Lights Up on our Favorite Dark Rides!


New Member
Though it's obviously not recommended, it'd be pretty easy to achieve a "lights on" photo in Haunted Mansion with a camera flash. Hence why they say the ghosts are frightfully sensitive to bright lights.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Ha! I think it's great how they use the same models of faces and people for the animatronics in different attractions.

From what I can tell, the middle guy is reused in Pirates, and the guy closest to us was in World of Motion (blowing on his feet in the beginning). ;)


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
Ha! I think it's great how they use the same models of faces and people for the animatronics in different attractions.

From what I can tell, the middle guy is reused in Pirates, and the guy closest to us was in World of Motion (blowing on his feet in the beginning). ;)
:lol: Good eye!!! The grave digger is found in the Jungle Cruise (getting the point in the end), the grandmother from CoP is found rocking in the Ballroom in the HM, and a few presidents show up in PotC. :)


Well-Known Member
going back to Space Mtn. for a sec....that video was really cool. you don't realize how close all that metal is to you as you going zipping around the track!

oh, and the graveyard band pic from HM was most excellent!


Well-Known Member
Indy95 said:
Well the thing is that was really the only thing that could have happened. Everyone that we talked to after we got off (including CMs at the entrance) said that "Neutron Star" lady just simply could't get out of the vehicle. What happened was that every vehicle behind hears had to stop and wait, and the back up went up to the first brake run (after the red tunnel, which is where we were actually since Joe reminded me), and the ride automatically e-stopped. That's what we were told anyway, if there was something else then I guess it was just an weird coincidence.

If there was a "slow guest" what normally happen is called a ride cascade stop. Space will bring rockets to "safe zones"

A e-stop will just bring everything to a stop everywhere

Normally my ride won't auto e for a slow guest. Its rare that it will do that and if it does there is a whole new story.


New Member
OK ride cascade stop makes more sense then. You obviously know more about this stuff than I do. :wave:

Just one question though do the lights come on usually when they cascade stop?

P.S. Hey I made it to 50 posts!


New Member
Original Poster
Figured it was time to bring this one back for all the new people and those of us who recently had new experiences on the dark rides with the lights on!


Well-Known Member
Twice I've had to walk off test track, luckily both times I was inside,and at the same place right before the crash test going outside and thankfully not outside on the incline as it was blazing hot out. I tried to snap off some pic , but was politley asked no to, oh well. There were no extra lights on where we walked as its not that dark anyways tho the cms did have flashlights.

As we were walking thru the halls which led to the gm showroom area, I asked the cm, jokingly, if we get an "I had to walk out of test track" pin.he mustve been having a bad day as he grunted at me and gave me a fastpass for later.

The most annoying thing was they never stopped the bgm loop.


New Member
Like everyone else stated.....i was on TTA when Space Mountain was getting a refurb and all the lights were on. But one other time, in '04 My dad, sister, her bf and I were the second boat in the am on Splash Mountain. Right before you drop to the "Laughing Place" the ride stop and the message,"I guess Brer Fox is causing some trouble upstream, please remain seated until your boat resumes." Then all the lights came on and the AA where moving but no sounds where coming out of them. Then as our boat began to move, the lights were still on. The pitch black drop into the laughing place was no longer dark. I thought it was cool!!! One of a kind experience. The only downfall was that it was my sister's bf first time on Splash Mountain. His first experience was ruined. When we got off though, they gave us though fastpasses that are good for like 3 or 4 people, so it all worked out in the end. I have a video of it but no pics sadly!!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I rode RNRC with the lights on after closing once. All I really remember is being struck by how small the room was and seeing a trashcan on the floor. That was odd.


DispatchInhibit said:
i find it interesting to listen to the guests and their reactions to the ride stopping at space mountain. Just the other day, infact, we had an auto e-stop in which we had to go out to the track and evaccuate the rockets and escort the guests down the track. One mother said to her child " Take a good look and remember this!" and a few times I have had people ask if they can take pictures. Also one time during a Grad Nite we had to do the same thing and the kids seemed very interested i nit. Although I do suppose for some people it does ruin the magic quite a bit
Was this about a week or so ago, late in the afternoon?

If so, was on the TTA when it happened, so stayed on and rode thru Space Mountain again (after getting my camera and video camera out)

I saw a CM getting all the guests out of one of the Cars, on the first hill climb. - It was probably you!

But back in England now, and missing the Happiest Celebration on Earth!


I have been stopped on many rides, but the lights have never came on.

I've been stopped on Test Track at least three times, and I've been stopped on Spaceship Earth almost every time (like everyone else has). Then there's the occasional CoP and Peter Pan's Flight. My goal for the next trip (56 days!) is to go through the TTA as many times as I can until I see Space Mountain with the lights on. I never actually thought of it until after I got back from WDW last November.

But it's pathetic. I want to be on a ride while the lights are on, but I don't want to ruin the magic at the same time. For example, I won't watch any of the videos on this thread because I don't want to ruin it for myself. But I do want to see it in person, I guess. Maybe if the ride is going, and they turn the lights on for a minute and catch me off guard, then I guess it won't be too bad.


New Member
The one time I've been lucky enough to be evacuated from an attraction was for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh at Disneyland. The lights on didn't change anything much, but getting to walk to the exit made it easier to find a hidden Mickey, as well as spend some time looking at the Max, Buff, and Melvin heads "hidden" in one of the rooms.
I have, however, been lucky enough to see most of the attractions at Disneyland with the lights on and walk through them. Disneyland held a special employee night and allowed us to get a behind-the-scenes look at a lot of the best ones. Haunted Mansion was great, especially the "ghost will follow you home" part. How they did it surprised me. I figured the ghosts were just projections.
We were also allowed to ride Space Mountain with the lights on (very plain, but cool anyway), walk through Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin, walk through a small part of Indiana Jones (I was also surprised at how they do the beginning door effect), and watch the Star Tours cabs in motion from the floor. They reminded me of bu-cking (I had to put the dash in their or the dirty language police attack for some reason) broncos and seemed almost alive.
I have some pictures of behind the scenes stuff on Star Tours, the Submarine Voyage, Mission to Mars, and maybe a Space Mountain shot or two, but they were taken with a disposable camera, so aren't exactly worth posting.
Personally, I don't feel it ruins the attraction to see it with the lights on. For me, it enhances it, because I can see the work and detail put into it.


Countdown to Extinction...I mean Dinosaur

I was on the opening crew for Animal Kingdom in '98. I was on my college program and was working in the parking lot. Anyways...we were used as guinea pigs to test rides and I rode Dinosaur at least three or four times with the lights on. Not as intense in the light. Needless to say, the ride has changed quite a bit. It has slowed down I believe!!

p.s. If you look on the yellow, red and white pipes as you decend the stairs to get in the vehicles, you see some chemical formulas on the pipes. Red is ketchup, yellow is mustard and white is mayo!!! Some of you probably already new that...


I've never actually been on the ride when the lights come on, but I was riding TTA and when we went through Space Mountain, all the lights were on. It was so weird to see the ride, it's like a big maze and it's kinda hard to imagine thats what we're riding on. It was kinda cool though.

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