is micheal eisner destroying disney?


New Member
Original Poster
i've read recently that the parks aren't as clean or kept up as good as they use to be and that the parks are becoming even more packed full of commercialism. is this true? is this a further part of eisner's evil doing ; swapping quality for profit. I think that if walt could come back from the dead he'd give eisner a big kick in the


Well-Known Member
As I am sure most this forum knows...I am an Eisner supporter..its not him you should be mad at..its Paul Pressler...Eisner has done GREAT things for the Disney wouldnt be half of what it is today if it wasnt for him...


New Member
im also a big eisner fan. as a ceo of a huge company u can not always make everyone will make bad business decisions sometimes.i think overall eisner truly loves his company and isnt just in it for the buck-granted he makes a lot of money as any ceo of a huge company should.
problem is people are looking at just the last couple of years and not looking at his entire tenure as ceo since 1984.
do we forget what he has done since then-

before he came disney was the laughing stock of hollywood and wasnt even considered a movie studio because it spit out cheesy kid movies that noone wanted to see-even the kids.eisner turned that all around and made everything disney appeal to everyone in the family-kids,teens,young adults,baby boomers,and seniors.
that alone is a huge deal.yes the parks were popular but nowhere near as huge and as great as they are now.
in bad economic conditions people are too quick to blame the ceo of a company instead of the bad has been a horrible last 5 months for every business not just disney. have we forgotten all the airline employees who lost there job in the thousands just after sept 11? or about the other major companies that laid off thousands over the last year that noone in here mentions?he has kept the companies head over water during these nasty times and believe me when the economy turns
eisner will be everyones golden boy again and the ones who hate eisner will the first saying "i backed him all the time":zipit: :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyowner182
micheal eisner is ruing the disney name.he sucks

Care to back that up with a few reasons? I am SURE i can convince you that in fact it isnt HIM thats doing all this....but someone under him....Disney isnt run by ONE man you know?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I've met Eisner a few times, and I like him.. It's Paul Pre$$ler that I can't stand. I can't stand the idea of a merchandise executive running an attraction department.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by epcot71
im also a big eisner fan. as a ceo of a huge company u can not always make everyone will make bad business decisions sometimes.i think overall eisner truly loves his company and isnt just in it for the buck-granted he makes a lot of money as any ceo of a huge company should.
problem is people are looking at just the last couple of years and not looking at his entire tenure as ceo since 1984.
do we forget what he has done since then-

before he came disney was the laughing stock of hollywood and wasnt even considered a movie studio because it spit out cheesy kid movies that noone wanted to see-even the kids.eisner turned that all around and made everything disney appeal to everyone in the family-kids,teens,young adults,baby boomers,and seniors.
that alone is a huge deal.yes the parks were popular but nowhere near as huge and as great as they are now.
in bad economic conditions people are too quick to blame the ceo of a company instead of the bad has been a horrible last 5 months for every business not just disney. have we forgotten all the airline employees who lost there job in the thousands just after sept 11? or about the other major companies that laid off thousands over the last year that noone in here mentions?he has kept the companies head over water during these nasty times and believe me when the economy turns
eisner will be everyones golden boy again and the ones who hate eisner will the first saying "i backed him all the time":zipit: :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:

Well said...people just want someone to blame when they are unhappy...but in contrast to all other companies/ceos out there... Eisner is one of the tops....


Well-Known Member
When I went to MGM on the 4th, I saw Michael Eisner. He walked right by us, and then stopped and shook hands, answered questions, and took Pictures with people around him. (We had just come into the park, and my friends camera was not ready! Darn it!) He was so nice, and smiled the whole time. The next day, I saw Paul Pressler, during the cake ceremony. He was not smiling, made no speech or even a comment on Walt's Birthday, and stayed away from the public. He was not a happy man. Al Weiss, was walking through the park with another gentleman, smiling and talking. We did not say hello, but I am sure he would have smiled and said hello if we had. I am not Presslers biggest fan, and I am also not happy with what Disney did to Katzenberg either. But it is a business, and they are going to blame the most High profile person....Eisner. He has done quite a bit of good for the company. I also have 2 books to read yet on him, so my opinion may change....
I missed seeing Roy. He is the one I really wanted to see!:(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
When I went to MGM on the 4th, I saw Michael Eisner. He walked right by us, and then stopped and shook hands, answered questions, and took Pictures with people around him. (We had just come into the park, and my friends camera was not ready! Darn it!) He was so nice, and smiled the whole time. The next day, I saw Paul Pressler, during the cake ceremony. He was not smiling, made no speech or even a comment on Walt's Birthday, and stayed away from the public. He was not a happy man. Al Weiss, was walking through the park with another gentleman, smiling and talking. We did not say hello, but I am sure he would have smiled and said hello if we had. I am not Presslers biggest fan, and I am also not happy with what Disney did to Katzenberg either. But it is a business, and they are going to blame the most High profile person....Eisner. He has done quite a bit of good for the company. I also have 2 books to read yet on him, so my opinion may change....
I missed seeing Roy. He is the one I really wanted to see!:(

Yeah...I know what you mean...Eisner is a REALLY nice person from what I have seen..he cares about the company and if people are unhappy..HE is unhappy (HE is the reason Imagination is getting redone and why Alien Encounter got improoved...he rode them and HATED them in their first forms)

Pressler on the other hand...only cares about the numbers..and when things are not comeing up the way he wants..he never thinks its because of people being unhappy....and then just cuts budgets to make the numbers come out even,,,


Well-Known Member
Thats the Merchandising background in him. Bottom Line...He is in the busiess of attractions, and should be concerned with quality, not quantity. It is the overall Quality thatis going to ring people back, therefore making more money. Heck, I could do his job! I have been in retail for what seems like forever, but I was in entertainment before that, at Boardwalk and Baseball, and Busch Gardens. Its the quality people look for...I miss the higher standards sometimes:(


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Thats the Merchandising background in him. Bottom Line...He is in the busiess of attractions, and should be concerned with quality, not quantity. It is the overall Quality thatis going to ring people back, therefore making more money. Heck, I could do his job! I have been in retail for what seems like forever, but I was in entertainment before that, at Boardwalk and Baseball, and Busch Gardens. Its the quality people look for...I miss the higher standards sometimes:(

i like most people am not the biggest pressler fan.
however,i dont think he is a bad person just the wrong person for the job.i agree his retail/merchandise backround is the problem. he needs to go back to his position doing what he did before disney. he only looks at sales figures and thats it.
that is not disney-of course sales are important but quality is more important and will lead to sales. you get that buy staffing the parks fully and having quality attractions,merchandise, and food and must be top notch in cleanliness. pressler way of thinking is cut costs no matter what and make as much money as u retail in the real world thats how it is done.
i know im a manager for alberstons supermarkets with 10 years retail management experience-and a perfect example is the district manager walks in -first thing he looks at is the sales figures books and walks past 10 things that are wrong in the store-point is putting sales above everything is the nature of the beast and pressler has that in his blood and rather than bash the guy he just needs to go elsewhere like the DOLLAR STORE.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyowner182
who is paul pressler

He is the root of all evil!!!

Nah..he is actually head of Disney Amusments worldwide..anything that goes on in the theme parks is most likley his doing...

His claim to fame was the Disney Eisner gave him THAT job....BAD move

General Grizz

New Member
Paul Pressler...rrrr....

Here's his latest portrait:

If you go to Walt Disney World Blues they have a game where you color on him!! :lol: :lol:

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