July role call


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I saw the AUgust role call and thought how great. We are going in July and I thought I'd see if anyone else is going then? We will be there July13 - 20. Then again October 18 - 25. Anyone else going during these times? It'll be me, my hubby and 2 boys. July is our anniversary so this is our trip.


New Member
quick question: when i went to WDW before it was during March, a touristy book thing i have says that "spring break" is as busy as the summer (when schools are out) in terms of crowds, in WDW. is this true?

sorry if this shouldn't be on this thread!


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Originally posted by misskat
quick question: when i went to WDW before it was during March, a touristy book thing i have says that "spring break" is as busy as the summer (when schools are out) in terms of crowds, in WDW. is this true?

sorry if this shouldn't be on this thread!

I know that that's what the books say. I have always gone in March before Spring Break and it wasn't extremely busy. When I went in September, it wasn't busy at all but it was a horrible week, I went when what they call the Love Bugs were out and it was disgusting. I will never again go in September, even though it wasn't very busy. When I went in July a few years ago, it was walk on and off the rides, but the heat index was so hot that they were telling people to stay inside. That was the year the people were dying in Chicago from the heat. We found the parks to be quite calm during the day and packed at night. As long as we took a break from the heat and hung out in the pool or napped in the room, we didn't have a problem. Except it felt like the tar underneath our feet was melting.


New Member
tar melting...people dying from the heat....sounds...cheery!

and we're staying offsite, so there will be no pool to retire to! oh dear. knowingmy family in our stubborn way we will defy heat stroke and just carry on! that's what air conditioning is for anyway right!?


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Originally posted by misskat
tar melting...people dying from the heat....sounds...cheery!

and we're staying offsite, so there will be no pool to retire to! oh dear. knowingmy family in our stubborn way we will defy heat stroke and just carry on! that's what air conditioning is for anyway right!?

The magic of DIsney!!!! That was about 4 years ago and it was extremely odd weather. When I went in March, the water parks were always closed so there is a bonus to going in July. Just make sure you bring bottled water, don't buy it in the park. I suggest one of the water bottles with an insulated thing that has a strap you can just put over your shoulder.


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the water parks were open when we went in March. my brother tripped over a lifeguard at Typhoon Lagoon (by mistake, as always), he can't be taken anywhere! is bottled water really over priced in the parks?


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Originally posted by misskat
the water parks were open when we went in March. my brother tripped over a lifeguard at Typhoon Lagoon (by mistake, as always), he can't be taken anywhere! is bottled water really over priced in the parks?

Bottled water is very overpriced. Like $2.00 or more a bottle last I knew. I always freeze bottles of water and take with us. We refill them at the water fountains. Not the best tasting, but it works when needed. Alot cheaper too.


New Member
ooh freezing the water, very clever idea! *notes it down* :) my mum is obsessive about bottled water, we have to have 2 litre bottles with us when we fly...each....according to her this way we *have* to go to the toilet and so get up and don't get DVT! so im sure we will be well prepared on that front!

thankyou for the advice :)


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Originally posted by misskat
ooh freezing the water, very clever idea! *notes it down* :) my mum is obsessive about bottled water, we have to have 2 litre bottles with us when we fly...each....according to her this way we *have* to go to the toilet and so get up and don't get DVT! so im sure we will be well prepared on that front!

thankyou for the advice :)

You can also freeze things like Capri Sun, if you have kids. We used to rent a fridge from the hotel, for $10 a day. Now, we bring our own fridge. I bought it on sale same size as the hotel gives you for $60. WHen you stay over 6 days, it's way worth the money and it has a small freezer in it large enough to hold 4 skinny bottles of water as well as some mickey ice creams if needed. I freeze a few bottles and then put a few more cold ones in a cooler, small carry around soft sided one to take to the park. I put them in a locker for the day. I save a ton of money this way. We figured it out a few years ago. Without the cooler of water which really costs nothing, because we recycle the bottles from previous purchases, we saved just over $40 in drinks for the 4 of us. You times that out by 8 days in the parks....roughly $320 per trip. Plus we buy the refillable cup from the resort and have glasses in the room for the kids, so we share. I also bring my George Foerman grill and make most of our food. We eat at one fairly decent restaurant every day for lunch or buffet and the rest I cook. Plus we do poptarts and cereal in the room for the kids.


New Member
so full of clever ideas careship, its a wonder Disney make any money out of you at all ;-) but seriously, freezing stuff, very good plan!!

oooh im so excited for my trip, can barely contain the glee!

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