Well-Known Member
I agree with you. The thing is, Disney can replicate the original glory in today's Epcot without making it EPCOT. They can put effort into fixing it to make it inspirational in a new way. They don't have to (and shouldn't) just bring back horizons or original imagination like it seems a bunch of people say.I think it should be said (again, for the millionth time), that most of us who are against the IP invasion of Epcot are in no way desiring that Epcot return to its original concept or that WS should remain a museum and never have anything new.
People continue to regurgitate the same tired "Epcot purists" BS and the old "Disney glory days are gone" garbage. We just feel that there are so many possibilities that could be explored that dont require super heroes and cartoons EVERYWHERE. We feel that it would be more wise to BUILD something new and not just continue to overlay attractions. We ask for Disney to simply create and inspire rather than pander and accommodate.
I would really think it would be best if they just drop the Future World name altogether and rebrand it as Discovery World or Progressland or something like that. It's already like that in a way, but calling it Future gives it a title that Disney won't be able to live up to. Make the park a great celebration of discovery, both in a cultural and technological sense.
But I guess with a Disney touch to it if they really want to do that