Lights Up on our Favorite Dark Rides!


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We've all been there folks, your on a ride enjoying your magical moment in Walt Disney World or for you folks out west Disney land. Your laughing have a great time and then, BAHM! The ride grinds to a fault.
You here that all familiar voice in several languages tell you not to get out of your car that the ride will begin to move shortly. For a moment you think to yourself, "Must be a wheel chair." As so many of us do. Then your magic image in a magical land, be it Neverland, Space, A haunted house, On a GM Test Track, In the 5th dimension, headed to a aerosmith concert, is destroyed by horrible light.
But then, a new idea enters your head. THIS IS TOTALLY COOL. So, this is what it looks like with the lights on! And before you can grab a camera the lights go off and the ride resumes. The moment is gone except for in your mind. I figured it was time for us to share those experiences. And some pictures if you have them. :lol: So come on let share those magic moments. I'll share a couple of mine later in the thread.


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Although we've been stopped many times on the rides, we've never been on one when the lights were turned on. Don't think I'd want to be either...kinda ruins the magic.


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The lights came up when I was on Peter Pan's Flight. sooooooo disappointing! Especially since I was only ten years old. I didn't take any pics though. I still love the ride, but it definitely lost some magic after that. :cry:


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This just happened to us in September on Snow White. I thought it was really cool to see the curtains and the ceiling and floor, but alas, no pictures. I thought maybe the lights went on because someone got out of their vehicle, and they had to be chased. But is this happeneing because of other safety reasons?


Once when we were on PeopleMover (or 'Tomorrowland Transit Authority') and got to the part with Space Mountain. All the lights were on.Was really cool seeing the planets hung up and things. I was only young and can't remember it exactly but it was cool to see. No pictures I'm afraid though!


New Member
Been to Disney so many times, I ahve experienced so many rides with lights on! But alas, no pictures.

I have been through Space Mountain 2 times on the TTA when the lights are on. It looks cool, big pile of metal beams is what Space looks like.

I was waiting in line for Norway, and the ride broke down. The lights came on, and could see up the lift hill. The lift hill is just all black with that mysterious blue-green head on the top of the hill.

The best one is Tower of Terror. I went to the Surprise Morning at MGM (now it is Extra Hour Morning) and I went on TOT by myself and about 6 other people were on the elevator with me. We get to the top floor where the elevator goes horizontal, and the elevator stops right before you go into the drop shaft. The lights come on. COOL!!!!!!! And then, the doors in front of us open in the drop shaft, and there is no lift there, just an empty elevator shaft. YIKES!!!!! Finally the lift came, and the elevator moved forward into the lift. Then we went down the shaft slowly with all the lights on, but all the sounds effects were going off. But, we got to ride it again in the other shaft.


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mathmagic said:
This just happened to us in September on Snow White. I thought it was really cool to see the curtains and the ceiling and floor, but alas, no pictures. I thought maybe the lights went on because someone got out of their vehicle, and they had to be chased. But is this happeneing because of other safety reasons?

Certin rides don't have cameras and if a purse or hat or anything hit the floor which has a sensor grid on it, the ride shuts off.


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Just like the two above me, we also got to see Space Mtn. with the lights on while riding TTA. That was pretty neat seeing the track layout.


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Happened to me as a kid ont he train tunnel sequence of Mr. Toad.
Totally ruined the illusion for me. I was so sad to just see a light on a guided ceiling track. I never looked at the ride in the same way again.


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I guess you could call CoP a dark ride. When I rode it on Friday, the lights didn't come on but the room didn't rotate either. We were in the first room (spring) and the father sang the song and we didn't go anywhere. So the lines started all over again and everybody in the theater laughed. A CM came on the loud speaker and told everybody to remain seated that the rode would be rotating shortly. About 2 minutes later (or so), she came back on the loud speaker again and said about remaining seated and the theater would rotate in 2 minutes. "Once again, please remain seated" she said, and just as she finished saying that, the father said, "Yes dear". Timing couldn't have been more perfect for that one!

But when I got stuck on TT, I took pictures. There's nothing like hearing the sound effects but not going that fast!



Well-Known Member
I've been in CoP when it didn't rotate and we had to see a year again but never had the lights come on during any of the many stops. Though one time, they turned the music off on SSE while we were stopped (though sadly not the strobing light wire lines which look cool when you move but really stink when you're stuck looking at them for 8 minutes!)

I always want to peer behind the wall or curtain or whatever. I don't think it spoils the magic for me - I think it just makes me realize how great of a job they do. I'd love to see HM with the lights on or go on TTA and see Space Mountain, etc. :)


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The only thing I've seen with the lights on is Space Mountain on TTA. I spent the whole time fumbling for my camera, and the pictures didn't even turn out well... bleh.


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Hochmania said:
I got stopped once on Space Mountain with lights on....very interesting experience.

I have to agree as this was one of mine. It's a big empty room with two roller coaster in it that look like the runnaway mouse from the state fair. Not at all as impressive as the mass of metal that you shoot through in the dark praying for your eyes to adjust so you can avoid smacking your head.


Main Street USA

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My buddy and I were on Splash Mountain right before the final lift when they shut it down for some reason. We sat there for around ten minutes, and then they came and took us out through a door to our immediate right. From there, our walk went through, and then around the back of the Mountain (next to the giant water area and trash dump.) It was real cool, but I don't remember it all that well. :)


New Member
I got stopped on Splash in DL last month for about 15 minutes. It was at the gate at the top of the larger indoor drop (the one w/ the camel back/hump thingy in the dark). Fortunately, all we could hear was rushing water instead of that song looping over and over again. And it was cool sitting in front and staring staight down that dark hill for all that time.

But this got me thinking - no other boats came up behind us while we were stopped, which means they got stopped somewhere else. But where can boats be stopped on Splash other than at those visible gates at the top of the hills? Are there hidden stoppers in the track that can stop a vehicle at other points?

Has anyone been stopped on Splash that can comment on this?

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