happy trip with a sad ending


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We took our two girls (7 & 2) to Disney for 7 days on Feb.14. Our girls had a great time. But, we lost our camera at the airport bus waiting area at the Pop Century Resort...My hub took it off when he put on his sweater right before bus pulled in. Got on the bus and lost the camera. Lost all the pics and videos for the whole trip. Really really sad... Called all the numbers we can think of. Someone must have taken it home with them. I wish they can at least return the memory card to the hotel.. I know there is no one can help us, but still want to put the message here. Last resource...

My heart is broken every time I think about it...

Sad me


Well-Known Member
We took our two girls (7 & 2) to Disney for 7 days on Feb.14. Our girls had a great time. But, we lost our camera at the airport bus waiting area at the Pop Century Resort...My hub took it off when he put on his sweater right before bus pulled in. Got on the bus and lost the camera. Lost all the pics and videos for the whole trip. Really really sad... Called all the numbers we can think of. Someone must have taken it home with them. I wish they can at least return the memory card to the hotel.. I know there is no one can help us, but still want to put the message here. Last resource...

My heart is broken every time I think about it...

Sad me

Keep trying if possible and don't give up hope. Our last trip, my girlfriend lost her camera the first day. We called lost and found at POP and the transportation center and all the numbers I'm sure you called. Well, after resigning hope that we would see it again, on our second day we got a phone call that they found it and it would be at the front desk. We got back to the room, and it was sitting on the nightstand.

Keep hope! I truly hope a kind soul finds it and it gets returned to you.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that's terrible. Was it the family's first trip?

I know it's not much solace, but the best way to get over the WDW blues -- of any sort -- is to plan your next trip immediately....

I would keep calling the resort to see if anyone turned in your camera. The jerk factor is a bit lower for people on vacation -- you might be surprised.


Well-Known Member
That is awful....I'm so sorry. That is such a personal item to lose, especially after such a wonderful vacation.

Like the others have said, don't quit trying. Call every week just to get updates & to double check. My brother left his camera in a bar in Detroit during the superbowl in 06. He called the bar every few weeks, and after 6 months, the person who found it felt bad & returned it. The bartender mailed it to us in Pgh.

Amazing, but true. Sometimes people do feel guilty, or sometimes it takes a while for things to turn up. You never know. Good luck - I hope you had some photopass pics from disney. :(


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Thank you all for your nice messages

Thank you for all your messages. It feels so good knowing nice people like you out there caring. Thank you !!!

After 3 days of calling, I got a call from Disney that saying they might found my camera since there is no way for them to confirm. They will mail it to me on C.O.D. I should receive it on Monday. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Yes, it is our first family trip to Disney. We had been there before with our older one.

Please keep your hopes up too for us !

Thank you all again, and I will post a message here on Monday !!!

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I also feel really sorry for you. I can't imagine ever going to WDW and NOT taking any pic's or video. So losing something like that is very painful, as others have said, keep trying you never know what may turn up, good luck.


New Member
Oh, that's awful! I feel so bad for you!

I would write a journal about your trip so that you have something else for memories. Maybe reading the journal will help you remember the pictures you took with your own eyes.

In the meantime, don't lose all hope. We've lost things at Disney and had them returned to us (the last was a year after we lost it!). If a guest took it, well then who knows. Dirty rotten guest. But if a CM found it, I bet they turned it in and they just need to figure out whose it was and I know you've called all the numbers. If they find it, they will send it. Don't worry.


New Member
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Happy trip with the sad ending --- wonderful suprise

I am sooooo happy to tell every one here that we got our camera back !!!! I received the camera on Monday and IT IS OURS !!! Unbelieveable ! We have must done some really good in the past ! We will send WDW a big thank you letter to appreciate their great effort !

Thank you every one here who has been so nice and caring ! Thank you ! You messages did help me went through those few terrible days ! Thank you ! There are great people here !

Best wishes to you all !

Sadme ---not sad any more !


Well-Known Member
Good for you!! We were amazed when they found ours too. I can't believe they can track stuff down like that in such a big place. Not all customer service is dead. :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting the camera back!! You must be so very excited. I had the same thing happen to me when we were at MK a few years back. I foolishy left it sitting on top of my stroller and when I came back it was gone!!! We tried endless to get it back, but unfortunately we were not as lucky as you :cry:


Well-Known Member
Wow...glad you got it back!

I saw the following tip before and we're going to do it next time too! For your next trip, or maybe just to keep in your camera anyway, type your name, address, and phone# on a piece of paper and take a picture of it. That way if it gets lost and someone is searching through the camera for clues as to who it belongs to, they'll know who to send it to!

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