How many times...?


Active Member
We went 2002 (honeymoon) and 2003. Before that every two years. Grand total of five. I feel very inferior next to many of you. We live in New York.

Although, when we go, we don't fool around. Our average length of stay since 2000 is 14 days.


New Member
Average 6 to 8 trips per year, average days per year between 16 and 20. OK,I only live 2 hours away and my willpower is terrible. Most of those trips are on a week or less notice.


I'm in West Palm Beach, Florida, which is less than two hours away from Orlando. I usually visit once or twice a month, but I would think that I visit around 20 or more times a year. I also visit Universal Orlando monthly, but make only about 10-15 trips a year. Since my family just bought a vacation home in Kissimmee I know for sure I'll be visiting a lot more this year.

Other Disney sites I visit include.....


I don't get there as much as I'd like :( THe past three years I have been at least once ayear but it is difficult with funds being low . . . :rolleyes: But, I am excited! Only 168 days 'til my next trip!!


New Member
I am going for the first time in 12 years! So per year i must do 0.0 something! Anyway only 127 days to go!

I go to this website (obviously!), the official (quite well designed) and DIBB which stands for Disney Information Bulletin Board. Its for UK visitors to Forida and is very good for flight info and stuff as we Britishers on here are small in numbers.....but big in personality!


Well-Known Member
We generally go once per year for like 10--12ish days.

There were 6 years I remember where we did not go (generally the HS years with me and my sis for sports) but there were 2 years I remember we went twice.

We are from NJ, and drive down.

I check this site and mousesavers.


We go at least once a year we try to go twice. In 25 days we will be going for the third time in 12 months. It's a 1,200 mile trip if we were closer we would go much more. I visit all of the web sites mentioned. I could never get enough Disney.


Well-Known Member
1. Being an AP Holder and proud FLA resident, you get a lot of different types of discounts, I try to head up every month, sometimes life gets in the way...but for sure I'm in WDW atleast once every three months....

2. WDWMAGIC.COM....and some others of less importance...


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