LMA Accident on Saturday!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I was there, there was no "almost" accident, but one scary situation did occur. In one of the scenes (I believe the one where the red car jumps through the truck and off the marketplace set) when they first started the red car's door flew open, but he managed to close it quickly and continue.

It's these types of things that do make it exciting b/c you never know whether what you are viewing is going to turn into an accident or not (of course we all hope not)


New Member
CSUFSteve said:
I was at that Saturday show and it was pretty scary. It had just been pouring down while we were waiting to get in so the grounds were slick...So you can see what happened next... the two cars collided head on with one another and the crash was pretty loud. T'he cars have gotta be better built than normal cars cause they didn't crunch much.

At first, the driver rounding the corner didn't get out of the car. The announcer guy stalled for a while to see if the drivers would both give "OK to continue" signs. But after a very short while, they cancelled the show and asked everyone to leave. I was impressed that everyone still applauded. The driver in the 1st car was fine and was out and about. The driver in the 2nd car (inside) was still saying in there but was obviously conscious and talking to people so I wasn't sure if he was just pinned or what. They started bringing over the white tent to cover the car, I assume to protect material evidence from the rain. The stadium had nearly cleared out when the 2nd driver did manage to climb out of the car, seemed OK, and waved to the crowd. The crowd applauded. At this point, they brought out more white plastic other than the white tent and the impact point of the cars was no longer visible.

To me, it seemed too wet to start the show and I fully expected it to be cancelled.

I was at the same show, and my friend and I are still a little shaken up about the crash. At first we thought it was a very impressive, realistic stunt crash that was part of the show. We didn't expect the show to go on after all the rain either, since it was so slick on their course. I'm hoping to see the show in its entirety next time, with considerably less drama!


Well-Known Member
I can see it now in the headlines:

"Guest sues Walt Disney World for Emotional Trauma Associated with Stunt Show Accident"


Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
i can see it now...
"up next...back in parking!! and later...stopping at a red light!" (actually apparently those are BOTH had things to do around here!

I got a taste of that harrowing experience in our car on Sunday... My sister just got her first driver's license. :eek: :)


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
If they made the show in a way that accidents could never happen, it would be boring and no fun to watch.

Part of the excitement of a stunt show is the "danger" of the acts being performed.

They do, it's called Test Track. ;)


Premium Member
I still think the show needs to work out the kinks it has. Unfortunately, these kinks are the accidents like what has happened. I give those guys major props for putting themselves through the situations they are in just to entertain us.

Is anyone going to let us know what the deal with the Paris accident with the Jet Skiis was?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there will be less accidents in the future. Sure, they've been practicing a lot, but it's still a rather new show.


Active Member
speck76 said:
If they made the show in a way that accidents could never happen, it would be boring and no fun to watch.

Part of the excitement of a stunt show is the "danger" of the acts being performed.

Good point, but I highly doubt MGM wants any more of these. For one it's likely not cheap to repair these one of a kind cars. And also it's probably a guest services nightmare having all those people stand in line in the heat for over an hour, have them walk in that long, torturously slow walk to the theatre to get them seated, have them sit there for 20 minutes waiting in the hot sun... only to tell them all to leave 5 minutes into the show.


Well-Known Member
It is a fine line....

Too dangerous, it will be exciting, but accidents will happen

Too Safe, and it will be boring, nobody will watch it anyway


Active Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
That is why it is an overrated thrill ride not worthy of the large wait times it draws.
God, can I get an AMEN! to that post??? While the theming is impressive and the concept is cool, that's about it for me. I don't even bother going on it anymore...

(At the bumpy road section, anyone I'm with who is from Montreal always turns to me and rolls their eyes at the fact that it's smoother than most Quebec highways!!!)


Active Member
Hi Everyone :wave:

As several postings have already asked.. What DID happen during the Jet-Ski sequence at DLP?? :confused:

I saw LMA in Paris about a year ago, and was not even aware that there ever was a Jet-Ski element in the show (in fact I thought it was a WDW enhancement).

Can someone please provide some details??


Well-Known Member
Does Disney have any sort of budget for replacement vehicles - at this rate the show will either be closed down because the cars will be wrecked or the show will be run with dented cars held together with sticky tape


Well-Known Member
PBarton said:
Hi Everyone :wave:

As several postings have already asked.. What DID happen during the Jet-Ski sequence at DLP?? :confused:

I saw LMA in Paris about a year ago, and was not even aware that there ever was a Jet-Ski element in the show (in fact I thought it was a WDW enhancement).

Can someone please provide some details??
From what I know the accident did not actually involve the Jet Ski's but rather the car that jumps over the canal in the final scene. Because of the accident the installed a permanent bridge over the canal where the vehicle travels. This cut the waterway in half and made it impossible to use the Jet Ski's. In Florida we have that same bridge however you will notice that it is retractable and lowers itself in and out of the water before and after the jet ski portion of the show.


New Member
Does Disney have any sort of budget for replacement vehicles - at this rate the show will either be closed down because the cars will be wrecked or the show will be run with dented cars held together with sticky tape
I'd assume they would put this under the maintenance budget...unless they have a seperate budget for transportation (being a really-for-real car) for each park.


New Member
speck76 said:
I can see it now in the headlines:

"Guest sues Walt Disney World for Emotional Trauma Associated with Stunt Show Accident"

:lol: Not quite THAT shaken up, but maybe someone else was... :lol:

Mission: SPACE

New Member
Just want to inform you of a little more than what was said, without saying too much.

Basically the accident was caused by a communication error. The one car was told the road was clear, when in fact the other car had not cleared yet. Both drivers are fine, and one drove in the last show of the day. They do have back up cars ready, although if something serious happens to the hero they have to alter the show slightly.

Regarding wet surfaces, all the drivers have been trained to perform on the wet surface. Since we're in Florida, they've got to expect to have rainy days, otherwise we'd never have a show in the summer. They do rehearse and run through the sequences more when it is a rainy day. The only time the show would really go down due to weather related issues would be in the case of lightning, high winds, or strong (and I mean STRONG) rain.

I wasn't at work on Sunday, so I heard nothing about what you guys are referring to, and I heard nothing of it since then, so I'm not sure to what happened. As others have stated, it is a live show involving mechanics, and you can expect things to go wrong from time to time.

Hope this helps to clarify a little...


New Member
Thanks Mission: SPACE :) My Dad works Guest Relations at MGM and right now we are in NY and he wanted to know what happened.


New Member
I wonder if FHP will work the accident or OCSO...all i know is its not me. :lookaroun

ps That was a joke. it happened on private property and the owner owns both.

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