is micheal eisner destroying disney?


Well-Known Member
Wellll just for the record...the Disney stores are failing miserably. The lease is up on ours here soon, and rumor has it that it will close. They have not renewed their lease! I have a friend who works there, and has for several years, and has told me that if they do not show a serious profit within two years, that they will all be gone....:( Maybe paul should go back and bail them out, and let someone else run the parks!:)

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Wellll just for the record...the Disney stores are failing miserably. The lease is up on ours here soon, and rumor has it that it will close. They have not renewed their lease! I have a friend who works there, and has for several years, and has told me that if they do not show a serious profit within two years, that they will all be gone....:( Maybe paul should go back and bail them out, and let someone else run the parks!:)

I have noticed that they haven't had much in the way of nice new nice books or CDs or anything, just Mickey Dolls and Dinah sweatshirts...:(


Well-Known Member
I know! I used to buy stuff from them all the time, but they stopped carrying watches, and any thing else besides t shirts and pajamas....some of my favorite non-tshirt shirts I bought from them...They used to have great stuff, no it is all kids stff...nothing for me to go in for, and a couple of my friends even work there! They are definately not getting my money anymore, and I used to buy ALOT!


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Wellll just for the record...the Disney stores are failing miserably. The lease is up on ours here soon, and rumor has it that it will close. They have not renewed their lease! I have a friend who works there, and has for several years, and has told me that if they do not show a serious profit within two years, that they will all be gone....:( Maybe paul should go back and bail them out, and let someone else run the parks!:)

i dont think disney will close down the disney store operation.
they are in choosing to not release some of the non-performing stores that dont meet their profit and sales requirements.they have realized they have opened too many stores too quickly and too many too close to each other.some stores do need to be closed down because it just isnt smart to keep open if it doesnt bring in a good profit margin and meet sales-i have ben to many disney stores and every time im there they are packed to the gills and everyone has a hand basket full of merchandise and i have been in 7 stores in fla,1 in st louis,2 in new york and one in new jersey and all very busy and doing well.stores in uk and europe are doing well too. they plan to have 600 stores globally after they dont renew the leases of the slower stores.just because a company closes stores doesnt mean its going under.

tiggrl ur in sarasota im an hour south of u so u should know about publix-they are huge all over fla,ga, and sc and will never go under but they just closed 3 stores that didnt meet thier expectations in this area and left 12 stores in lee,collier, and charlotte county.i cant see disney closing down sucj a big part of their company-before that ever happend or talked about they would revamp and do whatever it took to make right.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, they are trying..trying out new ways of doing things, to try to make the stores more streamlied and profitable. They are trying to
refit some of the old stores into concept stores, making them more themed, like to specialize in costumes year round and such....I hope they DONT go under, I just know what I was told. The have an extremely high rate of turnover...higher than I have EVER seen, even in the middle management positions.They keep product for a short time, so if you see something, get it then, because it will be gone next time you go in...I get my info from someone who has worked for the company for almost 15 years, its not like they are new, or a part time person. I tried to help them out, before circumstances at my full time job caused me to quit, but thats not the only reason...It has to be the most inefficiently managed store I have ever seen. Once you are off of the sales floor, they require you to clock out, and then expect you to still do other duties backstage, including working on ladders and with compactors...Ths is a dangerous practice, and if someone gets hurt, workmans comp does not pay if you are off the could be there for the next 2 hours, and not get paid! I quit, because I thought it was wrong, as well as other obligations...
I have managed stores,turned 2 of them around from the red to the black, and I know what it takes. You still do not have to sacrifice safety and quality service for the bottom line.


New Member
I was just at the Disney Store...Monday I think, and the really bad part is the fact that theres no stuffed animals in it anymore. There used to be a whole big pile of em, but there was none Monday, and there was like, a month or so ago :( I never get the animals, I just like to look at em :D :cool: :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SheriD013
I was just at the Disney Store...Monday I think, and the really bad part is the fact that theres no stuffed animals in it anymore. There used to be a whole big pile of em, but there was none Monday, and there was like, a month or so ago :( I never get the animals, I just like to look at em :D :cool: :p pretty sure thats why they dont carry them one was BUYING them..hehe


I think Eisner need to be replaced he seems to have to much caution. He needs to not worry about were he ranks in with the richest people in the world and start watching his company. Like I said in anotehr post Walt Disney took alot of chances like Snow White, Disneyland and many more some might have not been a hit but if you don't take the chance you won't know if it was good or not. Eisner is a good leader but I think he need to allow more things like may be if Pearl Harbor had a bigger budget it might have done better at the box office.


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
I have to admit, they are trying..trying out new ways of doing things, to try to make the stores more streamlied and profitable. They are trying to
refit some of the old stores into concept stores, making them more themed, like to specialize in costumes year round and such....I hope they DONT go under, I just know what I was told. The have an extremely high rate of turnover...higher than I have EVER seen, even in the middle management positions.They keep product for a short time, so if you see something, get it then, because it will be gone next time you go in...I get my info from someone who has worked for the company for almost 15 years, its not like they are new, or a part time person. I tried to help them out, before circumstances at my full time job caused me to quit, but thats not the only reason...It has to be the most inefficiently managed store I have ever seen. Once you are off of the sales floor, they require you to clock out, and then expect you to still do other duties backstage, including working on ladders and with compactors...Ths is a dangerous practice, and if someone gets hurt, workmans comp does not pay if you are off the could be there for the next 2 hours, and not get paid! I quit, because I thought it was wrong, as well as other obligations...
I have managed stores,turned 2 of them around from the red to the black, and I know what it takes. You still do not have to sacrifice safety and quality service for the bottom line.

wow-thats really odd! i have fired people for working off the clock and no company can make u work off the clock not calling u a liar but i cant even think of a company like disney telling u to clock out and still keep on working-that might have been a district manager or store manager who wants to get fired for making u work off the clock but i cant see this being disney store company a retail manager and was an hourly manager for a while and i wasnt even allowed to take home and do the schedule because i was off the clock
:confused: :confused: :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc pretty sure thats why they dont carry them one was BUYING them..hehe

but they're squishy and stuffed and stuff! lol I bought one when I was like, 5 if that matters :rolleyes: I still have him, he sits on my bed, along with like, 3 other stuffed animals :rolleyes:

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by NowInc pretty sure thats why they dont carry them one was BUYING them..hehe

Those plushes are pretty nice . . . very well done . . . cute and cuddly too . . . but not worth my 20 dollars! :lol:


New Member
See? see? see? he thinks they're cuddly and soft 2!!! lol My point has been proven :cool: lol, I donno what point, it just sounded cool if I said that :D


Well-Known Member
Believe me, I found it hard to believe myself! I have been in Retail Management for about 9 years myself, as an hourly and Salaried Manager, and I would not even let anyone TRY to do something off the clock! But all managers are different, and some only see that bottom line....I was shocked that this was going on, and I think it may very well be an isolated situation at this store, (but I was told it was policy) but it is still wrong, and they are still doing it....I have friends who still work there....
On another note, it has taken 2 years, and 4 managers and assistants to make our store I am at now run properly...You could not PAY me enough to go back to Salary....I passed on the Assistant job twice...:)


Account Suspended
If not Eisner, then who???

Make no mistake, Mr. Eisner is the single reason why Disney is such a powerhouse today. When Eisner became the CEO back in 1984, Disney had fallen on hard times. Eisner was able to enlist the help of the billionaire Bass brothers (super big Disney stockholders) and pack the Disney board of directors with a bunch of "yes" men. Eisner is without doubt, the best CEO in the entertainment business. As for Mr. Pressler, the only real mistake he made was to overexpose the Disney Stores and Disney products. Disney products (movies, toys, watches, art, etc.) used to have a certain exclusivity in that they were high in quality, price and limited in number. Now a days, you can't swing a dead cat over your head at your local mall or Walmart without knocking a few Disney products off the shelves. Disney (in their wisdom) recognizes the problem and they are taking positive steps to correct the situation. Less profitable Disney Stores are closing and Disney merchandise licensing is scaling back from the likes of Walmart, Kmart, Cosco, Sears. Rather than just pontificate, I"ll give you a concrete example. Back in December, my wife and I were on holiday in WDW. We went to DTD one night and stopped at the "World of Disney" store. My wife saw this animated Mickey Mouse lamp. Mickey moves and talks (8 phrases) as the lamp is turned on or off. The asking price was $85.00. My wife wanted it but I told her we needed to shop around and see if we could find a better price. Last week we got our new "Disney" catalog from the Disney Store (spring preview 2002) and we again saw the animated Mickey lamp listed in the catalog for $85.00. The next day we visited our local Disney Store and once again saw the same lamp guessed it...$85.00. We left the Disney Store and walked through the mall. We went into a Spencer Gift's store and found the SAME Mickey lamp for $30.00! So, in short, that's the problem with the mouse now. "Hey, who turned out the....oh, I did!"


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Believe me, I found it hard to believe myself! I have been in Retail Management for about 9 years myself, as an hourly and Salaried Manager, and I would not even let anyone TRY to do something off the clock! But all managers are different, and some only see that bottom line....I was shocked that this was going on, and I think it may very well be an isolated situation at this store, (but I was told it was policy) but it is still wrong, and they are still doing it....I have friends who still work there....
On another note, it has taken 2 years, and 4 managers and assistants to make our store I am at now run properly...You could not PAY me enough to go back to Salary....I passed on the Assistant job twice...:)

ok im confused-do u work for the disney store now? or did u at one time?lol-as far as the dm or store manager who made u,or at least tried to make u work off the clock u need to go to the regional director for the area if im not mistaken regional office is atlanta,or write or call disney store human resources in glendale,ca and let them know what went on-normally a big company has a confidential 800 number that allows u to "rat" on being made to work off the clock.we need to get this person out of the company because they r making quality people leave a great is very unfortunate that the acts of one or two people makes people think the whole company is bad.


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify...I work full time as a member of management at my current job...I took a part time job with the Disney store, to help them out. I was promised I woud be put on the training program, and fast tracked...NONE of which happened. I had to quit because several people left my store, some on their own and some I needed a more flexible schedule again.
I will brig the subject upto my friend next time I see him. He is considering quitting too....We are good, dedicated people. I waited 4 years for that opprotunity! Its totally their loss.


Well-Known Member
This thread has gotten way too complex for me to understand at 12:30 am...i'll have to re-read it tommorow when i am more awake

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