I honestly saw the scariest thing ever while in WDW...


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Okay, first off, let me start off by saying I enjoy ghost stories cuz they're fun... but I don't believe them. Also, I'm not saying what happened was definite... but this was the scariest thing of my life and I just remembered it now while trying to sleep. It's honestly quite scary, maybe not suitable for kids (I'm not joking... I'm having trouble sleeping right now because I am remembering this so well... so if you are a kid... you may not want to read any further)

Secondly, every night my GF and I would get back close to 12, haven gotten up at 7 a.m... and were so tired we'd crash immediately, so I quickly got over this scare, but its got me all worked up now thinking about it...

Lastly, I know people won't believe me and think its a joke (why would I bother to start a thread though?), its fine though. I don't mind getting made fun of... I seriously just want to know if anyone experienced anything similar in their room, and not with the George on PoTC or something like that... been too many of those threads

Anywho... onto what happened...

First night there, I don't fully fall asleep but i'm like half asleep when I rollover and notice my girlfriend is sitting up in bed. It's pitch black in the room, no TV on, no sounds playing... nothing at all is going on in the room. Also, she felt sick earlier that day, so I figured she was sick. I went to relax her by like stroking her arm or holding her hand.... basically just reaching out for her... but as I do, I notice her get up out of bed and walk towards the bathroom and then stop at the foot of the bed...

Now its pitch black as I said, and I'm half asleep, so I couldn't really make out anything she was doing or anything at all... I basically just was staring at a figure at the foot of the bed which appeared to be a person... well, before I could ask her what she was doing... I realized my girlfriend was asleep next to me. She was never sitting up, and she never got out of bed, she's out cold...

Again, I was half asleep so I never could tell what was next to me in bed, but it was a figure of some sort sitting up, and when I reached for it, it literally moved away from me...

So, when I realize its not my girlfriend and that she's sleeping, I immediately wake right up, like wide awake... just staring at her, scared to look at the foot of the bed, cuz I knew what I saw... slowly I turn towards the rest of the room... yep, there is something standing at the foot of the bed staring at me... Just standing there... looks like a person, but is basically just like a 6 foot tall figure with the humanly outline... very very very dim in the lights... I panick...

I tell myself nothing is there, and try to fall asleep, i'm just dreaming... I spend like 5 seconds trying to pretend im asleep... then I roll back over, the figure is still there, hasn't moved at all... staring at me. now i'm terrified... thinking "its just the moon shining in, has to be" so I look at the window, look around the room, no light is getting in anywhere, no shadows, room is pitch black, I see nothing but the dim outline of the bed, outline of the TV, and this figure... a dim figure but like a grey shade...

I'm horrified, scared, trying to kinda hide but just staring at the figure, and now I'm certain, its there... so I decide maybe its somehow just light or reflection... so I sit up in bed and as I do the figure steps back... but it moves back swiftly... and its a lot like if I sat up and there was light shining in and it just changed positions as my perspective changed... so I feel relieved, its just light... so I lay back down, except the figure doesn't come closer... it stays put further away from me now... if it was light having shifted away from me... it would have shifted back...

IMMEDIATELY without any thought process turn on the lights and the figure is gone... vanished... my girlfriend doesn't wake up thank god... I'm panicked, sweating... I lay awake for a little while... then put the TV on, watch TV for like half hour, finally was so tired I fell asleep... I told my gf, she got scared, but we had so much fun on our trip it just kinda escaped my memory until now...

I know I know, people are gonna make fun of me or something, but I'm not even lying about those events... anyone else have anything similiar at all happen to them ever??? Any stories besides George and other well-known ones? This was at All Star Sports... and it really REALLY freaked me out, I'm a little scared now to say the least...


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The eyes can play many tricks on the brain under low light levels. :wave:

Yeah, I'm very certain there was nothing there... As I said above, I just don't believe in this stuff (I think I choose not to... cuz it is scary stuff) so I know it must have all been in my head...

but let me tell you... I'm 100% certain I saw something, whether in my head or not... I'm 100% certain I saw a figure just standing there... literally a ghostly figure... creepy stuff


New Member
... I'm 100% certain I saw something, whether in my head or not... I'm 100% certain I saw a figure just standing there... literally a ghostly figure... creepy stuff
I too have seen such apparitions:

With a hip-hip and a clippity-clop
He's out looking for a head to swap
So don't try to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man



Well-Known Member
The eyes can play many tricks on the brain under low light levels. :wave:

Very true. While I have had many encounters with the paranormal throughout my life (I have a friendly ghost in my apartment), light and shadows can make you think differently.

When I was a teenager at camp, I laid in bed one night and saw a white figure crouching up in the rafters over my bed. I had a feeling it was other rival teens playing a joke waiting to pounce down on me. But after about a half hour of staring at it and seeing that it didn't move (nor did I because I was terrified), I realized it was the water heater. :lol:

Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
Ive had these type of 'dreams' before...i say theyre dreams because I have yet to have any physical evidence that its real.

my assumption is that you most likely were sleepwalking and your brain presented a situation where your gf was up too...and if you really feel that this wasnt the case, its possible something supernatural occured. i mean, who knows, maybe someone passed on in your room and his/her spirit was still there. some people might think this is ridiculous but you cant rule out all the options.


New Member
Thanks for the story. The only other story I remember reading about a hotel haunt at Disney World was one from Port Orleans Riverside. ( I think it was the Riverside part, otherwise the French Quarter. )


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the story. The only other story I remember reading about a hotel haunt at Disney World was one from Port Orleans Riverside. ( I think it was the Riverside part, otherwise the French Quarter. )

OH LOVELY......going there in 21 days....staying inthe bayou section..lets hope the "extra friends" stay away....

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