I can't believe I was able to put this together


New Member
I first wanted to thank everyone who has helped me out by answering my question here for the last few weeks or so.

I basically took a piece of advice here and a piece there to come up with my final reservation.

When I sat down today and relooked at my budget for the year, I was able to find a few extra dollars that I can put towards my WDW trip in December.

My main objective was to put together a trip that I will remember for a long time and that I would really enjoy since I am going by myself, and I think I have it here. The reason I am so pleased with these plans, is because I thought that I would have to split my time between a value and a moderate or even stay the whole time at a value resort. I never thought that the numbers would work out in my favor, but they did

Here it is:

Dec 26 to Dec 30 (4 nights) at CBR, Standard non-smoking room, Jamaica building (request only) , for $820.64 ($205.16 a night).

Dec 30 to Jan 3 (4 nights) at AKL {Savannah room non-smoking room, :) }, for $1828.60 ($457.15 a night).

Budget Line: Food $520, Souveniors $300, Theme park pass $393, Airfare $400, Resort, $2649.24. = $4262.24.

Now before you guys look at the total and faint, and ask if I am crazy, remember this is during holiday season, and since it is 9 months until I go, there are no codes out for this time yet. So I am sure that the resort amount will go down. Also, the amounts for food, souvenior, airfare and tickets are just a rough estimate and aren't set in stone. I just used these figures to figure out if I could do this trip on my budget or not.

Also, I only plan on going to the park probably 5 or 6 out of the 8 days and spend the rest of the time chilling out at the resorts so that is why I am going with AKL the last four days.

So please let me know what you all think, I know that this is expensive, but I believe that this is going to be the vacation of a life time that I wanted.




Well-Known Member
I've been out of the loop for a week or so, so I don't know what advice you have been given, but did you think about buying an Annual Pass? It might save you on ticket prices and get a deal on the hotel just in case you don't find a great discount code. just an idea!
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New Member
if you really have your heart set on specific section at the resorts you're staying at, call about 4 days before your stay there, (at each resort) after your reservation has left central reservations and gone directly to the resort, and remind them... :) Your trip sounds wonderful!!
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New Member
Sounds awesome! My family was able to get a trip down to WDW on May 29th - June 2nd, staying at the Wilderness Lodge with air and car included for only like 2,240 or around that. I'm quite happy to be heading down next month, especially staying at the Wilderness Lodge which I haven't stayed at since 94! :cool:
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Well-Known Member
well down jaw-dogg ( <-- sry...inside joke)

You should be very pleased with your reservations...CBR is great..and we stayed at Jamiaca last time and loved it...

:eek: $4500 :eek:

I made the ultimate vacation for that price....check this out:
Dec 26 to Dec 30 at CBR $820.64
Dec 30 to Jan 1 AKL at Savanah $914.30
Jan 1 to Jan 3 YC (value season) $578
Total comes to....$2312.94

Now..what I like about mine...is that relaxing at the Yacht Club is nicer then the AKL...IMHO...ur close to the boardwalk...awsome pool...clsoe to the parks if you want a quick fix....awsome pool:animwink:....(sry just thinking about what I could do with all your money....:lol: )

But to get back to you....check orbitz for airfare....especially now....with the air lines struggling....
do the math for the passes....if an annual pass = that of a lengh of stay....go with the length of stay....you'll enjoy it more with all the benefits...
$520 is good for food...but don't forget about snack money...
Souviniers....you may what to being some more $$$ in this catagory...
1) the time of year....its a great time to buy christmas themed items
2) you mentioned this may be your only trip for a while...
3) you haven't been there in a while...
sometimes I hear people brying nearly $800 for one person...this way you don't have to worry about budgeting what you want....

All in all sounds like you'll have a blast!! enjoy the week...nothing beats christmas at Disney:xmas:
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Well-Known Member
Hey JAW!!! :wave:

CONGRATULATIONS!! Looks like you did your homework!

I have been to WDW several times by myself and each time have had an AWESOME time!

If I may just point out two small details you may have overlooked...

You will really not be in the Hotel room that much by yourself other than to sleep and shower. For that reason, I never find it necessary to stay in a Deluxe Resort when I'm by myself. I can always save that for when friends are along to share the cost!

Also, "Holiday Time" at WDW runs from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. I go each year at the beginning of December when the VALUE season rates are still in effect, yet the park is all decorated for the Holidays and all the Holiday programs are already in full swing! I like it also because it doesn't interfere with my own holiday celebrations later on in the month!

Those two small changes could cut your costs by a TON....thus giving you alot more money to spend on nice dinners, gifts, treating yourself to some special things, etc. Thats MY preferred way to go!

Whatever you decide, you'll have a blast!

:sohappy: :xmas: :sohappy: :xmas: :sohappy:
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