Kryssa's New Endeavors...


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Well, since it seems as though Kryssa is no longer gracing us with her annoying yet hot and eerily addicting presence, she has moved on to.....well, other things.

So there I was, sitting in a doctor's office waiting room, flipping through "Experience Life" magazine (they had a VERY limited selection of reading material...not an auto mag in sight!). I'm flipping through the pages, barely even paying attention to what's on them and guess who jumps out at me...


She was one of the random people at the top of an article on doing something outdoors (whatever it was obviously didn't captivate my attention that much!) Basically, the article didn't mention anything about the individuals- they were merely there to look pretty (and pretty she was! :slurp: )

Just thought I'd give a heads up for anyone who cared about dear departed Kryssa.

To recap, the magazine was called "Experience Life", I think it was the April ('05) issue and the cover was something like "Going Green" or something.

Have a Magical Day! :wave:


Active Member
:lol: I wonder if she knows how much of an impact her little stint on Resort TV has done to WDW fans. :lol: Should be interesting to see how this new host is accepted...

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