I guess what you are saying is that it isn't so much that Disney charges to much now, it is actually that they had massively underpriced themselves for decades. Of course the upside to that was that Disney made profits and people, other then the elite and comfortably wealthy could actually experience the magic. So I guess it should be the way it is now because money is everyone's primary measurement of success. I suppose as long as credit exists, everyone can be wealthy even if just for that 15 minutes of fame.
My wife was born and raised in Montreal, so she was familiar with the city and that became a target location for us. I remember as a young married couple, with two children at the time, my wife and I would get a relative to take care of the girls and we would get a hotel room in downtown Montreal, go out to dinner, see plays, go over to the old Expo 67 site, explore the underground City of Montreal, and live like royalty. I can remember heading back home with credit cards maxed out and only pennies in my pocket, praying that nothing happened to my car (which at best would be considered a banger) and we could get home without incident. My motto at the time was... they don't know if I am J.D. Rockefeller or a pauper as long as my card still has room on it.
BTW, have you ever seen what they give out for bonus's to the upper echelon while the people that actually make the magic are having to eat noodles and sleep in their cars? At least we know where those extra charges go.