbie too :D) And see if you meet anybody out here that would enjoy a buddy for the parks... Hope all goes well for you!


New Member
Original Poster
just to clarify

I agree meeting anyone online has to be safe, im not looking for singles here so to speak. I dont think of this as a personals site. I am not looking for my mate, just someone to hang with. I wont meet anyone without talking with them some first. Not once in my previous post did i mention meeting me there without any talking first, iam not that weird. anyway thanks for the posts and I hope everyone reading this realizes what my intensions are.

By the way, long time reader, first time posting anything in the message boards.

thanks for looking out


New Member
speck76 said:
Everyone has to start somewhere.....I don't see why this is such an issue.

You have a problem with other people meeting strangers? How is this your problem? The person that posted this identified themself as a 26 year old Male....a legal adult, one that is old enough to make decisions for themself. One that is also old enough to be responsible for any decision that they make. Besides, the member is looking to meet people at WDW, not in the Wal Mart parking lot at 3am.

If people do not meet "strangers", how does anyone ever meet anyone new?

Again, the member is a 26 year old male, not a 14 year old.....they can make decisions for themself......

To Stitch321:

My suggestion is to hang out at the parks, and maybe at PI....especially at the Adventure's Club.....that place attracts a lot of "Disney people"...Eventually, you will meet some people.

Speck, since your an expert on EVERYTHING just a little advice from me to you....THERE ARE dangers out there...and yes I get a little over protective when new people show up and post something like that their first post. I don't care what you do, meet whoever you want...personally, from reading things you post I could care less what you do, but this was a warning from me to others on the board to be careful!!! And just for you....since you know EVERYTHING....here's a link http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/12/18/fetus.found.alive/

The woman in that article actually met the person who murdered her online at a site, and they met at a meet and greet for dog raisers together. Sorry to wake you up to reality, but there are dangers out there. It was weird for me to see someone who loves Disney so much have nothing in his profile about favorite rides or anything. You know as well as I do that we have our occasional trolls on the boards. Yes he did put he was 26 and male, but I still wanted to remind people that anytime you meet someone you don't know you need to be careful and use caution....if you don't, who cares, I don't. But I do care about others on these boards who might not think before they do it.

And Thank You Not For Sale for posting that information. That's what everyone should remember.


Well-Known Member
Goofette said:
Speck, since your an expert on EVERYTHING....

Rude....but I guess expected

Goofette said:
just a little advice from me to you....THERE ARE dangers out there...and yes I get a little over protective when new people show up and post something like that their first post. I don't care what you do, meet whoever you want...personally, from reading things you post I could care less what you do, but this was a warning from me to others on the board to be careful!!! And just for you....since you know EVERYTHING....here's a link http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/12/18/fetus.found.alive/

The woman in that article actually met the person who murdered her online at a site, and they met at a meet and greet for dog raisers together. Sorry to wake you up to reality, but there are dangers out there. It was weird for me to see someone who loves Disney so much have nothing in his profile about favorite rides or anything. You know as well as I do that we have our occasional trolls on the boards. Yes he did put he was 26 and male, but I still wanted to remind people that anytime you meet someone you don't know you need to be careful and use caution....if you don't, who cares, I don't. But I do care about others on these boards who might not think before they do it.

And Thank You Not For Sale for posting that information. That's what everyone should remember.

Yeah...sure, there are dangers out there, but the vast majority of people on these boards, and in this world, are decent people. Every once in a while the news over-reports some story....but that is their job (that is, to make money by over reporting topics that people are ignorant about, not to report the news). So, a few people in the US get burned from online encounters each year.....they get raped, murdered, whatever......but think for a moment the amount of people in this country (300 million), and the amount of people online in the US (about 120 million by last report)....personally.....I will take my chances.....odds of not having a bad encounter...well, if odds were only this good in Vegas. Odds are greater that you could have a similar situation occur just by sitting in your own home.

Sure, we could all walk around like you, never talk to anyone we do not know, never take a chance....but, at least to me, that does not sound like too much fun.


New Member
speck76 said:
Rude....but I guess expected

Yeah...sure, there are dangers out there, but the vast majority of people on these boards, and in this world, are decent people. Every once in a while the news over-reports some story....but that is their job (that is, to make money by over reporting topics that people are ignorant about, not to report the news). So, a few people in the US get burned from online encounters each year.....they get raped, murdered, whatever......but think for a moment the amount of people in this country (300 million), and the amount of people online in the US (about 120 million by last report)....personally.....I will take my chances.....odds of not having a bad encounter...well, if odds were only this good in Vegas. Odds are greater that you could have a similar situation occur just by sitting in your own home.

Sure, we could all walk around like you, never talk to anyone we do not know, never take a chance....but, at least to me, that does not sound like too much fun.

uh yeah, and your post wasn't rude... :lol: :lol: I didn't say never to meet anyone did I...what's wrong with being cautious. But of course....You know it all so everyone listen to Brad.


New Member
speck76 said:
again....this is not needed.

True...but don't worry, I wasn't going to edit it (i'm sure why you quoted me)

Not For Sale actually had the best advice out there for anyone who wants to meet up with people. Thanks for that!

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Thank you Not for Sale for summing things up. Yes, this post does set off warning signals to me also. I have two young teen girls and I would be wary of someone who posts this type of thing because it could be a pedaphile. (let me state that I am not saying that stitch 321 necessarily is)

There are a lot of strange people in this world who enjoy doing harm to others. I do not think that Goofette deserves this treatment and she definately does not deserve to be verbally attacked for putting a warning in a post that she does not feel comfortable with and rightly so.

I do not think that our long standing members should be in a verbal dispute over a post that was a tad inappropriate being a first post. We are here to guide new people and to help others with our advice on the one thing that brought us all here in the first place. Disney

What's said is said... let's move on.

Stitch 321 I would like to welcome you. But please note that perhaps you should have worded your first post a little differently like who is going in whatever month and then proceed from there with it being a guy or a girl or many people.



Well-Known Member
stitch321 said:
just to clarify

I agree meeting anyone online has to be safe, im not looking for singles here so to speak. I dont think of this as a personals site. I am not looking for my mate, just someone to hang with. I wont meet anyone without talking with them some first. Not once in my previous post did i mention meeting me there without any talking first, iam not that weird. anyway thanks for the posts and I hope everyone reading this realizes what my intensions are.

By the way, long time reader, first time posting anything in the message boards.

thanks for looking out

I can't speak for anyone else, but the line "Are there any single girls out there who are in a similar situation and love going to the parks as much as I?" is the one that set off the red flag for me?
If you just want to hangout then maybe the word "anyone" would have been a better choice.
I can understand where goofette is coming from because I have young daughters and I've had problems with two people on these boards giving me attention I'd rather not have.

We can't go through life being paranoid, but there is nothing wrong with being cautious. Some people are more comfortable meeting new people than others.

Welcome aboard and I hope you find a solution to your dilemma.


New Member
Original Poster
OK, I would like to have this post removed. This has gone way out of line. I do not live on message boards, I dont post things all the time. If there is a rule of thumb, or basic guidlines for posting in a forum then I dont know anything about them. All I was looking for was someone who was in my situtation, IN MY AGE GROUP, who loves to hang out in the parks. All this talk of pediphiles, freaks, etc are not needed.

I am in shock that anyone on this board would even think like that.

I tried hard to be honest and put everything out there. All of these negative comments are really shocking me. I really just want this post removed and I am sorry to all of you who choose online dating and had a bad experience. This is a Disney board, not eharmony. I thought I could find others like me and thats all.

Thanks for everyones support and I am sorry for any confusion


Stitch, welcome to the boards :wave:

I know your intentions are good. But it is a sick world out there, and on the internet, you never really know who you are speaking to. Like I've said in the past: I COULD be the 27 year old girl in my avatar... or I could be her dirty old grandfather.

I hope you find someone special who will share your love for Disney :wave:


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
Like I've said in the past: I COULD be the 27 year old girl in my avatar... or I could be her dirty old grandfather.
You keep saying that. Is this you?


I guess I side with Brad on this one, and maybe we're getting a female/male perspective on this. Yes, there is a danger, but I see Brad's points very clearly in his response. Original poster is an adult and is responsible for his own actions, but I don't see or suspect any malice or wrong intentions on his part.

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