How many pictures do you take in WDW?


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(Not sure if this question has been asked before)
I was just curious on average how many pictures do you take when you're in the world??? *On my last trip i took 750 pictures and only printed 450 of them for albums. My family thought I was insane for taking so many =]


Active Member
200-300. We have been at least once a year since our honeymoon in 2001. I seem to take pictures of the same things every year.


Well-Known Member
Last trip I took about 600. I don't have nearly that many online though, I weed out the really bad ones... which is the majority of them.

I'm not a natural photographer :lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It all depends on what I am shooting. If am just shooting static scenes then probably around 200. If I am shooting smithing fast like a fireworks show or LMAX that number can easily get into the 2000+ range.


Well-Known Member
(Not sure if this question has been asked before)
I was just curious on average how many pictures do you take when you're in the world??? *On my last trip i took 750 pictures and only printed 450 of them for albums. My family thought I was insane for taking so many =]
We averaged about 500 pics per trip on our last 2 trips.
This coming year, we are planning to take advantage of the photo pass more.
We are also considering purchasing a WDW CD w/ our pics inserted or a WDW scrapbook w/ our pics inserted that can be ordered after our trip.


Well-Known Member
Anywhere between 500 and 1000...and that's for a four day weekend!

I usually end up with around 300 fireworks pictures, and not all of them are that good...I'll usually end up with 20 or so usable images out of that 300.

In my own defense, I am still learning my camera and make all sorts of lens, filter, and setting changes, just to see what the changes do. I find that WDW is the PERFECT place to get a variety of types - night, day, snapshot, architecture, flower (yes, I have a few pictures of the flowers around WDW), and fireworks.



Active Member
I take between 700 & 800 on every trip. I always manage to find new things to shoot. I do, however have my staples...castle, SSE, TOL & sor Hat, that I take every trip. It's just a great place to take pictures!


Well-Known Member
On our 06' trip we filled a memory card and went to a processing center in MGM (at the time) and put them on a CD and then filled it up in the days following. In 07', we took 2 memory cards and filled them both. About 500 pics.

Sometimes I just wish I didn't take a camera and not have to worry about busting it out and the such. But then I think about all that i'd miss and then I change my mind. :)

About 150 on Photopass, too.

I need to take many pics...Disney changes every year, right?


Well-Known Member
I took over 1400 our last trip. That was the most I had ever taken. I try to take more each trip because there is always something I wish I would have snapped when I get home and look through them. I take 4 or 5 memory cards with me extra just in case.

Plus hours of video


New Member
It kind of depends on the mood I'm in and how long I'm there for...........I've taken as few as NONE and as many as 550


Well-Known Member
On our first trip I took like 14 rolls of film. I now have a digital camera but my memory stick only holds like 400 pictures, so that's all I got from our last trip.

I'm ready next time. All three of my children got new digital cameras with memory cards that hold a ton of pictures. I can't wait to go again to see what they take pictures of. :) It should be very funny!

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