Harambee Safari


New Member
Yeah, it's the same guy in the video but a different voiceover throughout the ride.

On my trip last month I rode KS twice and both times the bridge effect was not running. They were both quite high-traffic days, does anyone know if that had anything to do with it or if the bridge has stopped rocking permanently now?

Bridge still rocks. Maybe you just hit it on a bad day.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's the same guy in the video but a different voiceover throughout the ride.

Thanks for letting me know, does the new voice over during the actual attraction sound similar to the old or is it very obious he is different?

Is he also still known as Walden Wilson?


Active Member
Yeah, it's the same guy in the video but a different voiceover throughout the ride.

On my trip last month I rode KS twice and both times the bridge effect was not running. They were both quite high-traffic days, does anyone know if that had anything to do with it or if the bridge has stopped rocking permanently now?

The Tilting Bridge works fine. Usually the problems with the bridge has to with the drivers or the driver in front of them. The Bridge is all about timing, if the driver is too close to the vehicle in front of them, then you won't get a show, if the driver drives too fast you won't get a show, if the driver drives too slow, you won't get a show. Even if your driver does everything right, sometimes you won't get a show because of the driver in front of you did something wrong.

If a driver causes a bridge fault, by traveling too fast or too close, then the bridge goes into a fault mode and then it takes another vehicle to drive through normally and that resets the fault but doesn't get a show, but the next vehicle after that gets a normal show.
He is still known as Warden Wilson; the voice is similar to the original Warden. The new changes in script are great.

The bridge was working the other week, they do stop the effect on high traffic days in order to keep the flow of safari vehicals going. I noticed this when it was MIA one day, then on a less crowed day was working perfectly.

To the person asking about the video in the queue, it is still the same.


New Member
This thread is hilarious!!!:ROFLOL:

Thanks guys(and gals), I really needed a good laugh this morning!:lol:

Also, when we rode Kilimanjaro...oops! I mean Harambee Safaris...back in April, we had the best driver ever. I wish I could remember his name. He was energetic, funny, witty and actually seemed happy to be there and that makes all the difference in the world on a ride like Kil...almost forgot again...Harambee Safaris.


New Member
Dude...you're wrong. Dude, you see, dude, that like um if you research the like you know topic, dude, you might just like you know find out that like you're wrong dude. :brick::brick::brick:

They CHANGED the warden, didn't do away with it. If you didn't get it on your last trip, it must have been broken, or the driver has the ability to turn it off. This has been covered in a couple of threads here on this board...check it out.


dont stand for that kind of treatment!! stand up for urself!!!...so ur wrong....but still!


Active Member
I once had a pet goldfish, sadly it ended up passing away though... :cry:
I'm sorry for your lost. Was it a burial at sea? Those are usually pretty hard to take. It's always a devastating moment when you see that last little gold fin go swirling down into the abyss.


Well-Known Member
the narration has changed on safari, but the drivers still point out the animals. there have been a few new animals on show in the past few months. the new narration leaves out miss jobson and only focuses on a few chats with the warden. although "little red" is not technically a part of the show, the "little red" elephant is at the end of the show. with the new narration though, he is not neccessarily called little red.

What new animals have they put out. New species?


New Member
I dont remember exactly what animals they put out, but there were new ones in may that were not there in january. sorry i cant remember! havent been able to head to harambe as much as I wish i could anymore....


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for your lost. Was it a burial at sea? Those are usually pretty hard to take. It's always a devastating moment when you see that last little gold fin go swirling down into the abyss.

Honestly, I buried him in the back yard. I truly was devastated for a while, that is until I found a GI Joe by the hole I dug.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Bridge still rocks. Maybe you just hit it on a bad day.

Yeah, I've been on it several times when the bridge isn't working, but it's still supposed to rock.

Rule of thumb, Mr. and Mrs. guest: if something's different, usually it's because of technical difficulties, not an outright change. And usually a) it's only still open because of capacity issues, b) Disney is aware of it and c) they do everything they can to minimize its impact on your experience.


Yes, the narration is slightly different, but as long as the radio station still tunes into the Simba 1 when riding through the open plains I'm a happy camper. Weird how everytime I ride the same song just happens to be tuned in to the channel. I guess the songs are rather limited over there in Africa.


I like the drivers pointing things out, they help us get a photo/video shot. And 1 or 2 of the drivers are pretty - example



New Member
The Tilting Bridge works fine. Usually the problems with the bridge has to with the drivers or the driver in front of them. The Bridge is all about timing, if the driver is too close to the vehicle in front of them, then you won't get a show, if the driver drives too fast you won't get a show, if the driver drives too slow, you won't get a show. Even if your driver does everything right, sometimes you won't get a show because of the driver in front of you did something wrong.

That's what I thought. I just wondered because out of the many times I've ridden the attraction, these 2 occasions (which were within 2 weeks) were the only times the bridge didn't move. Since I knew that changes had been made since my last trip at Christmas, I thought I would check if that was one of them

Rule of thumb, Mr. and Mrs. guest: if something's different, usually it's because of technical difficulties, not an outright change. And usually a) it's only still open because of capacity issues, b) Disney is aware of it and c) they do everything they can to minimize its impact on your experience.

Thanks for that :brick:
Like I said, I was just checking. And if we're going to be formal around here, it's Miss Former-Animal-Kingdom-CM, thank you!

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