LMA Question


Naturally Grumpy
For LMA and using Fastpass for it...
does it tie up FP for the whole day, is it the 1.5 hour period or no penalty?
Is it still the one show per day.

Any experience with the show queue would be helpful, how early they start lining up, how soon they allow entry before the show, how FP entry is handled. Any info would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
LMX's FP machines are not connected with the rest of the park. From what I've been told about 20% of the audiences of the first two shows are FP. And about 75% of the last show of the day is FP. I was also told by some CM's that if you arrive about 30-45 minutes early in the Standby queue that you are almost always assured a seat.

But you can read my trip report for my opinions on the show. To sum those up, I would say don't go out of your way to see LMX. It's not worth it.
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New Member
dxwwf3 said:
LMX's FP machines are not connected with the rest of the park. From what I've been told about 20% of the audiences of the first two shows are FP. And about 75% of the last show of the day is FP. I was also told by some CM's that if you arrive about 30-45 minutes early in the Standby queue that you are almost always assured a seat.

But you can read my trip report for my opinions on the show. To sum those up, I would say don't go out of your way to see LMX. It's not worth it.

i have to agree LMAX is not worth it, go on ToT or RnRC several times woth the tme you spare.
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Miss Bell

New Member
I think LAM is the best! That place holds like 3000 people, who can be watching that show instead of being in line in front of me at TOT! Seriously, I'm sure if boys from 5 to 10 probably love this show. I'm glad I saw it when I went. I will never take time out of my day to see it again.
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New Member
good show but

lma is a good show but it just drags on and on. there is too much time in between stuff. indy is kind of like that. you definitely need fast pass for that. i don't think that it ties up your fastpass for all the other rides either.
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Account Suspended
Miss Bell said:
I think LAM is the best! That place holds like 3000 people, who can be watching that show instead of being in line in front of me at TOT! Seriously, I'm sure if boys from 5 to 10 probably love this show. I'm glad I saw it when I went. I will never take time out of my day to see it again.

You have a bad concept of how many people are there.

LMA is a must see. It is very good. There is no reason not to do it, especially if you have seen the other attractions already. Don't take other people's opinions on why it should be skipped, these are the same people that want IJSSS removed just because LMA is in the park, regardless of the fact that IJ is always full. But I digress.

Get a fastpass as soon as you can. I did it like this, if you go to the park at opening.

1) Go over to ToT and RnRC. Fastpass one, ride the other.
2) Go over to LMA and get a fastpass, maybe hit Muppets or Star Tours on the way back.
3) Use your original fastpass.

By now, if the park opened at 9, it is probably around 1015-1030. That leaves you about 2 hours before the first LMA showing. So then you have two hours for millionaire or whatever else you want to do.
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Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
LMA is a must see. It is very good. There is no reason not to do it, especially if you have seen the other attractions already. Don't take other people's opinions on why it should be skipped, these are the same people that want IJSSS removed just because LMA is in the park, regardless of the fact that IJ is always full. But I digress.

Don't get me wrong. Even though I do not like LMX and I don't think it's worth the time it takes to see it, I would definately reccomend seeing it once. Just because I have no desire to see it again doesn't mean I think it should be removed soon. Remember my all time favorite attraction is one that some people thought had little repeat value (Even though I completely and totally disagree with that statement). So if something is very well liked on a first viewing, then that's more than good enough for most of the audience.

And also I think that IJESS should stay for a long, long time. It may be somewhat old to repeat visitors, but I still think it's a ton better than LMX. And it's based on a classic movie character from films that are perfect for a stunt show.
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New Member
Miss Bell said:
I think LAM is the best! That place holds like 3000 people, who can be watching that show instead of being in line in front of me at TOT! Seriously, I'm sure if boys from 5 to 10 probably love this show. I'm glad I saw it when I went. I will never take time out of my day to see it again.

thats true...... ok i highly reccommend LMAX everyoneone should go to every showing the whole time their there. and ToT and RnRC are the worst rides ever, do not go on them.
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Mission: SPACE

New Member
FastPass from LMA does not count against any other FP in the park...

We have three shows a day... it had been 1:00, 3:55, and 6:40, but those times will be changing for the next few weeks as we try a new schedule. This coming week shows will be at 12:35, 3:30, and 6:15, next week it will be back to 1:00, 3:55, and 6:40, and the following week it will be something along the lines of 11:00, 1-2, and then I think 4:30.

At work I tell guests to come back a half hour early, but depending upon the day and show depends on when to come back for Standby. I'd just stop by in the morning and get a FP, as some days we will sell out by 2 PM. The line typically opens 40-50 minutes before the show starts, depending upon our crowd out front.

As far as issuing FP, our numbers have been changing often lately. Usually it's 2,000 per show, but that's subject to change, as are many things at LMA. Sometimes we will do 4,000, and occasionally we just started doing 3,500. I think it depends on how my manager feels that day. We (supposedly) seat 5,000.

Hope this helps!
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Account Suspended
dxwwf3 said:
And also I think that IJESS should stay for a long, long time. It may be somewhat old to repeat visitors, but I still think it's a ton better than LMX. And it's based on a classic movie character from films that are perfect for a stunt show.

And yet, thats what makes LMA better. IJ has to meet George Lucas' approval for everything. Changes are 99.9% impossible. However, LMA can be changed, updated, lengthened, shortened, whatever, all at only TWDC's approval. Change the cars, not have as much "introduction", etc, that can all be done. With Indy, it can't. If you haven't noticed, most of WDW's new attractions have been modular. ToT, M:S, LMA, Soarin can all be updated. Yes, Everest is an exception, but thats been on the drawing board a very long time. Plus, nothing pulls the guests in like a huge freakin mountain.
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Well-Known Member
Well not everything has to be modular, so Everest should have no trouble pulling in the crowds for years to come.

But being able to change easily can be important for theater shows and film based attractions like Soarin and Mission Space.

And just because the premise and set up for LMX might be better and/or easier to change than Indy, doesn't mean it's a better show :). I think IJESS is much more exciting and entertaining. But, as I said before, that doesn't mean I'm not able to appreciate the great stunt men that work at LMX.
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New Member
Thrawn said:
And yet, thats what makes LMA better. IJ has to meet George Lucas' approval for everything. Changes are 99.9% impossible. However, LMA can be changed, updated, lengthened, shortened, whatever, all at only TWDC's approval. Change the cars, not have as much "introduction", etc, that can all be done. With Indy, it can't. If you haven't noticed, most of WDW's new attractions have been modular. ToT, M:S, LMA, Soarin can all be updated. Yes, Everest is an exception, but thats been on the drawing board a very long time. Plus, nothing pulls the guests in like a huge freakin mountain.

ToT can be changed?( other than the drop sequences)

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Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
ToT can be changed?( other than the drop sequences)


Just take a deep breath......................I'm pretty sure he was talking about the drop sequences and the other little effects that were added during the most recent rehab. It's going to be ok :lol: :wave:
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