half-marathon/ marathon pictures?


New Member
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so i was just curious, does anyone know where they post the pictures from the half and the full? my mom and i asked a cast member if i should bring a camera, and they said no, it wasn't necessary, because there would be castmembers with cameras that i could simply have them scan the picture onto the 'photopass' , i believe it's called. or something like that, anyways. but at the time of the actual race, it didn't seem like any of that was happening- most of the people taking pictures with characters had their own cameras, and the castmembers were simply taking the picture for them. however, i ran along the edges alot, and so i did see some people with heavy-duty cameras taking pictures during the actual race- does anyone know where these could be found? granted i'd look like i was dying in them, but just the same, it'd be nice to see them.

They used a company called ASI to photograph the races. Their website is www.asiphoto.com and you should be able to locate your pictures by your bib number. I just signed up on their site to get an email when the pictures are ready. This was my first half marathon, and I'm anxious to see the pictures. Unfortunately, I don't know how long it takes for them to become available. I'm sure somebody will be along soon with more info.


Well-Known Member
It usually takes em a few days to 2 weeks to get the pictures posted. Basically some poor soul has to go through every picture they took, and tag it with any recognizable bib number. Once they do that, they should email you saying the pictures are posted. There is a good chance that you will end up with pictures that aren't yours, and that some of yours will be mislabeled. Definitely look through the lost & found. Once year I think half the pictures they said were mine weren't, and I found a half dozen or so in the lost and found that were mine.


Well-Known Member
They must do some kind of optical scanning. I don't see how humans could go through all those pics and find 17,000 or 27,000 people.


New Member
Original Poster
oh, okay. thanks guys! and for the sake of whoever works there.. i sincerely hope it is some sort of machine that does the sorting. to do that by hand- wow. if it's a person, they have my sympathy.

it's possible to view them (our individual pictures) before purchasing, no?


Well-Known Member
oh, okay. thanks guys! and for the sake of whoever works there.. i sincerely hope it is some sort of machine that does the sorting. to do that by hand- wow. if it's a person, they have my sympathy.

it's possible to view them (our individual pictures) before purchasing, no?
My thoughts exactly, that is quite the job.

I'd imagine that you can view them before purchasing, but we'll have to see.
asi photographs of the half marathon are now available at their website, asiorders.com Specifically, they can be found by going to this link and entering the last name or bib number of the runner you are looking for.

Photographs from the full marathon should be available shortly. :wave:

I just got my email saying the pics from the half were up. Stopped by here to post, now I can't wait to check them out!


New Member
Original Poster
i got the email too- thanks, guys!

it's definitely not done manually, it's got to be the job of some sort of computer. and now to search through the millions of pictures in the lost in found :brick:
Do you think any more pictures will show up? My final medal picture is missing. The photographer took a few shots. They're not in lost and found. I also don't see my picture with Barbosa, Capt Jack, and the pirates.

There were a couple really cool pictures, and some really scary ones too. Do I look like that when I'm running? Yikes, and my apologies to those around me. :lol:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Do you think any more pictures will show up? My final medal picture is missing. The photographer took a few shots. They're not in lost and found. I also don't see my picture with Barbosa, Capt Jack, and the pirates.

There were a couple really cool pictures, and some really scary ones too. Do I look like that when I'm running? Yikes, and my apologies to those around me. :lol:

Maybe some more will show up. When you get some extra time, you might scroll through the other option - the photo editor. If you looked at your page of photos and saw photos of someone that wasn't you . . . chances are that person's photo might not have made it to their page in some instances.

So there is a long and tedious way to double check and that is by going through all the photos. Ugh!

Other possibilities are that the photo was blurry or just didn't come out. Sometimes a photo you know was taken just never shows up. I hope you find your photos! :wave:


New Member
Oh yeah! i am paying the 99 bucks and downloading them tonight! I am so excited! First half- gotta buy the pics. Best part- hubby and I ran side by side so we are both in them and only have to buy ONE cd!!! LOL:D


New Member
Anyone know if you can combine half and full pictures so I only have to pay $99 one time instead of two? I'm guessing there isn't a way so that they get more money.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if you can combine half and full pictures so I only have to pay $99 one time instead of two? I'm guessing there isn't a way so that they get more money.

I know that for the 2010 Goofy you needed to prebuy the cd at the Expo. If you did that, they would give you the pictures from both races. The paperwork said that they were unable to do that if you tried to buy it after the fact. Not sure if the same thing applied this year or not.


New Member
I know that for the 2010 Goofy you needed to prebuy the cd at the Expo. If you did that, they would give you the pictures from both races. The paperwork said that they were unable to do that if you tried to buy it after the fact. Not sure if the same thing applied this year or not.

Darn. I missed that. Oh well. No way I'm not getting the pics. It was my first full :sohappy:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any idea how many photos are in the lost and found collection? I've been flipping through "All Categories/Male" and am about 4,500 photos in. Just wondering how much longer I have to keep up at this, and wondering if it's worth it to keep looking for a decent shot of myself. :lol:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any idea how many photos are in the lost and found collection? I've been flipping through "All Categories/Male" and am about 4,500 photos in. Just wondering how much longer I have to keep up at this, and wondering if it's worth it to keep looking for a decent shot of myself. :lol:

be sure to keep a good count and let us know. ;) :lol:

I wish I did know. Apparently, I can't prove I ran through the Animal Kingdom or Hollywood Studios parks. :lol:


Well-Known Member
For both my husband and myself (ran side by side most of the time) there are no castle shots. No Magic Kingdom shots for that matter :cry: I started looking through the lost and found, but that seems like a needle in a haystack. When I pick female all categories, it shows both men and women.

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