Home on the Range soundtrack?


New Member
Original Poster
Does anybody know if the Home on the Range soundtrack has been released yet? I've been checking the ads for it, but I haven't seen it yet. I know Disney usually releases the soundtrack before the movie...I've gotten most of them on the day they have been released! So I was just wondering!


TheDisneyGirl02 :)

Pat X

New Member

I just picked it up today and I like it a lot. The lyrics to the title song, "(You ain't) Home on the Range" are pretty funny. I got mine at Best Buy.

I first checked my area Disney Store, but they didn't have any.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pat X

I just picked it up today and I like it a lot. The lyrics to the title song, "(You ain't) Home on the Range" are pretty funny. I got mine at Best Buy.

I first checked my area Disney Store, but they didn't have any.

Huh?? The Disney Store didn't have the soundtrack? That's odd. Thought for sure they'd be stocked with it.

Pat X

New Member
I know, that seemed logical to me, but it wasn't there. I checked the CD case twice! They did have some toys, t-shirts, and some stuffed animals though.


New Member
Original Poster
I work at The Disney Store and I know as of Friday we didn't have it in stock. They maybe getting some in today. we process shipment Wed. and Fridays...I'll have to check after work today!



Amazon.com had said that it was released yesterday, I went to Best Buy to pick up my copy. After traveling all around the area trying to find the Brother Bear soundtrack the day it was released, I finally found that at Best Buy. Best Buy had copies, not in the new releases, but in the soundtrack section.

What do I have to say about it?

No one denies the fact that Alan Menken is a Disney Legend, an incredible songwriter, and much of the success of Disney's Second Golden Age of Animation is because of him, and his music for Home on the Range is really no different. If it has any weaknesses, they only lie in the hands of Disney management and those that decided not to make this film a full-fledged characters singing every song musical.

The definitely highlight of the soundtrack is Alimeda Slim's Yodelling song, mostly because it seems to be the only song sung by a character in the film. The Opening track Home on The Range is also great because it is a song that may or may not be actually sung by any characters in the film (we'll see after we watch the movie) but the song and singers of it have a lot of character themselves. The only other song that seems like it could possibly be sung by a character would be "will the sun ever shine again" by Bonnie Raitt. It seems possible that this song could be sung by Pearl in the film, but most likely no. If it is sung by Pearl in the Film, then it will just seem a lot better.

All of the other songs are very, very good, and Alan Menken shows us he can write just about any kind of music. Ballads, Gospel, Show Tunes (to name a few) are now met with great Country and Western-ish tunes. They're not too country to shove those away who hate country, but the flair is undeniable. He really shows talent in his score of the Film, which has some really wonderful moments.

Anyway, if you like Alan Menken, and maybe like a little country once in a while, then be sure to pick up Home on the Range, you won't regret it!

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by Goofster
If it has any weaknesses, they only lie in the hands of Disney management and those that decided not to make this film a full-fledged characters singing every song musical.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

But I'm probably getting this soundtrack anyway. Sounds so beautiful!

Snapper Bean

Active Member
I picked it up yesterday at my local Disney Store. I'm pre-disposed to like it as a country music fan but it really is outstanding. Randy Quaid's yodeling song is a real toe-tapper in the Menken/Disney tradition.

Snapper Bean

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