I will wear all Flower shirts for my Birthday vacation !!!


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When I go to DisneyWorld for my 29th Birthday every shirt I wear will have my cute adorable little friend Flower on it. I will be staying for 9 full days and this will be the first time I go on my birthday and the first time I stay for a week.

I will have a white shirt with Flower looking at a butterfly while he is standing on Flowers and it will say Flower. I will have a light blue shirt with Flower and his name on the shirt. Also I will have 2 other white shirts with Flower in his cute embarrassed look and one says " I'm Shy and I'm Cute " and the other will say " It's my Birthday "

Also I will have 3 dark red shirt of Flower the Skunk standing on Flowers. One wil say " I'm Cute " the other " I'm Just Adorable " and the other will say " little Flower "

The one that says little Flower might be my favorite one. I am 6'3 and my shirt will say little Flower on it so maybe if some people don't know who Flower is they will think I am calling myself little lol, this will be fun. Some people call me Flower. So little Flower can be my name and the Skunk's name lol Flower is little because he is small in size and I am little because I am stilll a child :)

O also have a Hooded SweatShirt of Flower the Skunk in his cute embarrassed look with the name Flower on it. I will take that with me becaues it might get really cold late at night so I could wear this Flower Hoody many many times on my Birthday vacation.

So I will not be by myself on my Birthday vacation, because Flower will be with me :) So Flower and Tim will both go to DisneyWorld for Tim's 29th Birthday !!! :) :) I am so happy :) :) :)


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Flower'sChild said:
When I go to DisneyWorld for my 29th Birthday every shirt I wear will have my cute adorable little friend Flower on it. I will be staying for 9 full days and this will be the first time I go on my birthday and the first time I stay for a week.

29 really :veryconfu I would of guessed 12


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wdwishes2005 said:
Dont worry, we are not as viscious as the disers.... my that was a horrible thread....

If you are taking about how I started a thread like this on another Disney Message board called Dis, well let me make it clear that I am not letting them walk all over me. I may be mild and shy but no one and I mean NO ONE pushes me around.

For those who don't know what I am talking about. Well I started a thread about me wearing all Flower shirts for my Birthday vacation on another Disney message board called Dis. Some of the people where nice to me, but a lot of others made fun of me and where just rude. One girl even called me a wacko. I mean some of those people over there are just nasty and from what I hear I am not the first person that they have been rude to and I will not be the last. I have a few people over there Defending me and they are doing a good job. Also I am doing a good job of Defending myself.

Maybe some people will make the choice to try to walk all over me and/or make fun of me since I am shy and mild. I guess they think I can't defend myself so they think it's okay to be rude to me. Well let's just say that these people find out very fast that I am not someone who let's people walk all over me :)


New Member
Whilst we have a few on here that are quick to bash and have a false sense of their own worth (being big fish in a tiny pond) I think this is by far a more tolerant board. Where else will you find juvenile sniggering, and eighteen month birthday celebration, a man who swears he's a mermaid and the other general tomfoolery that's part and parcel of a typical day on WDW Magic :D

As DisJosh said, Have a great trip. :wave:


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DisneyFreak529 said:
29 really :veryconfu I would of guessed 12

I really hope you where only joking, I hope you are not like those people at Dis. Well even if you where not joking with me and you really do think I am wierd I just have to say that you can't be as bad as some of the people at Dis, some of them are just awful !!!

Anyways I notice you are a 26 year old female who still loves Mickey Mouse and your husband likes Donald Duck. So both of you still like Childlike stuff. It think it's really cool that both you and your husband like cutesy cartoon animals. So if it's okay that you and your husband like Childlike stuff then don't you think it's okay that I still like Childlike stuff. But what you posted might have just been an innocent joke and maybe you did not mean any harm by it ?

Also I will not hide anything. Not only do I love Flower but I also like to sleep with stuffed animals. I carry stuffed animals with me in public. When I go to the Grocery Store I put my little stuffed animal bunny on the child seat of the Grocery cart. Everyone can see that I am a 6'3 male pushing a cart with a cutesy little stuffed animal. Also I don't have a wife and I don't have children and many times I go to the Grocery store by myself. So many times people can see that this cutesy little stuffed animal rabbit ( that I put on the child seat of my Grocery Cart ) is my cutesy little stuffed animal. O also I play with stuffed animals and talk to them.

Now you might be asking yourself why I am posting this if I am so shy. You might be like why would I post this because someone could make fun of me. Well it's the same reason why I put my little stuffed animal rabbit on the child seat of the Grocery cart. So yes I don't like being made fun of. Yes I will admit that I do fear the fact that sometimes I might be made fun of or have people give me wierd looks. But there is something else that I fear even more. What I fear more is not being able to be yourself and having to hide who I really am. I am going to be myself and I will not hide who I am, it's just that simple :)


New Member
Well, your daily routine may not be something I'd personally subscribe to - but good for you. It gives you enjoyment and hurts nobody. In fact I'm sure that despite some inevitable ridicule it raises a lot of smiles.

Now, if you want to look really silly and invite more ridicule you could indulge in the traditional English pastime of Morris Dancing :D

<img src="http://users.stans.net/gplazyk/morris/Z017_14.jpg" />
<img src="http://www.redbornstoke.org.uk/Toddington%20tour_files/image004.jpg" />
<img src="http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMStroudMorris.GIF" />
<img src="http://www.unca.edu/studyabroad/images/cambridgelynx.jpg" />
<img src="http://avenue.org/amm/AMM0875.jpg" />


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you see this is what I like. You are not someone who would do what I do when it comes to stuffed animals, but you see no harm in it and you respect me for who I am. I know many people who have different hobbies than me and I respect them for it. After all every human being is different :)

barnum42 said:
Well, your daily routine may not be something I'd personally subscribe to - but good for you. It gives you enjoyment and hurts nobody. In fact I'm sure that despite some inevitable ridicule it raises a lot of smiles.

Now, if you want to look really silly and invite more ridicule you could indulge in the traditional English pastime of Morris Dancing :D






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