I honestly saw the scariest thing ever while in WDW...


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Duke, how hard was your heart pounding? :eek:
I had a similar situation many years ago and one thing I will never forget is how freaking weird I felt. The adreneline was flying. My heart was nearly shooting out of my chest. Clearly the scariest feeling I have ever had...

My (now) wife use to tell me odd things had happened in her house on occassion. I guess her house was like a hospital about 100 years ago or something. Anyway, never gave it much thought. Thought it was just stories...

Until one night when I went to leave her house to come home. It was real late and I shut all the lights out as I made my way out of the house. As I came down the stairs from the second floor and into the living room, there was what appeared to be a figure standing by the window. I'm getting chicken skin just typing this...

I sprinted for the front door which was about 10 feet from where this figure was standing and out of my peripheral felt as if the figure watched me go by....

I locked the door behind me and jumped in my car. I did all I could to look up at the window but there was nothing there. I then thought maybe I should make sure my wife is ok, but decided the best way to deal with this is to blame it on myself as just my imagination screwing with me... Never saw it again and not sure I ever even told her for fear of spooking her in her own house.

I do remember how numb and cold I felt and have never felt that way ever in my life... The mind, oh it's peculiar... :D

There is nothing like the feeling you get when you're scared like that... there's like no bigger rush, it's scary and not something I enjoy... but its a rush...

I just remember thinking... "PLEASE GO AWAY... JUST GO AWAY..." cuz I KNEW it had to be in my head... but didn't know why I couldn't not see it if it was in my head... ohhhh man... I know what you mean about the goosebumps too...


Well-Known Member
Enjoyable reads here.
I was just reading about Mr. One-Way / Mr. WEDway at Disneyland's Space Mountain... interesting stuff there too.


LOL if it is a ghost (I am a believe, like i dont go out looking for anything creepy, but i do believe to an extent.) I'm sure hes one of us..Like I'm sure it's someone who loved Disney that is just trying to enjoy there stay at a lovely hotel!! i know when i die thats what i wanna do !
I am so glad that I didn't read this before I went to bed..I like to think I don't believe but this stuff just freaks me out. Of course while I was reading this thread my cat decided to knock something over (out of my sight so that made me jump) and I am listening to the sound of chain saws (they are cutting down some trees outside). :lookaroun :lookaroun Perfect atmosphere for reading these stories!! I was thinking about Port Orleans for our next trip but maybe I'll rethinkg that!


Active Member
There is nothing like the feeling you get when you're scared like that... there's like no bigger rush, it's scary and not something I enjoy... but its a rush...
One of the podcasts i listen to (in addition to Ricky's of course!) is "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" by the New England Skeptical Society. They were actually just talking about this the other day, and how you can actually get high off of adreline when you're scared, and that's why so many people ride roller coasters or go ghost hunting. It also accounts for the prickly back of the neck feeling in "haunted" houses. While many people attribute this to a spirit making its presence known, its more likely that its just your senses being heightened as your brain floods your body with the appropriate chemicals.
Doesn't make it any less fun though!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a "shadow person" rather than a ghost. Do a google search on "shadow person" or "shadow people", you'll get lots of strange freaky stuff. My wife saw one in our old house right before we moved to Charlotte. I don't really believe in ghosts generally, but i think there's a natural psychological reason why people see these things. In her case it was the stress of moving, in your case it was probably exhaustion, being away from home, and the excitement of the day and anticipation of the next... it made ya a little loopy. ;)
This one wasn't wearing a top hat was he? Alot of them wear hats, like the one my wife saw.
I was about to say, I've heard of the "shadow person" idea before and this sounds a lot like it. Plus, the mind plays incredible tricks on people. I've read before that you can actually be alert, meaning one or more of your senses are active, but still be in an REM state. If your sight is one of those active senses, you can essentially see everything going on around you, while your mind is thinking or processing information in the dream state. Theoretically, your brain takes the visual information and what its processing, puts them together, and in effect, projects that interpretation of what you are looking at in front of you.

I've seen something like this before, and it still freaks me out. I was laying in bed, and about two weeks before, my brother had scared me by waiting near the edge of the bed and rising up on the side (don't worry I got him back). It was very dark, and when I opened my eyes, this black human looking figure rose up really quickly from the side of my bed and moved towards me. It was like a deer in the headlights. All I could do was shut my eyes.

Freaks me out just talking about it.


New Member
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One of the podcasts i listen to (in addition to Ricky's of course!) is "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" by the New England Skeptical Society. They were actually just talking about this the other day, and how you can actually get high off of adreline when you're scared, and that's why so many people ride roller coasters or go ghost hunting. It also accounts for the prickly back of the neck feeling in "haunted" houses. While many people attribute this to a spirit making its presence known, its more likely that its just your senses being heightened as your brain floods your body with the appropriate chemicals.
Doesn't make it any less fun though!

That's wicked interesting... wow... it definitely is an adrenaline rush... the biggest adrenaline rushes are definitely when you're being chased... when I was in 7th grade we were doing ding-dong-ditch at like 11 at night, and this one guy's house, we kept shining a red laser dot into his house (yeah wicked obnoxious) and anyways... we finally decided to ding-dong-ditch him... but we knew the guy was a jerk and was probably waiting or watching out his window... so we snuck up through the woods and I leaned up against a tree while we decided our plan... oh but it wasn't a tree... THE GUY WAITED FOR US IN THE WOODS... he grabbed me right away, I FREAKED out... got away from him and just sprinted all the way down the street with the guy chasing me and he had a flash light and I could see the flashlight beaming past me and my shadow casting on things im running towards... I finally got entirely away and back into this kid's house... oh my god though... biggest adrenaline rush ever...


New Member
One of the podcasts i listen to (in addition to Ricky's of course!) is "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" by the New England Skeptical Society. They were actually just talking about this the other day, and how you can actually get high off of adreline when you're scared, and that's why so many people ride roller coasters or go ghost hunting. It also accounts for the prickly back of the neck feeling in "haunted" houses. While many people attribute this to a spirit making its presence known, its more likely that its just your senses being heightened as your brain floods your body with the appropriate chemicals.
Doesn't make it any less fun though!

That's one chemical cocktail I'll definately pass on... Did not like the feeling at all... :eek:


Le Meh
Premium Member
If it had been truly Pitch Black...Vin Diesel would have been there to totally destroy any creature that would have been inhabiting the darkness....:lookaroun :D


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If it had been truly Pitch Black...Vin Diesel would have been there to totally destroy any creature that would have been inhabiting the darkness....:lookaroun :D


I thought I felt an earthquake while I was down there too... but then realized it was just Vin Diesel bench pressing Orlando


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I thought I felt an earthquake while I was down there too... but then realized it was just Vin Diesel bench pressing Orlando

Yep... i just quoted myself, thank you very much.

I thought you were talking bout that site about Vin Diesel outrageous facts... then realized Pitch Black was a movie he did... so if you've never seen that site of Vin Diesel facts... what I just said would simply be silly...


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All this does is make me mad I don't know the room number so that I can request it.



Let me tell ya... the room is out in the boondocks... its in the basketball section... (as I said, probably Len Bias apologizing for screwing the Celtics for the next two decades...) and its like literally in the woods... you walk out of the room and you think you're in the forest... CREEEEEEEPY at night...
maybe someone died in that room or the hotel is built on a burial site i believe in this stuff i read that if you have a dream about a dead person and you wake up and remember that whole dream that dead person was beside that night.:eek:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Maybe it was Luke from the planning video stumbling into your room by mistake after sniffing too much glue?

Its a possibility.........


New Member
I'm waiting for the ghost of Captain Jack Sparrow to appear by my bed. ; ;

How many Margaritas at San Angel Inn do I have to consume before that happens????

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