Journey Upstairs pics


Active Member
Cool Pictures. As part of the Undiscovered Future World tour that I took in January, we were able to go upstairs in the Journey building. I definitelty brought back many memories of when I was younger and playing in all of the different rooms.
Wow, that's pretty cool! I'm amazed at how everything looks so fresh inside Imagination and also Wonders of Life. It's such a shame that these areas aren't used for regular crowds.


Wow, it is amazing how just one pic brings back all those memories. Just seeing that pin table......:cry: why oh why can't we go back to the good old days...


Well-Known Member
It is a waste. A lot of the stuff is in working order, the Rainbow Corridor is even turned on for god's sake! If they fixed it up a bit, got rid of all those monitors lying around or put them back up(asssuming that it's all from within the area) made things more wheelchair accessable, reintroduced Dreamfinder into the Institute storyline, we'd be set! If they can't get people up there, brinf the stuff down too. Bluescreen movie making would be more fun then all that photo manipulation and would offer some variety in the downstairs ImageWorks.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the pics.

I understand the insurance and evacutation issues, but I agree this is so sad and wasted. It really could add such a large element to the pavilion to do something with the space). Well, I have to go cry now...:cry:


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why they couldn't just put all that stuff in the current (far inferior) postshow area. It would all fit AND it would have been dumb.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that they should've put it there? or put it there now. Because I thought it was pretty cramped last time I was there. Then again half of it is a huge Kodak store...

Man.. the thing i miss most is the queue, just looking up into the pyramid with the elevator... and... sigh. That's never coming back since the new ride is built right over it.

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