I could go for any sweet treat from Starring Rolls!!! Especially a chocolate peanut butter cupcake I just saw a picture of in the food photo thread ooooooooo...
For starters the Spicy Kazan Roll from Cali Grill.My main entree would be Fillet of beef with mac & cheese from Jiko.And for dessert,a simple slice of Magic cookie bar.Oooohhhaaahhh....Disney food heaven.
Right now? I'm full from the excellent dinner we had tonight, so I don't require any food. I've been baking like a madwoman for a week, so I certainly don't want any desserts. I think I'd take a bruschetta martini from the Tutto Gusto wine cellar, or perhaps a Dorma Nesmond (a pomegranate martini) from the Hollywood Brown Derby.
The new pork shank in FL...ever since I saw that I have been chomping at the bit to have one.
Of the things that I have actually tried I would want (and always crave) the puffed french toast from CP....I am a man of simple pleasures and elevated blood sugar