Lights Up on our Favorite Dark Rides!


New Member
I was on Universe of Energy in the frist Dinosaur area when the vehicles ground to a halt. When it was obvious they were going to go nowhere in a hurry, the lights came on and everyone was walked out of the nearest exit.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I was on Universe of Energy in the frist Dinosaur area when the vehicles ground to a halt. When it was obvious they were going to go nowhere in a hurry, the lights came on and everyone was walked out of the nearest exit.

Darn clouds!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
trdisneyfan said:
I got stopped on Splash in DL last month for about 15 minutes. It was at the gate at the top of the larger indoor drop (the one w/ the camel back/hump thingy in the dark). Fortunately, all we could hear was rushing water instead of that song looping over and over again. And it was cool sitting in front and staring staight down that dark hill for all that time.

But this got me thinking - no other boats came up behind us while we were stopped, which means they got stopped somewhere else. But where can boats be stopped on Splash other than at those visible gates at the top of the hills? Are there hidden stoppers in the track that can stop a vehicle at other points?

Has anyone been stopped on Splash that can comment on this?

Haven't been stopped, but I noticed at MKs Splash, that on the hills are tracks that the logs wheels (yes, wheels) go over. Maybe thats what stopped the other logs...


Well-Known Member
Ellen's Energy Adventure had the lights come on last July, in the dinosaur part. We were right under the snorting dinosaur, which was kinda fun, but the structure looks huge in there!


Well-Known Member
Static-X said:
Darn clouds!!! :lol:
:) :) :)

And to anwser trdisneyfan. My dad and sister got stopped on Splash last year for two hours (in WDW) they were stopped as they were floating past a scene (where the fish jumps out of the water). They were stopped right next to that fish, but eventually there was a backlog, (haha...back LOG), so I'd have to say that theres only stoppers before the drop. The sound was not turned of for them (they said they almost went insane)


Well-Known Member
These aren't true "dark ride with lights on" experiences, but they're about as close as I've come.

First up, while on Star Tours, the bozo on the front row wouldn't put up his video camera. We had already had to endure about 14 warning messages on the intercom. ("Sir, in the white shirt and the red cap on the first row, please put away the camera"). No avail -- They threw in a total stop. We had just gone "over the edge" in the warehouse scene when the "window" in front went black, the metal shield rose up, and the lights came on for the ride to reset. After that, they couldn't get the capsule restarted. After about four tries, they offloaded us and moved us to a different area.

Also I've been in the Test Track queue area right after opening -- no music, and the work lights were on, rather than the specially colored "show lights." No big whoop there -- I didn't even notice it until the music started and the lighting changed.

Once at Six Flags over Georgia, I was on Monster Plantation (think POTC with muppet-ish monsters instead of pirates) and the kids on the boat in front of us were jumping around. We turned a corner headed into the drop area and it looked like a scene in the movies where you're driving down a dark street and 50 army jeeps turn on their headlights in a roadblock. A couple of security folks jumped out and gave them what for. I love seeing idiots get what's coming to 'em. :)


New Member
Original Poster
I was in dinosaur but at the end when your coming back and the ride ground to a hault. I didn't get to see anything I was a wee bit disappointed.



Active Member
I can't even begint o tell you how many times I've gotten stuck on Spaceship Earth. Usually when it's going backwards, but last time it was in the Renaissance scene (the sleeping monks & Guttenburg's printing press). I think we were stuck there for 15-20 minutes. I was laughing my tail off every time the "please remain seated" announcement came on. I was hoping we'd have to evacuate, but then finally the ride started up again. The park closed at 9pm and it was around 9:20 by the time I finally left. I missed Illuminations! :lol:


New Member
At WDW, I only got stuck at Spaceship Earth (which I hated, we were going backwards, and I couldn't stand listening to those students and teacher in the classroom with virtual reality class).

I think I've already told this story here, but I am not sure, so... Well it wasn't at WDW. I saw the Spiderman simulator at IOA with lights on. In fact I rode it with lights on all the time!!! It was really weird to go o shaking and shaking and looking at the gray room. Everything is gray, walls, doors, stairs... lots of things... many floors... everything gray... It's interesting how we just don't see anything!


New Member
ToT is really cool how they do the stars in the first level you rise to. It is just a bunch of screens with lights on them at 45 degree angles from the elevator. Also the "5th dimension" is neat to see the show doors open. The lift is cool because you go forward onto a platform and a stuco wall in front of you.


Dear Wife and I were in the loading queue for Space Mountain last year when the ride shutdown, the house lights all came on and everyone riding had to be evacuated before it could restart.

We found it interesting to see the framework of the ride all lit up, and seeing all the riders walking down the various staircases. It seemed to take quite along time to get everyone off the ride, but restarted almost immediately following their safe exit.


New Member
I was at Magic Kingdom a few weekends ago and rode Splash Mountain. The ride came to stop right after passing the Zip-A-Dee-Lady. An announcement was made that the ride needed to be re-booted. The music stopped, the lights were turned on, and the animatronics stayed on.

Sure, the illusion was disturbed, but it was kinda fun to turn around and watch the animals on the boat dancing with their mouths moving to no sound.

To my left was a short corridor where I could see a cast area. Big electric box, a fire extinguisher, and a broom.


Well-Known Member
Jekyll said:
Yeah that counts...What was that like? Detail people detail.

It was just funny, I was standing but just wachted as the seats came down as if guest where in the chairs...Just think up the show in your head and now see it witht he lights on all the time and no noise.


New Member
I can remember one time when I was riding Splash Mountain we came to a stop right before you enter the Laughing Place (the beehive/gopher area) and we were stuck there for about 40 minutes. I had been stuck like that on a ride before, but this one stands out, because this guy and his family in the boat in front of us began to sing "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" and after a minute or two just about everyone, including myself, on all the backed up vehicles in the room, began to sing with them! It made the wait a lot more fun, but when we got to 9 bottles, a female cast member walked in and said that we had to stop singing and that the problem would be resolved shortly. We were singing kind of loud... :p


Well-Known Member
I've been escorted out of Alice in Wonderland in Disneyland. I noticed many more details when I took the time to look around. We broke down right before we headed outside.

Dj Corona

Active Member
Going down the hill into the graveyard of the Haunted Mansion. Had to walk through it with the lights on. That was bizzare.


Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW tons of times and luckily never have had it happen. Sure we have had the ride stop for a minute or two most likely for loading someone but never had the lights come on. The one it happens most on for us is Splash Mountain and for some reason it is often outside right next to that waterfall at the end.

Brer Bear likes to cause trouble... :animwink:

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