Is it busier the 1st two weeks in December than it is in October?


Just got back yesterday :(

It was much more crowded than I expected to be honest, we went in October a few years back and don't remember it being so crowded!! We're going December 9-15th next year, will it be even more crowded?

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
From what I have been seeing this year I would say Yes the first two weeks of Dec. are going to be crowded. I cannot find anything at al for clients on certain dates in that time frame. The 3rd week looks good though.

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New Member
Like crowded and busy for the "off season" or like crowded and busy like the "on season"?

We're going for two weeks from dec 3-17th and I was hoping it would be pretty dead like previous xmas vactions Ive taken there.
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I’ve noticed that in the past few years, the first couple of weeks in December have gotten a bit more crowded. I guess the secret got out that this used to be a “quiet” time to go.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I’ve noticed that in the past few years, the first couple of weeks in December have gotten a bit more crowded. I guess the secret got out that this used to be a “quiet” time to go.

BINGO!!! You got it! Plus with the discounts that have come out the crowds are there. I will be there too!!:lol:

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Active Member
I've heard alot about the first two weeks of December, but how is it looking for November 28th thru the 2nd as that is when we will be there?

Pam are you seeing the same for those days or is it starting the weekend of the 2nd?
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Active Member
Thanks Pam for the answer, maybe my family and I will run in to you because I think I saw on one of your other post that you will be at AKL about the same time we are.
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Active Member
I just made ADRs for my trip on DEC 7th to the 13th, and had no problems with anything being book up, most of them are around 6 to 630 pm, and even made a breakfast ADR at 830 at AK for the character breakfast on the 8th. also on the 12th they had the hoop-de-doo wide open for ADRs. so there is hope that it wont be to busy.
:xmas: :wave:
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New Member
What's funny is, the first time we saw Fantasmic, we waited in line for almost an hour in the heat (kinda grouchy after that) and I LOVED the show! It was amazing.

This last trip, we walked right in (EMH) with no line, and it just wasn't as good as the first time I saw it! Still good, just not great - at least IMHO!

Regardless, if you haven't seen it yet - go see it! Line or no line, it's still good. It just didn't WOW me as much the second time.
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New Member
I never quite understand why people are so concerned with what they think the crowds will be - get in early, hit the prime attractions, and enjoy the rest of the day. No matter how busy it won't be July, and there is not much you can do about the crowds once you are at the parks.
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New Member
"... No matter how busy it won't be July...

You sound like my husband, We went the fist two weeks in December in 2002 and it was very quite... So we picked the first week in December for this year and well supposedly it is going to be busy... so much for quiet times?

At least we will be at Disney... Having a grand old time, crowds or not.
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We went the fist two weeks in December in 2002 and it was very quite...
Have also been in early December and always considered that a slower time of year, but as others have suggested, with sales/discounts that may no longer be the case. I doubt it'll be as busy as Christmas week, so go and have a good time.

Just got back as well, thought it was maybe a little busy for October, but that's mostly the weekends. We usually shop or do other things weekends, as the Disney crowds are much more manageable on weekdays.
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Original Poster
I never quite understand why people are so concerned with what they think the crowds will be - get in early, hit the prime attractions, and enjoy the rest of the day. No matter how busy it won't be July, and there is not much you can do about the crowds once you are at the parks.

I never understood how people can't be...I have much more fun when it is less busy, and if there is an option between two times, one less busy than the other, I think most people would choose less busy. Since I am going with my older in-laws who have never been, I am concerned with crowds. Thanks for your helpful input though! :hammer:
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New Member
I never understood how people can't be...I have much more fun when it is less busy,

I completely understand your thoughts and we all like to go when it is less busy. One thing to remember is that when there are more people, the rides run at a higher capacity, more trains etc (except for the fixed rides like HM and the big golf ball). Years ago at DL I was there when the crowds were light, but the waits were really long.

I have seen a lot of recent posts that people speak of lots of people walking around, but short lines. May mean coming up with a "game plan" for what rides to go on. Regardless, I am sure whenever you go you will have a great time.

I think back to a trip I took in June, my first and it was hot and the lines were long and my spouse and I rode about 5 rides on our last day, but we saw some shows, watched people, still had a blast. Cheers.
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